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Bridal roll call (PM me to get added to the list please!)



February 2014

JMK923 - February 8, 2014

kaleighMCL- February 20, 2014


March 2014

Linds1204 - March 8, 2014

DeeDee2013 - March 12, 2014


April 2014

Kingz85 - April 9, 2014

michandwarr - April 23, 2014

BeachBrideToBe - April 25, 2014

leahwolf2014 - April 27, 2014


May 2014

n0tURavrgBride - May 3,2014

KTbeach2014 - May 3, 2014

AzulBride - May 16, 2014

KateMonkeyy - May 17, 2014

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Jennypert - June 6, 2014

lolita2014 - June 20, 2013

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tmoti - November 26, 2014

cocosho - November 28, 2014


December 2014

Kimmyc22 - December 12, 2014


January 2015



February 2015



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June 2015

Would you please add me for April 2015 :) I appreciate it so much :)..Thank you!!!

Hi Elizabeth,

perhaps you  have created your website by now, but i wanted to let you know that ewedding is pretty good and affordable (we paid $50/year) and you can upload many many pictures, and songs also have your own domain. Good luck :)

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Unfortunately, I don't have the new dimensions of the white Sky gazebo. It is very similar in size to the old one, although possibly a bit shorter. Thanks for the aisle length, I will add that to the list!


First of all Thank YOU so much for putting all this time doing this, it is amazing and very well done.

I do have a few questions for you, i read basically everything so I dont pretend to frustrate you asking what you have wrote.


Reception Dinner: I am working with a TA from DW and I have so far a great experience, today I had my call with the Karisma Wedding Coordinator from Miami and so far I have my symbolic ceremony at the beach by the pier gazebo followed by our cocktail hour at Plaza Zavas, however I did notice that the coordinator tried to push for Alfresco as another option. I read that so far that is your favorite because it has the ocean view. I was there doing the Karisma BDR and visited Azul Sensatori but honestly do not recall all the reception areas except the most popular which is Plaza Zavas and the location of our wedding. Would you recommend Alfresco over Plaza Zavas? I just do not want to hear from them becuase I don't know if they have more requests for that spot since it is very popular.

Also I was kind of worried to have a reception at either one of those because I would prefer to have extended hours and we know that by resort policies those mentioned need to end up earlier since they have rooms closed by...would you then recommend the beach? it was not an option because we do not want any sand on the meals one dinner time comes, but if we are allowed to stay longer partying ..perhaps we can just move it to the beach and party there until later....what do you know how late that can be?


DJ: I reviewed the DJ the offered by Lomas "DJ ALL MUSIC" and honestly at this point the cost is about the exact same bringing DOREMIXX with the $800 vendor fee and they seem to be amazing. the DJ they offered is not any cheap either and DOREMIXX is pretty reasonable for what they offer and they great reviews, who did you use and what do you recommend?


Centerpieces: At this point I have assumed the photographer outside vendor fee and perhaps the DJ (which honestly ends up to cost the same that using their approved vendors), but I also mentioned to the Wedding Coordinator today that I would bring my own place cards, wedding programs, favors and perhaps center pieces. All seemed to me that she tried to make me use/buy their services. Do they charge a lot for setting up? since we have distributed our cost by % of importance, we would go for all white linen decor (dinner reception) and perhaps get a nice and non expensive floral center piece per table from Lomas (no to exceed $100 per table), the Wedding Coordinator from Karisma mentioned that if I bring my own I need to pay for freight, tax to get it in the country, hassle of carrying all (which is true), also to assume the "set up fee" so perhaps at the end with all the cost involved  plus the hassle, it will end up to be the same..what do you recommend as far as decor? We just want to be reasonable with the cost, have a nice wedding reception and place our cost where we believe have a priority (photos, DJ, food).


SPA: The service to reserve the 3 hour bridal private room for the bride is currently at  $136 plus services and all that I will get, do you recommend that? I was thinking to go for that but I am not sure, I dont want to get caught by the moment only. Also do you recommend to book the spa prior to the wedding or after the wedding?

Should I book with the girls or alone? the resort would do up to 3 girls per session. I was thinking to tell the girls that I want them to have their hair up and live it up to them, rather than obligating them to pay $180 for hair and make up, if they want to pay it is up to them, mostly they will but I dont just want to impose the payment...I already appreciate that they are going there for me. any thoughts on that?


Bridesmaids: I have 6 bridesmaids (yes many) would you think that having corsages it okay? I dont want to look too cheap if i provide that, honestly a bouquet for each will be just too much :(

Any ideas as of what should I give to my girls for the gift?


Ceremony: did you do the sand commitment piece at the ceremony? they charge $45 for one color and regular sand color OR I can bring my own at no cost (finally)...I think that is cute!!


Thank YOU so much for any insight you can provide,,,,you have no idea how I appreciate it :)


Have a wonderful day 



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HI Linaco80- Welcome and best wishes on planning your wedding! I hope I can answer your questions as best as possible.


Reception dinner:  It is really a personal choice where to host your reception. However a few things to keep in mind. First thing, unless you host your dinner in one of the ballrooms, all events MUST end by 11pm. This is due to noise restrictions from the resort regarding the other hotel guests.

But that doesn't mean your party ends at 11pm. Just move the party to the Mojoito lounge or another bar! When I got married we ended up under the big hut at the bottom of the main lobby stairs. But we had a very musical group with guitars, bongos and singers. NO one disturbed us, and the waiters even starting bringing us drinks from the Mojoito lounge (with tips of course ;) ).

I personally love the Alfresco location. Here are the bonuses in my opinion: privacy, close to toliets, lovely decor, ocean view, covered (which is a plus, if it rains- not need to move locations). But depending on your group size it may not be an option. (we had 63 guests and that was too many for Alfresco, so we had ours at Zavas Plaza.) That being said Zavas Plaza is beautiful, open air and if you and your guests like to dance, it allows for a lot of dancing!


DJs: I did not have a DJ, so I can't help much. Check out the wedding reviews, or ask on the Sensatori forum. There are quite a few active brides who have more experience in this department. Just double check with the WC about bringing in an outside DJ. Recently they had banned all outside DJs (vendor fee or not). I was told this was due to a number of brides hiring outside DJ's who just didn't show, and then the resort was blamed! :wacko:


Centrepieces: If you plan on bringing your own decor- DO IT! As a rough estimate they suggest $5/person for set up, but this will depend largely on how much or little decor you have. AS well, it is usually a maximum charge of $250.****IMPORTANT: don't bother telling the Miami based WC your ideas. They are meant to be salespeople and try to upgrade where possible. You will deal with the local WC once you arrive for your wedding in regards to the set up. Please also be aware this is a CASH deal. The local WC will pay the staff with the cash you give them to set up your extra decor (items you bring).

In regards to bringing decor....please read this forum: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/4239-customs-in-mexico-declaring-wedding-stuff/  It will hopefully explain what you can and cannot bring with you. For the most part you can bring as much decor with you as you like, as long as you don't sell it!

Just to give you an idea, I brought lanterns, place cards, menus, napkin wraps, centerpieces, candles and a guest book.


SPA: With having 6 bridesmaids (party!!! :lol: ) and not wanting them to feel like they have to use the spa for their hair/makeup, I don't think I would bother with the bridal suite. As well, it's been a while since I saw it, but I really don't think it would be big enough to accomodate you all. I would suggest just having them all in your room, and when you have to go to the spa to get your hair done (if you are) they can finish getting ready.

I had a blast getting ready in my room, plus a few other girlfriends (who were not in the bridal party) felt welcome to drop by for a quick visit...which was super nice! The resort (capacity dependant- should offer a free room for the groom to get ready in the day of the wedding. So you should have your room to yourself.)

-In regards to your other question, when to make a spa appointment. Do you mean for a relaxing massage for yourself/hubby? (didn't quite understand)


Bridesmaids: Corsages are becoming more popular! So if you like the idea, go for it! However, if this is your way of trying to save pennies but not happy, try thinking outside the box. The resort does offer some smaller bridesmaid bouquets for as little as $60 each.

What about Chinese paper umbrella for the girls, or make artifical bouquets at home and bring them with you. Paper flowers: http://www.hgtv.com/handmade/how-to-make-paper-flowers-for-a-wedding-bouquet/index.html. Really cute clutches/purses.


Ceremony: I did not do a sand ceremony. Lots of girls find the frame/bottles they like and bring them along. Just be aware....you should not use the beach sand!!! (customs regulations will not allow you to bring home sand from Mexico) So be sure to buy sand (colored or plain) to use in the sand ceremony. It is a very cute idea! Be sure to bring some spare makeup sponges along to stuff at the top of the frame/bottle. That way when you fly home, it will hopefully not shift. (you should take it in your carry on for the reason!)

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@@murmel Thank YOU so much, you are amazing, i cant tell you enough how good your reviews area and how helpful they are...and I am sure many brides are very thankful for all your help and support!!


 Reception Dinner:

We currently have reserved Plaza Zavas and I think we will stick to it  , I had requested the Palapa Yoga for the cocktail hour and it is taken now -_- , so the WC offered me the Zocalo terrace which is behind the Zocalo Beach by the pier (the location of our ceremony). I kind of want to have the cocktail hour closer to the ceremony area and would prefer not to have it in the same area as where the reception dinner will be held,  but will have to think about that one  and see pictures that the WC sent me today. I loved Alfresco BUT I think we prefer the outdoor area, ohh YEAH we are heading the lounge after the party is over :D  did you hire the guitar with mongos and singers or were they from the resort?


DJ: We were hesitating so much to take the two DJs they offer, for one reason or the other the Lomas website seems "blah" with the the DJ and the facebook page was not up to date (unless we looked wrong) we looked at the DJ testimonials in the Lomas website but still not that convincing...hope we did not make a mistake, We hired DOREMIXX after we realized that it was the same cost (after paying the fee) that hiring DJ All Music for the $1,500 package that we were considering, because Mega DJ at $1,000 does not have a MC who does the announcements just the DJ (you can add the MC for $250) All in all I think the resort takes their cut on the DJ they offer, so one or the other the resort always win. I got an email with the confirmation that it was OK to bring the DJ after I pay the $800 fee (or your guest)


Centerpieces: Awesome, thanks for sharing the link and I def wont sell my stuff but perhaps just leave it there lol I dont want to carry all that back home The WC told me that fresh flowers are NOT allowed.

when I spoke with the WC from Miami today, I basically messed it up and told her my idea of bringing and decorating with a glass vase with silk flowers in water and a float candle on top surrounded by votives, she offered votives at $3 each (wish i had read this before, yeah they sell), i asked her because i wanted to learn how much they charge to rent the vases and after I learned that it is $15 I said NO way Jose  :blink: so I will be fine because we have not finalize my wedding builder sheet. I will test this vase in my own house and post pics.


My one question for you is should I tell the WC in Miami about me bringing my own decor? OR should I just tell her that  I will only take white linen and white chairs and NO decor so she puts that down in the wedding builder sheet? I am afraid to to get there (Azul Sensatori) with 2 boxes and the local wedding coordinator might tell me "that was not specified on your wedding sheet". what should i do?

I am more than happy to just pay there in cash as long as they take it and I can skip the detail to the WC in Miami but worries me if they in Mexico that it was not specified on the wedding sheet, how do you recommend me to address this with the WC?


SPA: this is another one that i have no idea as of how it works with the bridesmaids, the reason why i thought about the spa  and the bridal suite was because they charge $90 for the  hairdo and $90 for makeup (plus surcharges of 20% in my room) that would be more than $200, then the Bridal Essence package at $276 includes a massage, hairdo, makeup, and the bridal suite for 3 hours. 

ahh my previous question for the SPA was if you recommended taking the massage prior to the wedding or after the wedding (if you took one), the package also includes pay one and get two massage (I think) I dont think I would use another massage or a massage at all.


Option #1: I was thinking to take the bridal suite with my sister (my matron of honor) and my mom and both of them can get ready with me. As I mentioned before I don't know how "getting ready with bridesmaids" works so i was thinking to tell the girls that they could get ready on their own and that I want the hair style up, I would provide the hair salon information and prices (they could book the hair service or just do it themselves), I feel kind of bad to put the pressure of the cost on them (because i cant really pay all for everyone) neither I want to show myself rude by not offering the "get ready with the bride".

Option#2 I could tell the girls that I can pick 50% of the cost of the hair and they pay the other 50% and have them all in my room with me (it could be more stresful with more people too). They would do their own make up or pay for that service and i would not pick the 50% of the cost. I honestly do not even know who should pay for what and dont know if they expect me to pay for them getting ready. Yes, my future hubby will get a room for himself from 10am to 4pm.

What do you suggest is should I get ready with mom and sister OR should I get ready with all the girls, mom and sister  :lol: lol? I know you suggested previously that the room is better for everyone, but since I have given you more explanation as of the cost and the bridesmaids paying, I just wanted to hear your insight on that.


Bridesmaids: I like the corsage idea a LOT it is at $30 each (the ones I saw) OR take 3 fresh flowers each with a bow or ribbon for $30 ($10 each), I dont recall the WC mentioned that the bouquets start at $60(will look into it) but still it might be too much for me :blink: , specially if I pay for the hair. Chinese paper umbrella sounds really nice :) and the corsage or just one flower for $10 (thinking here)...loved the paper flowers..nice and will try one at least how my DYI skills are!

Ceremony: we got the always and forever package for free with the theme decor, I chose Vintage elegance but change the blue color for coral which is my color, I wanted Coastal bliss for the color but it was more relaxed than what I wanted.

GREAT TO KNOW that I cannot use the natural sand from there, Sensatori charges $45 for the sand kit and includes one color and another color is plane. Davids Bridal sells the sand kit with customized names for $45 two colors so we will take that  and thank YOU for the tip on the sponges.


Murmel, thanks SO much once again...




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Glad to be able to help.


Zavas Plaza is lovely, like I said it is really a personal choice! As for a cocktail reception, you could request to have it right on the beach beside the ceremony site. That's where they set up for my wedding. They just brought a few high top tables down on the sand and served drinks there. There should be photos on the first page of this forum with most of the locations to give you a better idea.


As for the guitars, and bongos, we brought them along with us. Some of our guests brought their own as well. (like I said, very musical bunch!)


DJ: That's wonderful news that they have confirmed with an email saying an outside DJ is allowed (with the vendor fee), I say go with the one you want! Listen to your gut...if it says DOREMIXX is the one for you, hire them.


Centerpieces: Great idea with the silk flowers! I am sure it will be lovely. (if you find the $60 bridemaids bouquets work for you in your budget, you could use those as the flowers as well!)

As for the details. Don't tell the Miami WC anything regarding the extra decor/plans. Just request the standard set up. Leave it at that! The local WCs are always expecting brides to bring their own items, so it is no surprise to them. (they do mulitple weddings every week...so they are more prepared then we are LOL)


SPA: Thanks for explaining the situation. So let me start with the massage issue first. Do you enjoy massages? If so, try to book it in. IF you and all your guests are at the resort the same time, I would suggest perhaps the day before the wedding to just give yourself a quiet break and time to enjoy the moment. If you are staying longer than some of your guests, perhaps do it after they are gone. (I think the 2 for 1 price, is meant if you wanted someone to join you...ie. hubby to be or your mom/sister)


Onto getting ready! So in my opinion, here's what I would do. (not sure what time the wedding is planned for, but I will pretend it's 4pm to run my scenerio)

930am Meet at Spoon restaurant for breakfast with all the girls (bridesmaids, sister, mom) But LADIES only...since the boys will hopefully be doing their own thing. This make the bridesmaids feel included and special.

1030am Back to room, get organized, etc.

11 am Go to the spa with your mom and sister. (I am assuming you, your mom and sister plan on getting hair and makeup done there) Don't bother with the bridal suite (since it is quite expensive and you'll be in chair being made up the whole time anyway) I would usually expect hair/makeup to take approximately 2-2.5 hours.

130pm Back to your room. Order room service lunch.

2-230pm Have all the bridesmaids come to your room to help you get dressed. This allows you time to spend with the girls and have photos done getting ready (if you choose) 

330pm WC likely come to the room with flowers, getting organized, etc.

345pm Head towards wedding location.


In this idea, after breakfast, the bridesmaids then have plenty of time to get ready in their rooms, or make appointments for the spa (if they choose). I would tell them there is a spa onsite, but I don't even know I would give them the prices. Since that would make me think you want them to go to the spa. If they ask why you're not all getting ready together, simply state there in not enough room, but you'll all be in your room at 2 pm ready to go. This allows you to enjoy their company but not stress about having enough room to all get ready. It would just be you changing into your dress.


Bridesmaids: You should really only have them accented or holding one item. So go with the corsage OR the umbrella OR the single flowers. http://www.weddingsbylomastravel.com/planning/Bouquets (hope this link works...scroll down you will see the prices. The $60 ones are under BOUQUETS- SPECIAL. You can also view the corsages here)

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@@murmel Yes I will accent the girls with a single flower or the corsage (more the single flower  think)

Yes, you are right I am not planning to spend money on the bridal suite anymore, and thanks for the tip with the schedules, i love the idea for the wedding day (getting ready), ceremony is at 5:30pm and  I am thinking to either hire beso brides or the people from the salon at Sensatori (not sure yet because the resort charges almost the same with that 20% extra) and have them come to my room for the hair do of the girls (I will pay for it, now i think it will be nice to have them professionally done and it is nice to do that) and makeup and hair for myself, mom and sister and whoever wants to do their makeup (I wont push makeup on the girls because they can also go light on it and do it themselves) ...then take earlier the massage or just another day or simply dont take it :). did you use the salon at Sensatori and would you recommend for makeup and hair?

Sorry to bother you  much, any ideas of welcome bags and favors? I need to think ahead since all is spinning in my head and I have not even ordered the dress  :o

Thank you again and again and again :)

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Will I have to pay a vendor fee to get my makeup artist inside the resort to my room? day pass? or will be able to get them in freebie? who knows this one ;)

Makeup artists are subject to the same outside vendor fee and will need to be charged for. The hotel will have a manifest of outside vendors which will allow them to get past the two sets of gates leading to the property. There have been past brides able to argue a reduced rate because the type of makeup requested was not offered by resort (airbrush) but this may have been a lucky bride who for got her way after several other issues that management had to step in regarding. During the budget process I would certainly add the vendor fee- and then negotiate to try and get it lowered.

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Makeup artists are subject to the same outside vendor fee and will need to be charged for. The hotel will have a manifest of outside vendors which will allow them to get past the two sets of gates leading to the property. There have been past brides able to argue a reduced rate because the type of makeup requested was not offered by resort (airbrush) but this may have been a lucky bride who for got her way after several other issues that management had to step in regarding. During the budget process I would certainly add the vendor fee- and then negotiate to try and get it lowered.

I feel disappointment sometimes regret with so many vendor fees and just two options for each category.

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