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FI venting..

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Originally Posted by jak27 View Post
It is sooo worth it! I mean, I avoided doing it for a while b/c I was like, that's $120/month, and trying to be frugal and all, but I'm sure I've wasted $60 on something before, and at least this is going to good use. Totally worth it, now I love being home! And she cleans like no one I've ever known. She has this way of doing the pillows on the bed that just look great, and I can never recreate it...I hate taking them off that night because it won't look that good for another week!
Originally Posted by starfish kate View Post
I totally agree! She's coming tomorrow and I can't wait! I am rather particular so we went through a rough spot at first, but now she understands what's important to me. I pay $65 ever other week, but SOOO worth it. We no longer argue about cleaning.
How did you ladies find the cleaning ladies? Through the cleaning companies or referrals? One of the reason holding me back so far is finding someone that I can trust.
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Originally Posted by Sharonie View Post
How did you ladies find the cleaning ladies? Through the cleaning companies or referrals? One of the reason holding me back so far is finding someone that I can trust.
She actually cleans Mike's brother and sister-in-law's house. I had the same concern, but she came recommended by people we obviously trust. I think cleaning companies are over priced, but on the other hand, they probably have more insurance (or insurance period). Maybe ask your neighbors or people you work with?
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I get so frustrated with FI about house cleaning. I am not a neat freak and I leave my share of clutter, but when I am obviously cleaning up and would like some help he just sits at his computer looking up sports or something. And I don't want to constantly nag him. We both work long hours, but we also work freelance so sometimes he doesn't have a job when I do. Even then he doesn't clean because then he says he feels like my housewife and his man ego gets all bruised if I ask him to do anything. Ugh. So annoying. He used to be neater than he is now and I think in his head he thinks he is that person still, but his office (that is next to the living room and visible to everyone who comes in) is a freaking mess of paper and crap. Piles and piles.

I suggested a maid at least for the dusting and bathroom and kitchen and he says no,he doesn't trust someone to come into the house-even those recommended by friends who have used their maids for years. I guess he thinks the nice little mexican woman who cleans our friend's house (and has for years) is going to stake out our house while she is cleaning and steal the plasma tv. So freaking annoying.

Hmmm....guess I had that all pent up....smile105.gif

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keith is really strange about cleaning...he HAS to clean the counters off before we go anywhere (puts stuff in piles - that's the OCD...), but leaves his socks everywhere...and not both in one place, either. one will be under his computer and the other will be in he bathroom. it's like he sheds them as he walks thru the house! other than the counters, he doesn't even notice when the house is dirty and that gets me upset too - how do you not notice that your fingerprints are preventing you from seeing yourself in the mirrorhuh.gif i rarely ask him to help with the actual cleaning, like vacuuming, dusting, etc, b/c i know that he does a REALLY sh*tty job and i have to do it all over again. when i do ask him, usually before we have company, he does a crap job and i get pissed off and nag him, and then he gets pissed that i'm nagging - i can't win! the everyday stuff - usually one of us cooks and the other cleans, but i occasionally feel nice and do both. he DOES pay all of the bill, tho, so i really can't complain.

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I have to say I am very lucky. My fiance helps with everything and I would not say he is a neat freak, he does not throw anything away, but he makes me dinner, loads and unloads the dishwasher, goes to the grocery store sometimes, and more! We do have a weekly housekeeper though because we are too busy to do the bathrooms, hardwoods, stuff like that.

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