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BDW Biggest Loser Competition ~ Season 11 FINAL RESULTS POSTED!!! (#420)


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so far i have about 6 interested, is there anyone else?  I don't want to start any later than the first week of Feb (the 4th) ... would that work for everyone?  Start recruiting, spread the word around here!  lol



kisha311 carly dazeydawl (Ali) Tammy Host Cherina tiffanysblue
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I just have a question. I do want to participate in the group but not sure if I want to contribute to the pot simply because I do t really have a lot of weight to lose, maybe 5 pounds. I just want the motivation to workout with everyone but I need to gain muscle and tone up so who know I may gain weight, so obviously the goal of losing the most lbs to win money doesn't really work for me

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Ok, ya'll ... I think its time to get this started!!!  If you're just reading this now, there is still plenty of time to join!


Please read the rules in the first post of this thread.  I've made some executive decisions based on the feedback I've received in this thread and privately.  The season will start the week of Feb 4th, and be 10 weeks long - this will take us to mid-April (there are really 11 weigh ins, with the 1st being just the initial weigh in ... this always trips people up!).


The entry fee will be $10, and you can PayPal me at [email protected] (no credit cards, please!) .  If you'd rather not use PayPal, let me know and we can arrange something else (check/cash via snail mail?).  

Then on Monday, Feb 4 please PM or email me a picture of the scale with your initial weigh in.  Again, if its hard to read the scale please just also type in the number.


The following week and until the end of the competition, you will send me your "weekly weigh in" - a picture of the scale w/your feet on it is fine, unless you're feeling confident and want to go with a body shot!  lol


I've done this before where everyone weighs in on Monday, and also where everyone has a different weigh in day based on what works for them.  But you have to have the same day every week and can't go between days once you start.  So if you weigh in on Tuesday one week, you can't weigh in on Thurs the next week, just to be fair.  How would you all like to do this?


I know its scary to send money into cyberspace to someone you don't know, but I can assure you I'm legit!  Tammy (host and owner of this forum) is behind me, and I've been running this competition on this forum since 2008 (while I was prego with my first kid!) and always paid out the pot to the winner.

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