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BDW Biggest Loser Competition ~ Season 11 FINAL RESULTS POSTED!!! (#420)


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Originally Posted by cougs View Post


aw man, i didn't know we were inviting boys! i would have tried to talk tom into joining. this sh*t is much easier when the hubs is doing it too, especially since he's the cook in our household!


i just started today (wednesday weigh-ins for me) and so far so good, except that i didn't go grocery shopping yet, so i had nothing healthy available for breakfast and ended up just having coffee. salad with grilled chicken on it for lunch. no idea what i'll be doing for dinner.


carly, i made sure i tried one of those evil brownie batter donuts yesterday since i knew i couldn't have them anymore. kinda like a "last splurge." pretty damn good and probably 9574967591036453 calories. i don't even want to know. the gross thing is i felt like i could have scarfed down 3 more of them. my portions have gone totally out of control again, so i'm super glad we're doing this. and you girls are all so serious and on the ball ... inspiring and just the kick in the ass i need. back to the gym tonight!


you girls are brave for posting your weights and pics on a public forum! let's just say mine is higher than all those posted (hopefully soon to be lower!) and leave it at that.


Welcome, welcome! I wish I had known we were inviting boys too, but oh well!


I am very jealous you had one of those brownie donuts- they sound freaking delicious!


I agree, my portion sizes have gotten way out of control as well. The fact that I can eat as much as Amir is a bit scary, when I am 5'4, and he is 6'2. That is not healthy at all, and should hopefully be fixed while we take part in this challenge!


Good luck :D

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post


Jenny sorry about the fight with Amir Sounds like you made up tho so YAY!


Car that donut does sound evil!!! Right now I'm glad I don't have a DD near me!!!


Ann wow that's a great pot! I'm sure I won't win BUT I'm still happy to have fun competition!


Tammy being sick for BL is a sure fire way to win LOL! Hope you don't get sick tho.


Kate I want you to be my personal chef!


Ali yay for FI getting a new job but get something healthy to go!


Yeah, it was just one of those moments were a small disagreement turned into a major fight. We don't have them very often, so I guess it was coming. But now things seem to be better, and we're getting back on track of talking to each other without any anger or tension left, so *whew*. I guess the engagement honeymoon face is over! Back to regular two people trying to live and create a life together. :)


That donut did sound evil (but oh so delicious). Thank goodness I don't go to DD. Tim Horton's is bad enough- but my habit of making coffee at home every morning seems to be what has kept me from scarfing down donut after donut every day! (thankful for small blessings!)


That is a HUGE pot, and sure makes wanting to lose the weight that much more worth it. Incentive at it's best.


Sorry Tammy that your kids are sick... *fingers crosses* that you don't get sick too!


Ali- congrats on your FI getting a new job! That is always exciting :D I completely understand not having the time to get healthy or eat at all. But do try- at least grab a piece of fruit or something, some nutrients, through healthier food, is far better than a quick bag of chips, etc. We know we all gravitate towards those when we are beyond hungry.

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Originally Posted by Reign14 View Post


Originally Posted by -Kate- View Post


I just cheated on my cleanse but it wasn't major. I had a tall decaf americano. I mean - not like a high caloric intake but I really wanted a pastry and somehow coffee fills that need for me. Probably bc they usually go together. It was delicious and totally worth it.

I cheated on mine too...had 4 sour gummy worms. They made me happy.


I had a cookie at my work department meeting yesterday. Apparently I have zero will power for free chocolate chip cookies.

But then I went to the gym and stayed on the elliptical for 40 minutes, burning off 350 calories, so I hope MOST of that was the cookie.

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Alright, how am I doing so far, on the 4th day into this challenge? Outside of the cookie at our department meeting yesterday I have been doing fairly well. Keeping my portions down and avoiding indulging in unhealthy calories out of hunger.


Amir and I finally went grocery shopping yesterday. And after spending time diligently going from flyer to flyer to find the best deals, we were able to purchase two weeks worth of food for $105 :D (from only one store too!). I was quite impressed. And that included quite a lot of fresh fruit and veggies. I can't believe how excited I was to get home and make a giant salad.


Today's menu is:


Breakfast: yogurt and a piece of fruit


Lunch: Salad


Dinner: Burritos and dirty rice (small, small, small portion of those) and a salad.


Thursday TV Watching Snack: Fruit (not the popcorn, chips, chocolate, candy I so crave and usually indulge in).


I doubt I will get to the gym today as they are forecasting a giant storm to hit right smack in the middle of the afternoon and into the drive home, so I am sure after sitting in traffic for an hour to go 10 KM, I won't be in any kind of mood to go further away from home to go to the gym. Maybe I will do sit ups/ jumping jacks while I watch TV tonight- just so I'm not a complete no-go today.

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Going to Whole Foods today to stock up on the fresh fruits and veggies. Haven't had the chance to go to the grocery store at all with work getting in the way. I'm on it today though, and I plan to make it a worthwhile trip! Going to stock up on some nice fresh fish and quality meats.


I've been doing well and having protein shakes for breakfast and salads for lunch with lots of protein. Last night for dinner wasn't so good, had to work late unexpectedly and had hot wings. But I ate the carrots and celery and only ate 7 of the 10 wings! Trust me, I wanted to eat better but sitting in a car for 8 hours and getting a break at 9PM doesn't leave very many options. I'm more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth these days, cutting down on the mindless eating!

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Whoo! There were (delicious looking!) cookies sitting in the office kitchen just now. Everyone was swarming in to grab them, and I just put dressing on my salad and walked away. A couple of the ladies in there congratulated me as I left, for my will power, as they put a couple cookies into their hands.


Go my willpower for today!

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