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not enjoying planning?

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Am I the only bride to be out there that isnt enjoying planning their big day? Im looking forward to it and cant wait to actually get married but the planning is stressing me out and I havent even started yet. My 2 best friends cant make it as its so far away and expensive to get to so I feel bad asking them to help me my mum is disabled so its hard for her to come dress shopping etc I know my mum in law to be would love to but then I feel bad taking her and not my own mum AAAHHHHH cant I just wake up the day before we leave an it all be done. And to top it all im sure im the only bride in the world that hated this planning bit!!

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Oh heck no you are not alone lady!!!! Can't wait for this big day to be over with and actually be married. If it was only for me, I would've gone to Las Vegas, get married in a drive-thru and come back home. Lol.. but my fiancé didn't agree to that.. :( So I thought a destination would be a great compromise, less planning ... yeah that's what I was thinking. I don't even want to think about how much stressed I would be under if I was planning a wedding home :(

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I feel the same way!! About a week ago I was so excited I had the resort picked out reached out to them and then the TA sent me the room quotes and it was a big Wooaah (too expensive)!! Also turns out my FI didn't really like the resort either. So now I'm back in square one. Working with a new TA (local one near home) and possibly even looking for a new resort. I just can't wait for the actual putting things together part like OOT bags, centerpieces, etc.

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Originally Posted by mrs p 2 be View Post


glad im not alone but the thought of the whole thing is stressing me out dont even want to start looking for dresses im not normal am I? xx

Well I'm not normal either than... I know that there is certainly not a majority of us like that but blah.


Hang in there.. you still have a whole year and 4 months to go lol Make a list and do one thing at the time.. This forum makes every step more fun and easier too !

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no I am not enjoying it either!  I CANNOT WAIT until it's over.  I think part of the reason for me is the ambivalence of my budget and just getting pricing and making sure my coordinator knows what I want. I have found myself having to repeat requests on several occasions (BTW, everything is in writing) so she should be able to look back at her emails with me and know what I said before. It's just frustrating. The good news is that I am now getting to a point where we know who is coming and have a solid number of guests to work with that will be attending. My RSVP deadline is Friday  and can't come sooner because then I can unleash and scratch people off the list that have not responded yet lol *evil laugh* smile67.gif

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I feel the same way can't wait till its over! I sent out save the dates heard everyone complain about $! I sent out the invites and deadline was Jan.1 I only received 10 cards back out of 40 uggh! Tell me you can't come I wanted to elope nope FI wanted a wedding 😜 April can't come fast enough!

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I had a lot of that my brother and his wife avoided me like the plague for ages instead of just telling me they couldnt come even though we kept telling people we understood if they couldnt make it after all it was our choice to go away we appreciate its a lot of money blah blah my mum and dad even took 7 months to finally say they were going!!!!!!

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Originally Posted by Michelle15 View Post


I feel the same way can't wait till its over! I sent out save the dates heard everyone complain about $! I sent out the invites and deadline was Jan.1 I only received 10 cards back out of 40 uggh! Tell me you can't come I wanted to elope nope FI wanted a wedding 😜 April can't come fast enough!


I think you will eventually get to the point where you just don't care who shows up and who doesn't....it's just about you enjoying your day!  Unfortunately, some friends and family take so long to respond but don't let it get to you. msnwink.gif

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