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what do you do when you get a gift you hate!

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I would 100% not say anything to her. Its a gift that came from the heart (whether its your taste or not) and that's all that matters. She graciously gave you a gift and you should be gracious back and accept the gift as is. It sucks to get a gift that you may not like but I'm a firm believer in having good manners. I think it was very nice of her to get you something and even though you don't like it, I think you should wear it on special occassions when she is around so that she sees "how much you love it". You don't have to wear it outside her presence but I do think it will make her so happy to see you wear it. A good relationship with your FMIL is not something you want to give up over yellow gold. I know you are the sweetest thing ever and you are not being ungrateful and that is why I think you should suck this one up and wear it around her.

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