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@@shellsal oh man that stinks that he wasn't available I know I booked him 6 months or more in advance. That's a nice size group I would definitely get a DJ to get the party started personally.  Doesn't it suck when guests still keep booking even this close to the wedding.  I'm leaving in 35 days and have guests still trying to book, its really throwing me off for wedding favors, welcome bags, seating arrangements etc.  Look into DJMannia, Dorremix and some others and see if they are available for your date.  I've heard good things about JSAV I just didn't like their communication and how expensive they were and that you couldn't really speak to the DJ that would be doing the wedding it was more just a company rep I was talking to with Discomovil I know he's working my wedding. 

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@@JennyGoll When is your wedding? If you haven't picked your private event locations, I would do that ASAP. There are usually multiple weddings per day there, so the good locations get booked up fast, esp on the weekends or during their busy season.


I brought all my gift bag supplies down in luggages with me. My WP had advised against shipping since it might not go through customs so it's not really reliable. Plus international shipping costs with the taxes are ridic, and it's cheaper and easier to just pay for checked bags. Or if you have guests that can help you bring them down, even better!


Thank you for your reply :) we will plan to pack them then!


We had all of this planned for the Bugambilia terrace and the resort changed it all at the last minute!!!! The onsite coordinator said not to worry and everything will go as originally planned with options I should have been offered in the first place...lol I am hoping it all works out at this point!!!

Edited by JennyGoll
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Anyone see that email about the promotions for free room nights changing? Does anyone have any clarification? The email states that the couple will receive 1 free room night for every 10 rooms booked. It was an email I got from Palace. Does this mean the couple can no longer have uo to 7 nights free based on 75 Room nights. This was a real deal brake for us and our wedding deposit is already paid. Every other resort does 1 free room for every 10 rooms, so their group benefit is why we chose Palace instead of another country. Does anyone have any insight on this?

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@@NJBride2014 that is what I believe as well. I will be making a lot of phone calls today. I contacted our travel agent, we are using Teresa from Wright. If they won't honor it we will be back to the drawing board. I know poor Teresa is probably tired of me by now.

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Has anybody else had issues with their flight times into Cancun? We have everything booked already for a Monday-Monday trip (thinking this would be cheaper for our guests to fly in and out on less expensive days) and my TA just gave me the flight times and they are AWFUL. We don't get into Cancun until 7:30pm and we come home on a flight at 8:30pm which arrives back in Toronto at 1:30am!!! I'm really dreading having to tell my guests that they pretty much don't get any time there the first day and have to arrive back home so ridiculously late! I asked for other flight times but was told that's all that Air Transat has those days. Has anybody else worked with Air Transat and had the same issues of limited flights?

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Not getting in until late isn't the WORST thing.... Often the travel day is a lazy one for people and ends up being kind of wasted anyway. The best part about it is that on the return, that late arrival means you get a late return departure, and that's a real bonus! By the 7th day no one wants to go home... And being able to relax by the pool all day and take advantage of those last rays of Mexican sunshine! Trust me- your guests won't mind!

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Not getting in until late isn't the WORST thing.... Often the travel day is a lazy one for people and ends up being kind of wasted anyway. The best part about it is that on the return, that late arrival means you get a late return departure, and that's a real bonus! By the 7th day no one wants to go home... And being able to relax by the pool all day and take advantage of those last rays of Mexican sunshine! Trust me- your guests won't mind!

These are very good points! Thanks for helping to ease my mind a bit :)

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Hi All,

I am about 3 months away from the Big Day and am finally getting around to securing all the details. With that said, I have some questions.  I would appreciate any insight you may have for any of the following.  


-Did you have your ceremony on the beach?  Pros/Cons?  

-What type of cake did you order? 

-Any unique ice breakers for the welcome event?

-What dress code are you having for the welcome party?

-Is there a place to watch American College Football ?  Supposedly there are TVs in the Nizuc and Sunrise lobby bars, but how do I confirm they will show American channels.... I know I know, but my fiance and I are BIG football fans of our college team and so are much of guests.  It is the theme of our weekend..... Hoping we can having a 'viewing party' that weekend at a bar.

-Did you find it necessary to have the DJ?  



We are having an Indian hindu wedding: 

-Which priest did you have?  Did you have the local priest? What was your experience like?

-How was the indian food menu?  Did your guests enjoy it?

-Who was your henna artist? Did you have a henna party?  What did you do at the event?

-What events did you have daily? 


Thanks all, and congrats to all of you ! :)  Anita 

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