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How to remind guests to book their room

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Originally Posted by MrsTobeD View Post


Hi all,


The more I read about RSVP's the more I get worried. I plan on making OOT bags and I promise, I will only make the number needed by the RSVP date, if anyone books after that, those will not have an OOT bag, that way they will remember next time to be prompt and responsible, and I will make sure when I distribute the bags in front of everyone to say that I only got enough for the people that RSVP'd by the due date since I didn't know if any other guest would be coming. I don't have any extra money laying around for rude's people extra bags. SMH 


LOL i might have to do the same thing.

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I made it clear to my guests that if they chose to stay elsewhere, they were responsible for paying for the day pass.

I chose where I wanted to have my wedding, if you choose to stay somewhere else because it's cheaper or whatever other reason then you need to pay that extra cost.

Just my opinion and I made sure my guests understood, of course our day pass was only $72 but it was also only for 6 hours!

Hope that helps!!

Originally Posted by pongyang2001 View Post

Haha i'm the same. I'm kinda hoping there won't be too many guests so it will be a lot cheaper. Especially we are planning on doing an island tour for our guests as a thank you. What are your thoughts about guests staying outside the resort? Are we supposed to pay for their day pass? Sandals told me we have to pay $190 for a full day pass for non resort guests attending our wedding. That's ridiculous!

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I made it clear to my guests that if they chose to stay elsewhere, they were responsible for paying for the day pass. I chose where I wanted to have my wedding, if you choose to stay somewhere else because it's cheaper or whatever other reason then you need to pay that extra cost. Just my opinion and I made sure my guests understood, of course our day pass was only $72 but it was also only for 6 hours! Hope that helps!!
thanks for your input. i don't really want to pay that extra cost without sounding bitchy or anything to our guests. we will be paying $60 per person for reception so to pay for $190 for non resort guests is just ridiculous!
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Originally Posted by pongyang2001 View Post



Haha i'm the same. I'm kinda hoping there won't be too many guests so it will be a lot cheaper. Especially we are planning on doing an island tour for our guests as a thank you. What are your thoughts about guests staying outside the resort? Are we supposed to pay for their day pass? Sandals told me we have to pay $190 for a full day pass for non resort guests attending our wedding. That's ridiculous!

That's crazy.....I thought the $65 at Now Sapphire was crazy....But that is robbery!

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That's crazy.....I thought the $65 at Now Sapphire was crazy....But that is robbery!
i know :( i'm afraid if we put that on our wedding website more guests will be turned off about going to the wedding.
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I hope it's ok that I vent for a second. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one dealing with people who are all "Sorry, even though we got your invitation in the mail OVER a year ago, and have a reminder card and email sent to us, we just weren't able to save up the money". I also don't mean to be a bitch, but I had SOOOOO many people in the beginning tell me "oh yes, we would be able to afford to come, we will absolutely be there" and then flake out when it came down to booking. Two of the couples who pulled that, had DW weddings themselves and we attended BOTH. I just wish that people could be adults about it and just tell me they aren't planning on coming, instead of avoiding me all together. Grrr....I know in the end, the people who really matter will be there. But still.....SO frustrating! thatswck.gifRant over.

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I hope it's ok that I vent for a second. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one dealing with people who are all "Sorry, even though we got your invitation in the mail OVER a year ago, and have a reminder card and email sent to us, we just weren't able to save up the money". I also don't mean to be a bitch, but I had SOOOOO many people in the beginning tell me "oh yes, we would be able to afford to come, we will absolutely be there" and then flake out when it came down to booking. Two of the couples who pulled that, had DW weddings themselves and we attended BOTH. I just wish that people could be adults about it and just tell me they aren't planning on coming, instead of avoiding me all together. Grrr....I know in the end, the people who really matter will be there. But still.....SO frustrating! thatswck.gif Rant over.
people can be really inconsiderate sometimes unfortunately. i'm more than a year away from my wedding and this is honestly the part i'm stressing about.
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Originally Posted by Kasey04 View Post


I hope it's ok that I vent for a second. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one dealing with people who are all "Sorry, even though we got your invitation in the mail OVER a year ago, and have a reminder card and email sent to us, we just weren't able to save up the money". I also don't mean to be a bitch, but I had SOOOOO many people in the beginning tell me "oh yes, we would be able to afford to come, we will absolutely be there" and then flake out when it came down to booking. Two of the couples who pulled that, had DW weddings themselves and we attended BOTH. I just wish that people could be adults about it and just tell me they aren't planning on coming, instead of avoiding me all together. Grrr....I know in the end, the people who really matter will be there. But still.....SO frustrating! thatswck.gifRant over.

I have decided that I am NOT going to let people stress me or my daughter out. Our expectations are low after reading through all of these threads. She started out wanting a small wedding and that was the main reason for having a destination wedding to begin with.We keep reminding ourselves of that daily. If just immediate family and several close friends are the only ones that show up we will have hit the 25 that the package covers and that would be perfect for us! We certainly don't want anyone there that wouldn't want to whole-heartedly be there. We will send invites to everyone that she would have invited to an at-home wedding but honestly, I hope they don't show up! 

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This is exactly the way I feel, I have so many people that have say they will be there, but I know they will not because people have priorities, the fact that so many people said they will be there when we played with the idea, was what in part made us decide on a DW. But now after reading here I know that is not going to happen, I was thinking 60ppl, now I have come into terms that it might be a lot less than that. I know I am still going to get sad that some people are not going to go, but whoever cares will be there, I am sure. 

Originally Posted by zeman321 View Post

I have decided that I am NOT going to let people stress me or my daughter out. Our expectations are low after reading through all of these threads. She started out wanting a small wedding and that was the main reason for having a destination wedding to begin with.We keep reminding ourselves of that daily. If just immediate family and several close friends are the only ones that show up we will have hit the 25 that the package covers and that would be perfect for us! We certainly don't want anyone there that wouldn't want to whole-heartedly be there. We will send invites to everyone that she would have invited to an at-home wedding but honestly, I hope they don't show up! 

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I just sent out the below email to all of our stragglers who have yet to RSVP/book. The money for the hotel is due in a month and I had to get into nagging mode. We'll see if it works! As of right now we have 29 people who have said they are coming, but only a handful have actually put down their room deposits. Hello Friends & Family! By now you should have received our save the date and invitation to our upcoming wedding in Jamaica. I know RSVPing and booking a hotel room is probably the last thing on your mind right after the craziness of the holiday season, but as we're only a few months away we wanted to reach out and see if you'll be able to join us. Our wedding will be Saturday, April 27th at Secrets St. James http://www.secretsresorts.com/stjames/index.asp. We are working with a travel agent to book a block of rooms for wedding guests (at no extra cost to you) and since we will be getting a lower group rate, she needs a final headcount and payment for the hotel by February 22nd, 2013. In case any of you were unaware of that date, we thought it might be a good idea to reach out and let you know. We made the RSVP date a month prior to account for this, but we haven't heard from you so we're going slightly stalker and contacting you directly. You're welcome/we're sorry. We realize Jamaica is a long way from here and that not everyone will be able to make it. That's OK! We totally understand! But if you could be so kind as to let us know either way if we should expect you, either by replying to this email, sending a text, posting a Facebook message, sending a homing pigeon or dropping the RSVP card in the mail (we even put a stamp on it for you already!) that would be delightful. Our website has a lot more info: https://alexisandjoseph.modwedding.com/  http://alexisandjoseph.modwedding.com/site/pages/153951 and Joe and I are always here should you have any additional questions! Much love, Alexis and Joe  
well said... excellent wording!!!
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