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Las Ranitas- Need help!

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Hi everyone!


I have been looking into doing a wedding in Dec 2013 and need some help from Las Ranitas brides out there willing to share their experiences!


We were recently informed that room rates are jumping up extremely high for Las Ranitas after they remodel, (which is supposed to take place between June and Dec approx). The room rates will now be $580/per night. Which if you ask me, is insane to ask of our guests to are already flying all the way from all over the world. We had hoped to buy out the whole hotel but now that is out of the question.


Did any Las Ranitas brides out there have their wedding at LR without buying out the hotel? If so, what was the site fee and did you face any issues? Also, did anyone get a permit to extend the reception party past 11pm? I wonder if we do not buy out the hotel whether they would allow us to extend the party.


Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated! Totally had my heart set on LR but because of the room costs feeling a little and defeated and heartbroken and still seeing if we can somehow make it work.


Thanks in advance! :)

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