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2013 & 2014 Iberostar Laguna Azul, Cuba Brides!


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Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


ladies, I love that we are all here to help each other, and give support! Here is my pre-travel brochure that I am going to send with two luggage tags in probably August, it has been a labour of love but now I need suggestions, comments and proof reading! So let me know what you think, be honest I am to close to it now to make hard choices!!!





Thanks in advace!

Jolene - this looks fantastic! I might borrow your template when I make mine, if you don't mind!! 


I just have a few comments. Please don't take offence to any of this but I am just super nit picky about grammar and formatting!


The first page is great. The only thing I noticed was where you talk about checked baggage you have "Unless otherwise noted, any numbers of pieces...." I'd get rid of the "s" on numbers.


On the second page everything looks great. The only thing is, and I am not sure if its just the way it came up on my program, but under the "Know Before You Go" section. There is punctuation missing in some of the paragraphs. It looks like you started it bullet form but some of the paragraphs have punctuation and some do not... I'd just clean that up a bit. And one last thing " Any medication is not widely available..." I think it might sound better "Medications are not widely available in Cuba. So please be sure to take enough... etc". And maybe also mention to bring things like immodium, tums, stuff for upset stomach and diahrrea because its hard to get there and expensive. The only other thing I would add if this was my brochure maybe would be to make sure to bring enough sunscreen because its very expensive to purchase there.


I hope this was helpful!! But amazing job! It really does look fantastic!!!


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thanks for the advice I will make the chagnes, no offence I wanted someone to take a look that would give some feedback, that is awesome! Borrow away it took awhile to get the formatting right and then to get the picture to brint in the background when I first did it I put the picture in the background and it wouldnt print, so after tons of research and playing around I put it in the header and stretched it out... man word is not the easiest program to work with!


No I haven't heard about my dress yet, they said the end of April... hello thats today, but my mom thinks that I should wait until next week to call them and see if its in, she said they probably own't wait to call me because we still owe them for half of it LOL but it is so hard to wait I want it now!!!

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Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post




thanks for the advice I will make the chagnes, no offence I wanted someone to take a look that would give some feedback, that is awesome! Borrow away it took awhile to get the formatting right and then to get the picture to brint in the background when I first did it I put the picture in the background and it wouldnt print, so after tons of research and playing around I put it in the header and stretched it out... man word is not the easiest program to work with!


No I haven't heard about my dress yet, they said the end of April... hello thats today, but my mom thinks that I should wait until next week to call them and see if its in, she said they probably own't wait to call me because we still owe them for half of it LOL but it is so hard to wait I want it now!!!

I hate word! its soooo hard to use for formatting! Thats how I made my boarding pass invites... but It was so hard to get pictures into... like I don't understand why I can't just insert the picture and be able to move it around lol!


I would totally be you and wondering where my dress is... I am the least patient person ever, so I would definitely be the one calling them tomorrow lol! But like you said if you still owe half they'll definitely be calling you once its in loL!

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Originally Posted by csho View Post


I hate word! its soooo hard to use for formatting! Thats how I made my boarding pass invites... but It was so hard to get pictures into... like I don't understand why I can't just insert the picture and be able to move it around lol!


I would totally be you and wondering where my dress is... I am the least patient person ever, so I would definitely be the one calling them tomorrow lol! But like you said if you still owe half they'll definitely be calling you once its in loL!

I actually have improved in my word skills, I am a sales assistant and I do a lot of formatting, and helping other do it too so I have gotten better but it is still super annoying!


Yeah I might call tomorrow anyways... LOL worse they can say is that it isnt in yet! LOL

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Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


I actually have improved in my word skills, I am a sales assistant and I do a lot of formatting, and helping other do it too so I have gotten better but it is still super annoying!


Yeah I might call tomorrow anyways... LOL worse they can say is that it isnt in yet! LOL

Have you called to see if your dress is in yet Jolene?


I picked my dress up yesterday... so now its just hanging in my guest bedroom waiting for me to try it on lol! Sooo tempting! I was wondering what you guys are planning on doing for headpieces/veils? Are you guys planning on wearing a veil? I thought I wasn't going to but I feel like I look "incomplete" without it. So I might just go with a short one for the ceremony and a jeweled flower/starfish hair clip. I am afraid the veil will blow away and around too much though so I don't know lol!

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I havent called, I am being as patient as I can be LOL I am going to call Monday morning!


I am not going to wear a veil, I went back and forth on this for the past 6 months because they wanted me to have everything when I pick up my dress. reason 1. I cannot stand to think about paying $200 for tule it just doesnt seem worth it to me actually I think that it is ridiculous what they think they can charge for this stuff! 2. I want to get married on the beach and I know that it can be breezy I dont want it whipping in my face the entire time, and then just have to have someone get it off me! 3. I really want to have a side do and have a big white flower in my hair and I think that it might be too much to do both and I would rather do the flower! and finally 4. I think that it is very churchy and traditional and I am trying to keep as much tradition as I can out of this LOL


But with all that being said, they do look really nice in photos blowing in the wind or with the sun getting the bling, and maybe at the end of the day I will change my mind! LOL

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Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


I havent called, I am being as patient as I can be LOL I am going to call Monday morning!


I am not going to wear a veil, I went back and forth on this for the past 6 months because they wanted me to have everything when I pick up my dress. reason 1. I cannot stand to think about paying $200 for tule it just doesnt seem worth it to me actually I think that it is ridiculous what they think they can charge for this stuff! 2. I want to get married on the beach and I know that it can be breezy I dont want it whipping in my face the entire time, and then just have to have someone get it off me! 3. I really want to have a side do and have a big white flower in my hair and I think that it might be too much to do both and I would rather do the flower! and finally 4. I think that it is very churchy and traditional and I am trying to keep as much tradition as I can out of this LOL


But with all that being said, they do look really nice in photos blowing in the wind or with the sun getting the bling, and maybe at the end of the day I will change my mind! LOL

I also want to wear something in my hair... I had wanted to wear a flower, but now that I have my dress and there is a lot going on with it I am not sure if a big flower will look very good... I am thinking maybe a beaded-wire type flower comb... I found one I really liked... I also want to wear my hair low and to the side so you are right I am not sure a veil will look great, but I do love how it looks with the dress... I totally thought I wouldn't want to, but when I try them on I like it a lot more lol! Oh there are WAY tooo many decisions a bride has to make... I was thinking if I do get one I might just buy it on ebay for like $20 or try and borrow one from a friend! That way if I decide not to go with it, it won't really matter!

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That was actually what I thought originally get one off ebay... but then I was talkign to my mom and she said that is her biggest regret getting one and then feeling stuck with it all day she said it was the most annoying thing ever LOL But the comb sounds really nice! I say if you like it get one and then make a game time choice!

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Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


That was actually what I thought originally get one off ebay... but then I was talkign to my mom and she said that is her biggest regret getting one and then feeling stuck with it all day she said it was the most annoying thing ever LOL But the comb sounds really nice! I say if you like it get one and then make a game time choice!

Yeah I think I will just a cheap one or try to borrow one and then I don't have to feel bad about it if I only wear it for a little bit... but I think I would regret not wearing one... so for the ceremony I will and then take it off!

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Originally Posted by csho View Post


Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


That was actually what I thought originally get one off ebay... but then I was talkign to my mom and she said that is her biggest regret getting one and then feeling stuck with it all day she said it was the most annoying thing ever LOL But the comb sounds really nice! I say if you like it get one and then make a game time choice!

Yeah I think I will just a cheap one or try to borrow one and then I don't have to feel bad about it if I only wear it for a little bit... but I think I would regret not wearing one... so for the ceremony I will and then take it off!

If you go on youtube and just search Iberostar Laguna Azul wedding. There is one that comes up. You can actually get a sense of what the ceremony will look like. The bride is wearing a veil and it's very breezy up there so it is indeed blowing in the wind and sometimes in her face. Take a peek might give you a better idea!

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