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Ohhhh gawwwd...you're talking to the girl who didn't have a grad dress because the seamstress that told me "I can make any dress from a photo" didn't get her sh@! together in time and had to stitch the so-called dress on me.  When I got home, my mother immediately cut it off me and called the bank to cancel her cheque.  


I promise I won't be swearing...I'll be curled up in the corner of the dress shop bawling...or trying to figure out how long of a drive it would be to get to the closest David's Bridal!  Oh, this is all very deja vu in the worst way.


In store A, they told us 3 - 4 months.  When I called last week, she said, "We tell people AROUND 4 months!"...

Originally Posted by Brenners View Post

I used to work in a bridal shop and any retailer - especially a bridal shop - relies heavily on word of mouth.  Call them immediately, ask to speak to a manager about an issue you are having with your dresses, do not allow them to give you the runaround in speaking to a manager.  If the manager is unwilling to listen, then demand to speak to the owner.  Do you have documentation that states when these items were expected to be in the store?  If so, then tell them this or if you are in the store, then you can show them.  If you were given this information verbally, then provide the names of those salespeople who told you this and the dates that this conversation took place.  If you paid extra for a rush, then this would show up for sure on your sales receipt.  Remind them that you will be providing a written review online of your experience and it is up to them how that review will end - either a good experience with some minor bumps that were attentively resolved by the store or a bad experience where customer satisfaction was not a priority or concern for them.  Do not yell, curse, lose your temper or anything like that as that will make them even more unwilling to work with you.  Tell them also that if they are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction that you will be demanding a full refund.  I would also call around to see if someone else can guarantee getting the dress in ASAP as you can also leverage that with the store as well.  Good luck.  It is so unbelievable to me how some stores think they can treat customers like this and stay in business.


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Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

Ohhhh gawwwd...you're talking to the girl who didn't have a grad dress because the seamstress that told me "I can make any dress from a photo" didn't get her sh@! together in time and had to stitch the so-called dress on me.  When I got home, my mother immediately cut it off me and called the bank to cancel her cheque.  


I promise I won't be swearing...I'll be curled up in the corner of the dress shop bawling...or trying to figure out how long of a drive it would be to get to the closest David's Bridal!  Oh, this is all very deja vu in the worst way.


In store A, they told us 3 - 4 months.  When I called last week, she said, "We tell people AROUND 4 months!"...



My place also said "AROUND" 4 months, and it took closer to 5. I like Brenners advice though. Did you PAY to have the one dress on "rush"?? If so, that's not acceptable. I know it's stressful, but I think 7 weeks will still be ample time, provided your dress gets here in the next 2-3 weeks. I thought my alterations would take months, but it only took 3 weeks (and could've been done sooner). A good seamstress will be pretty understanding for a bride in a pinch.

Originally Posted by Brenners View Post

Beautiful dress and love the photos!  Who was your photographer??


We had 2 - Juan Navarro did the ceremony and beach photos, Blue Lens did the reception.




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Just keep reminding yourself that this is your wedding dress.  If it helps, write down what you want to say and practice a few times before calling.  Have all of your documentation in front of you so that you don't get flustered trying to search for anything.  Don't let them bully you.  Seriously, take charge and make sure that they provide you the service that they promised.  And be sure to nail them down to an exact date when your dress should arrive.  Get a seamstress lined up ASAP so you aren't scrambling for that last minute and let her know the date of the wedding so she knows the timeframe she has to work her magic.  Good luck and be strong!

Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

Ohhhh gawwwd...you're talking to the girl who didn't have a grad dress because the seamstress that told me "I can make any dress from a photo" didn't get her sh@! together in time and had to stitch the so-called dress on me.  When I got home, my mother immediately cut it off me and called the bank to cancel her cheque.  


I promise I won't be swearing...I'll be curled up in the corner of the dress shop bawling...or trying to figure out how long of a drive it would be to get to the closest David's Bridal!  Oh, this is all very deja vu in the worst way.


In store A, they told us 3 - 4 months.  When I called last week, she said, "We tell people AROUND 4 months!"...



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Absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe your dress came from BCBG, it looks stunning on you! Then again I'd say you could have worn a white trash bag and looked out of this world!! Congrats!


Originally Posted by shellbell9567 View Post

Ok, I posted a pic of mine on the model a few months ago, but now my wedding has come and gone--it was truly wonderful--and I thought I would post one of me in the dress. I chose a simple dress from BCBG of all places but it turned out to be perfect for me:




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That is truly beautiful!  Perfect for a DW!  You look so happy!  Congrats.

Originally Posted by shellbell9567 View Post

Ok, I posted a pic of mine on the model a few months ago, but now my wedding has come and gone--it was truly wonderful--and I thought I would post one of me in the dress. I chose a simple dress from BCBG of all places but it turned out to be perfect for me:




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Your dress and photos are gorgeous! The wind helped make your photos perfect! What a find for your dress! Was it a bridesmaid dress?


Originally Posted by shellbell9567 View Post

Ok, I posted a pic of mine on the model a few months ago, but now my wedding has come and gone--it was truly wonderful--and I thought I would post one of me in the dress. I chose a simple dress from BCBG of all places but it turned out to be perfect for me:




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