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June 2013 brides- what are you doing?

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what is wrong with people? i have a friend who has changed her plans - no longer bringing a date - and WILL NOT GET BACK WITH ME so i can sort out the room situation. i am going to lose it.
As far as I'm concerned she can figure out her own room situation. That's her deal.... You have a wedding to think about! Good luck! It will all work out :)
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Originally Posted by MMK0386 View Post

As far as I'm concerned she can figure out her own room situation. That's her deal.... You have a wedding to think about!

Good luck! It will all work out :)


Ugh, I know...I want to be that way but unfortunately it would mean either I or the other people sharing the condo would be stuck paying for her share, so I kinda have to help sort it out. I think I may have a solution though so it's fine! I just can't believe people (good friends even!) can be so self centered and cause all this unnecessary stress!
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Originally Posted by agm04 View Post



Ugh, I know...I want to be that way but unfortunately it would mean either I or the other people sharing the condo would be stuck paying for her share, so I kinda have to help sort it out. I think I may have a solution though so it's fine! I just can't believe people (good friends even!) can be so self centered and cause all this unnecessary stress!

That is crazy, but hopefully you have it worked out by now. But it just sucks that YOU had to be the one to worry about it ya know? Funny what planning a wedding makes you see in your friends. I have a friend who I asked to be my bridesmaid, and she couldnt make the trip. Wouldnt tell me or answer her phone for months, then finally about a month ago (even though I had already known from other friends) she TEXTED me that she couldnt make it and now keeps telling all our girlfriends to shut up about my wedding she doesnt want to hear about it. I get that shes just upset she couldnt make it, but  dang could be a little nicer about it ya know. Oh well. Im in the easy breezy stage now and aint nobody going to stress me out anymore! Leaving in two days!

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Originally Posted by Billandstina View Post


Ahhhhhhhh!! We leave tomorrow and I'm feeling completely overwhelmed! A wedding threw up all over our house...every room filled with piles of things...glitter covering every inch of the kitchen...I never want to see another do-it-yourself project...clothes unpacked...stressing out!!! 12 of my guests are already down there and all I want to do is say F-it and leave everything here, take a swim suit and head down there to relax without dealing with a wedding!! Lolol!

Have fun and relax!!!! Safe travels! 

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Have such a great time! I can't wait to see everyone's pictures when we all get back...it's hard to believe that all the stress and silly panic over the last yest of so is just about over. I told myself when I started panning I wouldn't let things bother me the month before my wedding and so far so good...just need to make it they the next 11 days and u won't even let work be me down now!

That is crazy, but hopefully you have it worked out by now. But it just sucks that YOU had to be the one to worry about it ya know? Funny what planning a wedding makes you see in your friends. I have a friend who I asked to be my bridesmaid, and she couldnt make the trip. Wouldnt tell me or answer her phone for months, then finally about a month ago (even though I had already known from other friends) she TEXTED me that she couldnt make it and now keeps telling all our girlfriends to shut up about my wedding she doesnt want to hear about it. I get that shes just upset she couldnt make it, but  dang could be a little nicer about it ya know. Oh well. Im in the easy breezy stage now and aint nobody going to stress me out anymore! Leaving in two days!
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I just came back from my wedding in Hawaii!! It was the best time we ever had & the wedding turned out perfect! I can't wait to get all the pics in the next few weeks. To all the upcoming brides- take a deep breath & relax. Your wedding will be beautiful. You'll have an amazing time with all your closest family & friends.

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Originally Posted by natalieblev View Post

That is crazy, but hopefully you have it worked out by now. But it just sucks that YOU had to be the one to worry about it ya know? Funny what planning a wedding makes you see in your friends. I have a friend who I asked to be my bridesmaid, and she couldnt make the trip. Wouldnt tell me or answer her phone for months, then finally about a month ago (even though I had already known from other friends) she TEXTED me that she couldnt make it and now keeps telling all our girlfriends to shut up about my wedding she doesnt want to hear about it. I get that shes just upset she couldnt make it, but  dang could be a little nicer about it ya know. Oh well. Im in the easy breezy stage now and aint nobody going to stress me out anymore! Leaving in two days!


Omg how terrible! Man the things people do. But yeah it's just not the time to stress over it! I've been really trying to think big picture and enjoy everything. Sometimes I'm more successful than other. Haha.
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Originally Posted by pmkaraan View Post

I just came back from my wedding in Hawaii!! It was the best time we ever had & the wedding turned out perfect! I can't wait to get all the pics in the next few weeks. To all the upcoming brides- take a deep breath & relax. Your wedding will be beautiful. You'll have an amazing time with all your closest family & friends.


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Originally Posted by safety75 View Post

Question-- what is everyone planning to tip their vendors/staff etc?


Blahhh good question! I think I am tipping as follows, but I am totally open to switching it up if I'm off base here: DJ - $50 Planner - $250 + a $25 donation to a charity she volunteers with Photographer - not tipping bc she owns her own business Hair and makeup artist - 20% Bartenders for my welcome happy hour - do you guys think I have to tip them? They have a 2 hour minimum we're paying for and we're only using them for 1 hour so I'm thinking not but I don't want to be cheap. Musicians - they are individuals and are keeping the full fee so I'm thinking no tip? Waitstaff - 20% tip is included in our total bill so nothing to add there Hotel staff - no clue what to do for them but want to do something. Any ideas?
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