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June 2013 brides- what are you doing?

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We set our RSVP date of March 15 and did 2 weeks of follow-ups and still had people NOT RSVP.  I find that just terribly rude.  


I figure if they show up, they show up.  We are all adults and if they can't commit, one way or the other, then it is on them.


I too waited until I had a final heacount to order things for the OOT bags and start working on them.  I don't want to spend more than I have to, or have excess stuff laying around.  


I am doing a few extras just in case though.  If we have more peeps than the few extras I am making, they are out of luck.


Sounds tough I know, but.....

Originally Posted by Avborges View Post

Hey ladies.. I need some serious venting...


We have 46 guests booked.  My RSVP data was April 1 and so many people have not rsvp'd.  The worst part is that I waited until the RSVP to start my OOT bags because I didn't want to buy anything in excess.  I have now ordered the bags and started to purchase the items.  Suddenly we heard from people who are still "thinking about it" - I mean, almost 20 possible guests! I have two girlfriends who are teachers.  I understand their schedule will not be released until end of April but everyone else has no excuse.. I just think they don't realize what it takes to plan this.  If I run out of bags, is that ok to explain to them they were ordered a week after the RSVP date and we just didn't know they had plans to join us?  Or do I have to go out of my way to make them OOT bags?  


Anyone going through that??

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Thank you guys.. of course I want them to come but I just have to get started with other projects.  I can't dwell on OOTs forever!  


We don't have songs picked out yet, we don't have center pieces, flowers, etc.. I am so overwhelmed and this is the last thing I need.  Ah!  even the ring bearer is thinking about it!  lol  


Also, guests can't book from our website anymore because our group rooms are sold out.  Each time they ask for a quote, I need to chase after rates for them.  Not cool... this is driving me crazy.. literally.. I have a cold sore, my face tingles (yes!  I had an MRI done! All good though).. really, people?  Work with the bride for a change!  lol

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We don;t have our music picked out either.


I am knee deep in tons of DIY projects.  And I agree on not dwelling on OOTs.


Someway, somehow, it will all work out.  :)


Well, that is what I keep telling myself.  


Originally Posted by Avborges View Post

Thank you guys.. of course I want them to come but I just have to get started with other projects.  I can't dwell on OOTs forever!  


We don't have songs picked out yet, we don't have center pieces, flowers, etc.. I am so overwhelmed and this is the last thing I need.  Ah!  even the ring bearer is thinking about it!  lol  


Also, guests can't book from our website anymore because our group rooms are sold out.  Each time they ask for a quote, I need to chase after rates for them.  Not cool... this is driving me crazy.. literally.. I have a cold sore, my face tingles (yes!  I had an MRI done! All good though).. really, people?  Work with the bride for a change!  lol

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Originally Posted by Avborges View Post


Thank you guys.. of course I want them to come but I just have to get started with other projects.  I can't dwell on OOTs forever!  


We don't have songs picked out yet, we don't have center pieces, flowers, etc.. I am so overwhelmed and this is the last thing I need.  Ah!  even the ring bearer is thinking about it!  lol  


Also, guests can't book from our website anymore because our group rooms are sold out.  Each time they ask for a quote, I need to chase after rates for them.  Not cool... this is driving me crazy.. literally.. I have a cold sore, my face tingles (yes!  I had an MRI done! All good though).. really, people?  Work with the bride for a change!  lol

I totally understand and feel your pain. I have decided that whoever has not taken the time to RSVP is not going. Period. I have even gone to our website and filled in the info and kept my count accurate. I sent follow-up emails to those who we had not heard from and decided that their silence was the best answer. It's too much to worry about for me. I am in the process of moving to stay with family, move my furniture in with my fiancee (who lives in another state) complete my wedding DIY's and various other projects, and continue to work a crazy schedule. We do not know how long it will be before I get my official work transfer to be with him after we are officially married. My fiancee and I both work for the federal government and the whole world knows that the US government is basically broke, so it's a stressful situation all the way around. I'm going with a NO for those we haven't heard from and if they come to us closer to the wedding date and say they are coming, then good for them. Maybe they'll get an OOT bag, maybe they won't!

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I totally understand and feel your pain. I have decided that whoever has not taken the time to RSVP is not going. Period. I have even gone to our website and filled in the info and kept my count accurate. I sent follow-up emails to those who we had not heard from and decided that their silence was the best answer. It's too much to worry about for me. I am in the process of moving to stay with family, move my furniture in with my fiancee (who lives in another state) complete my wedding DIY's and various other projects, and continue to work a crazy schedule. We do not know how long it will be before I get my official work transfer to be with him after we are officially married. My fiancee and I both work for the federal government and the whole world knows that the US government is basically broke, so it's a stressful situation all the way around. I'm going with a NO for those we haven't heard from and if they come to us closer to the wedding date and say they are coming, then good for them. Maybe they'll get an OOT bag, maybe they won't!
I agree! I guess I'm just too cut and dry for the bull crap. To me, if they didn't RSVP or book a room, I assumed its an obvious "no." I didn't follow up with or chase down one single person that I didn't hear from. I don't have time for that. I'm going based off of who is booked. It just makes the most sense to me- its Mexico! They can't come if they don't book. For everyone in our room block final payment is due April 24th so I feel pretty confident that if they are not booked by now they aren't coming. I know there are other places they could stay or even book with another TA but I highly doubt someone would be doing all that extra work themselves and not RSVP and if they do, then tough luck!... No OOT bag for them! Girls we all know how stressful it can be to plan a wedding and how everyone else seems clueless so honestly, lets just keep it fun! (And safe!!!! No more cold sore and MRI's!!!) :(
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Originally Posted by Avborges View Post


Thank you guys.. of course I want them to come but I just have to get started with other projects.  I can't dwell on OOTs forever!  


We don't have songs picked out yet, we don't have center pieces, flowers, etc.. I am so overwhelmed and this is the last thing I need.  Ah!  even the ring bearer is thinking about it!  lol  


Also, guests can't book from our website anymore because our group rooms are sold out.  Each time they ask for a quote, I need to chase after rates for them.  Not cool... this is driving me crazy.. literally.. I have a cold sore, my face tingles (yes!  I had an MRI done! All good though).. really, people?  Work with the bride for a change!  lol

Ah! I'm so sorry!!! This is supposed to be an enjoyable time for you :(


We have about 14 people that are up in the air. What I'm going to do is, if I run out of stuff, I'll just by one-off substitutes. I.e. their koozie won't be like all the others...it will be something else I find or they're little bags may not be the same as the others. We are handing out our OOT bags at the Welcome Party, so if we run into "misfit OOT bags", I'll make a joke about it like, "if you received a koozie or bag that isn't identical to the others, that's your dunce cap for RSVP'ing a month from the wedding date". HAHA. If you just make light of the situation and make it fun, it won't seem tacky or rude.


To help "scurry" some of the undecided to a decision, I've told them that I have to submit a final head count to the resort by May 1st, which is true and makes the hotel the bad guy, not you.


But honestly, don't worry about it. When you start getting upset, just say to yourself..."F$%# it. I'm getting married in Mexico." The cussing releases my frustration and the second sentence always makes me smile :)




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Thank you, Ladies.. you are all right!


I will continue to use my "sweating for the wedding" to release all the stress.  I won't worry about the guests who are up in the air.  Yesterday I had a great evening with my mom and she told me:  "When you worry about all the things that might go wrong just remember that no one will know or care because they will be in Mexico having a blast!" - Mom knows best!


I actually took the time to go back to page 1 of this thread.. we all came a long way!  wow... so excited for all of us!  

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I feel like all the actual wedding things (as far as decor, etc) are really coming together and there only a few things left to buy (thank GOD!!) but I just started to think more about the Welcome Dinner we are having as well as the Rehearsal Dinner and I'm a little overwhelmed... I feel like I want there to be a few simple decor items..... Ideas?!? I'm thinking maybe just flower petals, candles of some kind, and maybe pictures of my FI and I through the years or something..? Hmmmm... Anyone else bringing small decorations for these events or similar events?

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I feel like all the actual wedding things (as far as decor, etc) are really coming together and there only a few things left to buy (thank GOD!!) but I just started to think more about the Welcome Dinner we are having as well as the Rehearsal Dinner and I'm a little overwhelmed... I feel like I want there to be a few simple decor items..... Ideas?!? I'm thinking maybe just flower petals, candles of some kind, and maybe pictures of my FI and I through the years or something..? Hmmmm... Anyone else bringing small decorations for these events or similar events?

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I feel like all the actual wedding things (as far as decor, etc) are really coming together and there only a few things left to buy (thank GOD!!) but I just started to think more about the Welcome Dinner we are having as well as the Rehearsal Dinner and I'm a little overwhelmed... I feel like I want there to be a few simple decor items..... Ideas?!? I'm thinking maybe just flower petals, candles of some kind, and maybe pictures of my FI and I through the years or something..? Hmmmm... Anyone else bringing small decorations for these events or similar events?
Oy vey...I haven't even thought about anything besides the actual day! Gulp! Lol! I'm switching between moments of panic and moments of "all right, I've got this under control"...but usually end with panic! Lol!
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