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Warrior Dash


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Has anyone been in a warrior dash?


I'm running (will attempt to run) one this Saturday! I'm excited but I'm not sure what to wear..


My plan was spandex running shorts, sports bra and tank, and old sneakers..


Bottoms... now I'm wondering if shorts are a good idea?.. I'm reading mixed reviews.. Some say shorts because the mudd weighs other articles of clothing down.. and then read that pants are better due to crawling on the ground, etc.


Shoes... I have old sneakers... Or wondering if my Fila toe shoes are a better option..


Top... I'm now thinking a sports bra and tight t'shirt.


I wanted to be a lil dressed up so thought about vinyling.. "Let's Get Dirty!" on the front or back of my shirt... and tying the small sleeves up with pink ribbon and putting my hair in braided pig tails and wearing a bandana or something.. Im weird about my hair and I know everyone will be muddy and not even care.. but it's just the way I am..lol 


Thoughts.. Tips... Please share!!! :o)


If you are reading this and wondering what in the world I'm even talking about.... Check it out! www.warriordash.com

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My advice, wear shoes that you don't mind throwing out at the end. After it's over, you won't want/recognize them anymore! As a matter of fact wear all clothes that you won't mind wearing ever again! I plan to do a tough mudder next year or even a warrior dash, but my friends that have done them have gotten VERY dirty. You will start out cute, but it gets very ugly very quickly if you know what I mean.

The pants idea probably will help with the crawling on the ground. I would probably wear a full t-shirt instead of a tank as well. I'm all about keeping the mud out of as many unmentionable places as possible. 


It's a lot of fun though so just have a god time with it and don't worry about your appearance. Like I said, you'll want to throw out everything when it's done. 

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Originally Posted by kisha311 View Post


My advice, wear shoes that you don't mind throwing out at the end. After it's over, you won't want/recognize them anymore! As a matter of fact wear all clothes that you won't mind wearing ever again! I plan to do a tough mudder next year or even a warrior dash, but my friends that have done them have gotten VERY dirty. You will start out cute, but it gets very ugly very quickly if you know what I mean.

The pants idea probably will help with the crawling on the ground. I would probably wear a full t-shirt instead of a tank as well. I'm all about keeping the mud out of as many unmentionable places as possible. 


It's a lot of fun though so just have a god time with it and don't worry about your appearance. Like I said, you'll want to throw out everything when it's done. 

 Thanks Kisha for all your advice!! :o)


What's a tough mudder?

I'm thinking I might go tonight to find a nice pair of quick dry capris.. If they are cheap since they will probably be trashed afterwards.

I too don't want any mudd in odd places.. LOL.. I'm thinking of wearing bikini bottoms under my bottoms to help keep the mudd out :o)

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Hey, you're going to have fun at the Warrior Dash! I've done Run For Your Lives and the Diva Dash -- both obstacle races, but very different from each other.


I recommend fitted bottoms/tights and a comfortable top. I didn't wear shorts because sometimes you have to crawl and you may get some scrapes and bruises from the ground in shorts.


For shoes, for your first race, I agree, use sneakers you don't mind tossing afterwards because they will get MUDDY! If you were thinking about doing more races on a regular basis, inov-8 and New Balance design trail/off-road running shoes that are good for mud runs/obstacle races.


Have fun!



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