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Why choose a DW??

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We chose a DW because our budget could be stretched quite a bit further. It was sooo expensive to get married in my home town and we knew we couldnt have our dream wedding back home. We splurged on everything we could have ever wanted for our DW and still came in a couple thousand under budget! We also wanted to have a couple of days with our friends and family rather than a few minutes at a packed wedding with a lot of people that we barely knew.

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We chose a destination wedding for a few different reasons, the money goes further so we felt like we could have more and do more for less, I have been a bridesmaid in a few weddings and helped with the planning and realized that with a DW you can do as much or as little as you want not a ton of planning and running here and running there, AND the biggest reason is that we love love love to be on vacation so why not take a trip and have all of our friends and family there to enjoy the vacation with us and I think that it gives people that dont normally go away a really great reason to do it!

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We chose a destination wedding for a few reasons.  We both come from large families that are spread around the country so it was more budget friendly to do a destination wedding.  We both wanted a destination wedding and knew our families were okay with it.  We also wanted to have only a limited number of guests and keep it small and intimate verse a very large wedding, which we would have had if we had done it at home.


Choosing the location for our wedding took a lot of time and research.  We probably researched and emailed resorts for over a month before we finally selected our resort.

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We chose a DW wedding for reasons mentioned by some of the brides on here already.  We both have huge families and wanted to keep it intimate and costs lower. But the main reason is that we are both travel fiends and wanderlusts. We travel a lot and all the time and  have been all over the world together.  We picked our location of Grand Cayman because it is our favorite beach spot that we always said we'd get married there and Seven Mile Beach happens to be one of the best beaches in the world!  It's a special place for us and was an easy decision.

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We chose a destination wedding for a lot of the same reasons as above, in addition to, we don't really consider ourselves 'traditional' wedding people. I think many people dream of having the traditional type wedding - but that did not appeal to my fiance and I. Also, many of our best moments and memories have been while traveling and we want others to share in the destination fun. Also, sometimes more is not merrier - especially with family and friends. I really wanted a more relaxed and carefree environment - rather than worrying about who to cut from the guest list and other drama filled topics. : ) I can't wait to make decisions like which beach, which fruity drink, etc.

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We chose a DW because his family is from WI and mine is from CA so Jamaica is neutral, no home turf takeovers money spent traveling is similar no hurt feeling about his hometown church or mine. Plus our $ goes further and it what we wanted Irie ~Cherina

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  • 3 months later...

We chose a destination wedding, mostly because I have always wanted to get married on the beach and have as far back as I can remember wanted to get married down south. My hubby to be is catholic and wants a catholic ceremony, so if we had the wedding in Canada one of us would have to give up our "dream wedding". So instead we are having a destination wedding on the beach with our close friends and family so I can have my dream wedding and when we return we will have a catholic ceremony for my hubby! Also works well for friends and family who might not be able to make  it to the wedding in Cuba. I'll just wear the same dress and I am getting real touch flowers so we can reuse these as well! And then we will just have a bbq and drinks at our house afterwards to celebrate. This way we both get what we want and it is still less costly then having a traditional wedding here at home! So its a win win for both of us!

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