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Paradisus Palma Real Locations

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My ideal location @ PPR is already booked by another wedding party. My options left are:


Apollo Foyer


The Beach (which we are leaning towards)


The "Family Pool Terrace" (not to be confused with Olympus Terrace)


Privatizing Gabi- which I feel is unfair since since I booked my wedding before the other bride and some sort of mixup happened in the requested space. I asked them to waive the fee- which was a shot in the dark lol. I was told it wouldn't be the full $9,000 because we chose the Aqua package- but its still a cool $4,500- and the mixup was their error so I'm not privy to having to pay an additional $4,500 for their error.


I am looking for any past brides with pictures and/or feedback about any of the above locations. The foyer looks pretty set up, but it seems narrow , especially for our additional dance floor and DJ set up. 


The beach was my original consideration but I wasn't sure about everyone going barefoot. I'm concerned about the food being cold and the lack of consistent drink service, since its far from the kitchen. 


The resort does not have any pictures of the family pool terrace setup. My coordinator sent me pictures of it without a setup and it looks like a passageway by the pool. I'm worried about it but she claims its beautiful set up..."from what she's heard" which isn't very reassuring.


This is the first blip in my wedding journey and its driving me bonkers. Everything else worked out but this is throwing me for a loop. 


Please help!!!! You can post the pics in this thread or PM them to me or email them to me @ [email protected]


I appreciate any help.

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