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Recommendation for Photographers- Wedding destination El Dorado Royale - Rivera Maya

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Hello Brides,


Does anyone have any good recommendations for a photographer in Rivera Maya.  I have reviewed the website of Del Sol and Ivan Luckie and their shots look fantastic.  Has anyone used these photographer?  And are they expensive?  Once we narrowed down our date ( hopefully this week) I can start calling to see if they are available, but if someone has another company they have worked with please pass along the knowledge.



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Hello Aisha2013,


I´m Mike Razo, from Mexican Wedding Photos, we´re an authorized vendor of the Dorado Royale, you don´t have to pay an extra fee for hire me to take your pictures, I also sponsor in this page, please check out this examples I hope you like it.












Any doubt or question don´t hesitate and feel free of contact me without any compromise, if you´re interested in our price list please contact to your lomas travel agent thank you have a great day bye = )


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