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Wedding October 13, 2012 at Moon Palace

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My wedding is 1 month away and I have nothing set yet. My planner is Maria and she seems to be not very ogranized. Luckily I'm very laid back so I am ok with showing up to the resort and finalizing everything. A few questions/concerns...we have 31 guests booked (including myself and groom) and 6 of those are not staying at the resort. We had about half book with a Travel Agent and half directly to the resort. So I am completely confused if the group benefits apply to us, since they were not all booked together. I also wanted a private reception, but not sure I want to pay $50/per person as I was told it would cost. The whole point of having a destination wedding was to avoid stress and it was supposed to be easy and less expensive. Now, with adding the private reception and what we have paid for our room (and possibly not getting the free nights with the group benefits) we are going to pay what we would have in the states.

Any advice would be so welcome and helpful :-)  I do have to say all the photos I have seen look amazing.

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Congrats ateshack + welcome to the forum! wishing you all the best with your wedding plans + special day ahead :) here's one of the magical wedding "moments that matter" we took there recently......with an album link to more photos here......https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150606941994487.400863.18683524486&type=3  ........you're going to have a gorgeous location, for sure! 



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