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Allie H's EDR (RM, Mexico) 11-5-2012 Planning Thread

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The hardcore countdown is ON. we leave in 2 weeks. 


We had our legal day on Tuesday, so it's officially unofficial. 


We've made our final payment, and the last thing we're tidying up is the music list for the DJ. will post details when I can! 

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Yay!! Congrats on being officially unofficial!!! I have no clue when we are doing that- we might end up waiting until after the wedding cause we are running out of time!

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

The hardcore countdown is ON. we leave in 2 weeks. 


We had our legal day on Tuesday, so it's officially unofficial. 


We've made our final payment, and the last thing we're tidying up is the music list for the DJ. will post details when I can! 

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We've ended up telling quite a few people at work. I keep trying to introduce him as my fiancé, and then someone else will correct me to say "husband" lol Because of that, I kinda wish we had waited until afterwards to take care of the paperwork. It doesn't matter, I'm thrilled to have him as my husband. 


Originally Posted by shan0487 View Post

Yay!! Congrats on being officially unofficial!!! I have no clue when we are doing that- we might end up waiting until after the wedding cause we are running out of time!


thank you!!! I know I'm bailing out on a couple of my DIY projects - but it's at the point where I don't have a lot of time, and suddenly it doesn't seem quite that important lol 

Originally Posted by missde09 View Post

So close! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return! Congrats and enjoy all of the hard work that you put into this elefant.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you!! I'd have a ton more DIY if we were doing a wedding locally. as it is, we have a  total of 4 suitcases of wedding stuff. 1 went with my mom, a friend is bringing 1, and we're bringing 2. plus our 2 big suitcases of clothes, my ginormous dress, and our carry on bags. 


Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post

This is such an amazing thread, with so many good ideas! You should go into wedding planning!!



I did quickie table numbers too, and a typography mini-poster that I saw on pinterest and recreated. I didn't take a pic of the table numbers before I packed them, but I'll post pics when we get back (my photog will capture all of those details I hope). 


here's the typography I copied (I'll post a pic of my version later as well): 



We leave Wednesday! YAY! 


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we are out of here tomorrow!! 


Unfortunately 13 of our guests live in NYC, and have been affected by Sandy. they are all safe and sound, but have no electricity or water. We don't know who will make it, and who won't. What can you do? We'll hope for the best! 


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Yaaaay!!!! Have fun!!!! Good luck and can't wait to see pics!!!!

Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

we are out of here tomorrow!! 


Unfortunately 13 of our guests live in NYC, and have been affected by Sandy. they are all safe and sound, but have no electricity or water. We don't know who will make it, and who won't. What can you do? We'll hope for the best! 


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