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Allie H's EDR (RM, Mexico) 11-5-2012 Planning Thread

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Yes, I can send you the spreadsheet, and the music list they sent me too. I'll PM you for your email address!

Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

Do you have the Spreadsheet of what you filled out??? I am so overwhelmed with trying to figure out the song list for everything. I know it should not matter but every time I sit down to focus on picking out songs my mind goes into panic mode thinking I can't come up with a good variety. Why I don't know I have always done very well in the past with house parties putting together a music flow.  


I was just listening to the Jason Mraz song that you had for your first dance and put that on the list of potential songs. I was also looking at Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat Lucky since it talks about Best Friends and in my FI proposal in his nervousness said the line "Your my best friend" three different times. So Best Friends has held a special place in our hearts. 


Thanks for all your feedback it has been super helpful and has help eased my fears of what to do tremendously! Our budget has gone up a little b/c one of the couples that originally said they were coming and were the first to put their deposit down have now backed out. Which lost us some pretty good incentives that we thought we had. I know that I should not be upset but this is the same person (a friend of my FI from college) that promises him that she will be there and that he is one of her best friends and then always backs out on him and lets him down. So I am more upset that I know he is hurt by her actions and her excuses. So I am doing everything in my power to still have all the things we wanted for our wedding along with fitting in the budget! woot.gif



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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my goodness, AllieH, what a wonderful planning thread!!!  I cannot believe your day has come and gone!  Over the past year I have seen may of your posts & support to all of us brides.  CONGRATULATIONS, you were a beautiful bride!!!!  Your pictures posted so far are GORGEOUS!  I am so happy for you.  All your hard work paid off!!!  xoxo


I was curious what you used to hold your table #'s?  Are those frames showing on your table setting what you used? May I ask where you found them?


Also, would you be so king to share with me your DJ spreadsheet as well?  (elissae@nycap,rr.com)  I am in the process now of going through music & selecting songs and a playlist for the reception.


Thanks for sharing your ideas!!!!

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Allie, quick question...what kind of bags did you use for your OOT bags? I remember seeing a photo on here a while back, but can't find it for the life of me!!! I could totally be wrong though...


If you did the canvas bags, did you see guests using them throughout their stay? Or did you wish you would have just used disposable bags?

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Elissae - I'm just seeing this, so sorry for the delay! Yes, I will email you the DJ spreadsheets we used.


I used the Ikea white plastic frames to hold our table numbers - they are a whopping $1 in the stores.






Thank you for your kind words!!

Originally Posted by elissae View Post

Oh my goodness, AllieH, what a wonderful planning thread!!!  I cannot believe your day has come and gone!  Over the past year I have seen may of your posts & support to all of us brides.  CONGRATULATIONS, you were a beautiful bride!!!!  Your pictures posted so far are GORGEOUS!  I am so happy for you.  All your hard work paid off!!!  xoxo


I was curious what you used to hold your table #'s?  Are those frames showing on your table setting what you used? May I ask where you found them?


Also, would you be so king to share with me your DJ spreadsheet as well?  (elissae@nycap,rr.com)  I am in the process now of going through music & selecting songs and a playlist for the reception.


Thanks for sharing your ideas!!!!


We used the recycled grocery bag-type things for our OOT bags. quite a few people carried them around - it was the perfect size to throw a towel, a book and an iPod in. I'm overly-practical, so I loved the idea of something that could be re-used. The fact that they were super affordable was a bonus!



Originally Posted by nbateman View Post

Allie, quick question...what kind of bags did you use for your OOT bags? I remember seeing a photo on here a while back, but can't find it for the life of me!!! I could totally be wrong though...


If you did the canvas bags, did you see guests using them throughout their stay? Or did you wish you would have just used disposable bags?

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HI Allie-


Congratulations and thank you for sharing everything with us. Your post has given me so much inspiration and ideas - thank you again!


Not sure if I missed this or not - but where did you or did you make the Mr. & Mrs Moore sign you both are holding? It is so cute!


Thanks and congratulations again!

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thank you!! I'm so glad you are inspired by my posts.


I am pretty sure I got that from a crafty email/website, and I can't remember who the seller/creator was. I'm not sure if I have that receipt, but I'll look through my emails and see if it's in there anywhere. I can't do lettering well, or I probably would have attempted that DIY too!



Originally Posted by Arch713 View Post

HI Allie-


Congratulations and thank you for sharing everything with us. Your post has given me so much inspiration and ideas - thank you again!


Not sure if I missed this or not - but where did you or did you make the Mr. & Mrs Moore sign you both are holding? It is so cute!


Thanks and congratulations again!

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