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1. Be NATURAL 700


Be Yourself. Donâ€t try to look or be anything other than yourself.

Relax. The way you feel, is the way you look at the camera

Laugh! Every woman look gorgeous with a big smile

Think about the moment. Capturing the romance of the day, the emotion, and obviously the LOVE

Forget the camera. This moment is about your fiance and you.







2. Get the LOOK




 - Practice in the mirror. Study your face and figure out the best smile and angle for you.


 - Be comfortable. This is basic because it shows in your face.

 - Keep makeup and eyelashes normal and classic. You really don´t want to look fake.

 - Mind the lens. Try to not allow one part of your body to be closer to the lens because it will make that part appear larger than the rest of your body.




Get in position. To make your neck look more elongated, drop your shoulders and raise your chin. Imagine that you are being pulled by a string from the top of your head.

Dab. If you are planning on getting married in the summer and want outdoor photos make sure the groom has a hanky too. Sweaty photos are not pretty! (VERY IMPORTANT IF YOUR WEDDING ARE AT THE BEACH).



3. Strike a POSE



Not head on. To look thinner, keep your shoulder to the camera and avoid facing the camera straight on. Hide behind the groom a bit or tuck into his armpit to slim yourself down.


Donâ€t look down. To avoid a double chin, have the photographer shoot from above the eye/face level. Tilt the head a bit sideways to hide the chin and have the photographer avoid shooting from the side. 

Hand on hip. Every girl feels insecure about her bare arms in a strapless dress.  Instead of the arm laying flat against the torso and making it look wider, simply toss the hand on the hip. It will make the arm much more toned looking.

Angle yourself. Balance your weight on your back foot and cross  the other foot in front of the other in a T fashion. Pop a hip towards the camera but at an angle. This is universally appealing and slimming,


4. FOCUS the light 



 -  Natural light is your friend! Getting ready in a room with windows makes for great pictures. Not only is the light beautiful, it is also flattering and makes your skin look amazing. Opening the shades whenever you can will add a lot to the pictures in any situation. 

 -  Make sure your reception is well-lit. The best wedding receptions seen in magazines have lighting covering the dance floor and on the cakes and table arrangements. Consider hiring a lighting company to light your reception or ask the venue/band/DJ to light your reception for you. The pictures will be amazing and you wonâ€t regret it.



 Donâ€t let it get TOO dark during dancing. DJs and bands love a dark dance floor to entice people to get loose. Photographers, of course, want this too and want to get fun dance shots of the crowd, but we need a little light to focus on people. Ask the venue ahead of time not to turn off the lights entirely. Also, during your first dance, have spotlights! 

Use spotlights. If you are planning a candlelight ceremony, be sure to have a spotlight shining on the area where you will be saying your vows. 

 Prevent the squinty look. If the sun is really bright, close your eyes and ask your photographer to let you know when s/he is going to take the picture. Open them when s/he tells you and that will eliminate the ‘squinty†look. This also works if you typically wear glasses and do not want to wear them for portraits.






Love yourself. It´s YOUR special day, enjoy it.

 Be happy. Happiness is beauty!







I hope these tips are helpful, and most importantly enjoy every minute of your special day.









For more information you can contact us on: www.oceanphotostudio.com or fb: http://fb.me/15Hj6nQKj

  By: OPS
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Can I see an example of this?


Angle yourself. Balance your weight on your back foot and cross the other foot in front of the other in a T fashion. Pop a hip towards the camera but at an angle. This is universally appealing and slimming,

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Yes, love these tips and thanks for submitting them! I hate taking photos. Our engagement photo session felt super awkward. Turns out it's really hard to kiss/laugh/attempt to look adorable/look like I'm having the time of my life/look natural when there's a camera around. Most of the pics turned out nice, but still, nerve-wracking! I can imagine it's even more so on the wedding day!

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