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Any other 2014 brides here getting an early start?


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Love your AHR idea sounds fun. I would love that kind. Now now shug, I wasn't saying you only..lol.. My stay alone is running me over $10k with us and the kids but there are a lot of us. I am definitely do not have the financial means as a lot of you brides. So I have to cut cost wherever I can. I did pay for STDs because I wanted to get them out so guests could olan accordingly. I agree shug's plan is one to stick by. I don't think it's bad o invite who you want but it can go either way.because it is a DW not as man will probably come. But you know your friends and family so you have to do what's best for you. The boards have great DIY threads for everything that are very resourceful. They will definitely help out. Great job on the passport and confetti. Get to punching. .lol
Tyrebridre. I too am not financially sound to do what so many of these brides can do. Lol I wish. Hell I'm cutting corners everywhere. If it weren't for me getting coupons from davids bridal. Wouldntve have done std at all. Did thru shutterfly. Lol. I have gotten so man deals from other brides here. Omg.
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Tyrebridre. I too am not financially sound to do what so many of these brides can do. Lol I wish. Hell I'm cutting corners everywhere. If it weren't for me getting coupons from davids bridal. Wouldntve have done std at all. Did thru shutterfly. Lol. I have gotten so man deals from other brides here. Omg.
Hell I wish too! !
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Tyrebridre. I too am not financially sound to do what so many of these brides can do. Lol I wish. Hell I'm cutting corners everywhere. If it weren't for me getting coupons from davids bridal. Wouldntve have done std at all. Did thru shutterfly. Lol. I have gotten so man deals from other brides here. Omg.
Come on to my ahr. Have a blast with us
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My mom had suggested that we do it at our home. Now all we have to do is buy the house! LOL
You guys got me wanting a an AHR now.... my FI will kill me if I even mention it maybe I'll mention it to my future SIL and maybe she can convince him lol. I seriously need to get organized. I found an old accordion folder to store items. I need to hurry up and hit my 150 post so that I can see some of these attachments. I think I might want to attempt passport invites. I just need to see how time consuming and involved they will be. Oh... And I went to the post office today. Totally didnt factor that not my budget :confused:
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You guys got me wanting a an AHR now.... my FI will kill me if I even mention it maybe I'll mention it to my future SIL and maybe she can convince him lol. I seriously need to get organized. I found an old accordion folder to store items. I need to hurry up and hit my 150 post so that I can see some of these attachments. I think I might want to attempt passport invites. I just need to see how time consuming and involved they will be. Oh... And I went to the post office today. Totally didnt factor that not my budget :confused:
Most people who do them say they took a ton of work and time but they enjoyed it .I'm not the crafty gurl so I was like nooooo. Because I'd saved so much money on other things. That was my one splurge for myself. Since my fiance is not the big on pictures type. I didn't have to go big on photography
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