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Any other 2014 brides here getting an early start?


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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


Ladies......I was a complete bridezilla last night.....and I think it is spreading into today as well. I need to vent a bit.....My FI's father is a worthless drunk. In the 3.5yrs we've dated he has never been around and my FI doesn't have a relationship with him. When my FI graduated the police academy this scum didn't show up b/c my FI didn't call him on his birthday......oh I'm sorry, but it was 3days before he graduated and passing the academy was a little bit more important. Moving on......so that christmas he decided to take Roy and his brother out to dinner and gave him a check for like $200 for a "graduation present". OK.....so that was 2011......now we never have really had contact with him since. We got engaged March 16th, Roy called his father to tell him we are engaged.....his father decided he wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate our engagement. Well, this was April 4th I believe that we went (first saturday in April) and we are sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant waiting for his worthless father when we suddenly get a call from him (mind you it's 5pm). He calls and says he's lost........we immediately knew he was drunk b/c we were at the restaurant they always go to for the last 30yrs.......well, Roy gives him directions. 10mins later his father calls again that he's been in an accident.....at this point he is SO intoxicated that he can't even tell us where he is. Well every min for 15mins this SOB kept calling us asking when we will get there.....well we tell him to put a cop on the phone and he does and we find out where he is (literally 5mins from the restaurant). We go and there's 3 cop cars and a motorcycle cop and the damn women he hit. Well get this, this SOB hit this women at a light, and than drove 5miles away trying to escape......Well, it would of helped if he didn't leave his damn liscence plate at the scene of the accident!!!!!!! So, all he keeps asking Roy is "what are you going to do for me". Well, he gets arrested after failing the test, IN FRONT OF US. We end up having to call his brother to go sign him out b/c Roy can't because of his job and I can't b/c I'm his future wife. Well, lets just say they did this man a HUGE favor as far as not throwing the book at him. 3hrs after they arrest him they made him blow.....he blew a .30........3hrs later!???!!!~?! So we have to drive him home b/c they impounded his car....so the whole ride home he acts like nothing is wrong....and that now we're going to have to be a taxi service to him........They take him to court on that Monday and he gets his lis. taken away for 7months and when he gets it back he has to have the machine put in his car to have it be able to start when he blows in it........WELL, the next day while he's at work his mother (roy's grandma) (96yrs old) falls down the stairs and breaks her hip, shoulder, and leg. So now this SOB expects us to drive him back and fourth to the hospital every single day (they're 40mins from us). This went on until she finally died on June 15th......Now on father's day Roy decided to be the bigger person and call him, well the father wants to go out to dinner......we go and this SOB has a siezure at the diner b/c he didn't drink for 8hrs.....we rush him to the hospital and he tells the doctors and everyone else he doesn't drink......seriously?! So I left the room, not sure what was said to him by Roy and his brother but I know whatever it was it was harsh. Well, he was released the next day and given detox drugs and asked for us to go to dinner.....do you see a patern here? I never actually get to eat the dinner I'm invited to.......well, he acts like NOTHING happened. Nothing.....the doctor told him he is dying b/c of the drinking and he pretends like nothing is wrong.......I have not seen the man since. And since March I said he was uninvited to the wedding, that I'm not babysitting him in another country and I'm not having my wedding day ruined. Well, yesterday my FI was with his mother (ugh another long story, MONSTER-in-law) and she tells him he's actually been sober and that maybe we should think about inviting him.....girls I lost it.....I mean absolutely lost it and flipped out and said I didn't care if he was the king of Prussia and had a check for $2million dollars that I did not want him there and if he wanted him there than we are calling off the destination wedding and we'll go get married in Vegas.....I just can't deal with him being at the wedding with the thought of unlimited alchol around and available 24/7.....am I being an ass?

 Wow alot to deal with but addiction is really a sickness..is he getting any help?  tough decision to make.  FI's mom had an addiction we have since lost her.  Although she had this addiction they were still very close and it is still very hard for him to deal with.  sorry didn't mean to go off your FFIL but he is his dad maybe discuss with him and see where he stands with him coming.  Something you should decide together.

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Originally Posted by zeman321 View Post



Too funny! I bought that one for my daughter to use as her something blue. Bought it about6 months ago. It' very pretty in person!



Do you still wanna do that starfish share?

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post




Thank you ladies for the support. His mother is pushing the issue b/c the idiot father said he would pay for her and his brother (yet they've been divorced for 20yrs). And FI only has thought about it b/c he's worth a lot of money and he is afraid if we don't invite him that we will be writen out of the will. I told him no money in the world is worth any of this drama......I'm not even sure how to get him to see my POV. Plus, my wedding invites are done and printed and his father isn't listed in the invites and I'm not changing them nor am I listing him anywhere. In all honesty I want nothing to do with him and i'm so sick of this wedding being all about what his mother and brother wants. Last I checked I'm the bride

that is not a good reason to invite him especially if he will be trouble is she going to watch him?  if he is not getting help at this point and proving that he is changing it could be dangerous to have him at an all inclusive.

Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


Here's a fellow Barcelo bride's photos. Im in love with her headband. Now I'm thinking of wearing my hair down. Ugh decisions decisions!



Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


I had my own bridezilla moment Sunday lol. I sent over the decorated raffia fans to the In-laws house for storage. His mom was gone for the weekend for a wedding and he casually tells me "oh yea, mom said she'll attached the thank you/program cards to the fans with her sisters once they get there, since it's 1, 2, 3" I'm like the entire point of bringing the shit over here was so your mom and you could do it. Who the hell wants to sacrifice time in a room putting the fans together that should've been put together HERE?" Am I bugging? B/c my mom was equally upset like just bring the fans back, we'll do it if it's too much for them to do it before we freaking leave.girl_werewolf.gif

should be done here why waste wedding/vaca time when it can already be done



Originally Posted by brownsugarbride View Post


d I've heard a lot of brides say they were glad that they did updos so that they avoided the situation.

I wanted down too but I know it would be better for an updo

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Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


tyre, that's what my mom and I said! but whatever, fi's responsible for it, I'm not playing LOL. anything else I send over there, will be done. I gave her a task bc she wanted to be included. should've known better

LOL! They can't even follow simple directions.  if she wants to spend her time on vaca doing it then let her have a ball

Originally Posted by RaynDrop View Post



So excited about this..what are we gonna do after all the weddings I'm gonna miss you girls.  We have to figure something out.

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