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Any other 2014 brides here getting an early start?


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Originally Posted by tyrebride2b2013 View Post


Welcome Back Rayn, you are very lucky the board has been very quiet so you don't have tooo much to catch up on...


Are you registering for the honeymoon registry?  I am going to check it out.. 


Yes it is very quite around here tonight!!!   That's okay - I just took a nap and didn't miss anything!! haha


I don't think I will do the honeymoon registry - I don't plan on doing any - Only if people start asking where we are registered and then make it seem like they need us to (I don't want anyone to assume that we just want cash - The last two weddings I have been too they didn't register for anything and asked for money - I Hate that!!!!!)   I guess I just assume that no one will ask since they are paying to come . . .   but I have a feeling that people will ask anyways and I get wanting to give us something (I know I would give something even if it was a DW)  Plus, I have no idea if the people we invite to our AHR will be looking for one.


Soo...  to answer your question. . .   I may do a registry - if I get the feeling people are looking for one - but I doubt I will do the honeymoon one.      Of course it does sound like a gooooood idea!!!!! hahaha 


Sorry I'm ramballing... I just woke up from a much needed nap and now my head is fuzzy 

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Hello.... how is everything going?
So far so good. I reserved my date on Monday. Now I am thinking about STDs, wedding website & Invitations. The FH and I are still tinkering with the budget and getting the word out to family. I'm really anxious about it all... But overall happy. I'm super excited. What about yourself? How was your trip?
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Originally Posted by MrsPeele2B View Post



So far so good. I reserved my date on Monday. Now I am thinking about STDs, wedding website & Invitations. The FH and I are still tinkering with the budget and getting the word out to family. I'm really anxious about it all... But overall happy. I'm super excited. What about yourself? How was your trip?


Ohh that is exciting!! I know there is at least one other Lady on here getting married at Moon Palace!  Congrats on making that decision I know for some it can be overwelming!    


I am not familiar with your location so I am not much help there - but all the ladies on here are super helpful so I'm sure we can help you out with stuff along the way!!


There is a lot of things to think about - like you mentioned STDs, Invites, Website, Dress, Jewelry, Groom's Outfit - and so on. . .  I am a huge believer in making list.   Specially with something were there are so many parts to figure out.   I'm sure (if you haven't already) it would help to make one or two.   Start by just having a master list of everything you think of that needs to be done - then have a calendar - start putting the things on the calendar that you know you need to have done by a certain time.  (ie-  deposits your vendors will give you a payment time frame) and getting your dress ( you need to make sure you have enough time to get it in and have your fittings)  Then, come up with when you want to send stuff out (ie - STDs & Invites - Plus you RSVP date)   Lastly, fill in the other stuff so that it is spread out and you never have too many things to do at one time (ie - get your wedding day jewelry, shoes, head piece/veil - bridesmaid gifts and so on)   That sounds like a lot but it will all come together if you have it down in one place!



As for me - I am getting married Next October - We have been planning since last October - We told everyone that is invited this April but haven't announced are engagement to everyone yet.....  We send our Save the Dates in July (well okay I ran into a few delays and I think it was August 1st hehe)  and plan on sending Invites in October (Now that I am back from Vacation I will work on them - I think I can get them all figured out in Sept and send them on time!! *hope so anyways!)  I'm not giving much of an RSVP time frame as I am asking for them by January - but am sending out little "gifts" every three months up until two weeks before the wedding so I need them back before I start sending out stuff.  We are only inviting 22 people (Parents, Siblings, 1 Aunt each and 1 Best Friend each ... and everyone's + 1)


Other then booking our room and date we haven't done much.  Welll besides Welcome Bags items - I'm a bit obsessed with them!!  hahaha  Okay maybe I'm a bit crazy over them!!! 


Anyways - My Vacation was good - was in Colorado - hadn't been there in a while so it was nice to go back!   


Don't get overwhelmed - just take things one step at a time!!!


As I said in another post - sorry for rambling - I'm super sleepy but since I just woke up I can't get back to sleep now!

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Originally Posted by DeeP10 View Post


i gu


I guess I should still come in here occasionally to check up on ppl. Lol. I'm so addicted to our FB page now hat I can't come here to red 150 posts. Hahahsba


Yeah I wasn't sure if everyone was going to move over there... I'm just going to try to keep up on both... can get tricky! haha


I got your reply! Thanks

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Originally Posted by brownsugarbride View Post


Welcome back Rayn! By the way, I just posted a thread on free stuff for your wedding. You can register at a number of stores and get free things, even if no one buys anything off yor registry.


Ohhh - how do I find this thread??  I like Free : )

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Originally Posted by brownsugarbride View Post


Welcome back Rayn! By the way, I just posted a thread on free stuff for your wedding. You can register at a number of stores and get free things, even if no one buys anything off yor registry.


And Thanks : ) It is nice to be back!

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