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Any other 2014 brides here getting an early start?


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Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


Rayn, how many guests are you having? I wish I could do all of this but it's not in the budget. I thought of doing something for the BP but some of them have been pretty crappy but my mom consoles me and says "if you want it done right...do it yourself" LOL

Well I only invited 18 people (9 couples)


The only two that might not come are my sisters (which is 1 couple)


I am thinking about inviting one of his aunts (she probably wont come and has no +1 but she is is godmother .. so idk) and one of my aunt and uncles (this is something I am really not sure about doing... *sigh*)

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Originally Posted by RaynDrop View Post


Okay - Seriously if I post my Welcome Bags.... don't judge me - it's long and probably not complete - I have way toooooooo much time to keep adding stuff :(


To make it even worse.. (I think I have mentioned before that I am sending little packages ever 3 months up to two weeks before departure plus a couple of things while in St. Lucia) 


This is my plan. . . 


Things I'm Sending to each couple


Jul '13 - Save the Dates

Oct '13 - Invitations

Jan '14 - Accessories  - (Ties and Flower Hair Clips -- with dress code guidelines)

Apr '14 - Passport Reminders (with passport covers and luggage tags)

Jul '14 - St. Lucia Info Package (hoping to find some brochures as well as well as a list of good to know things I have found in researching St. Lucia)

Oct '14 - Pre-Departure Gifts (I can put a list together if anyone would like - it's not too long)




Things I'm giving to each couple or person while in St. Lucia


The Day they Arrive - Welcome Bags (Oy!)

Day of Wedding - Ceremony Items (I can make a list.. it is short!)

Reception Dinner - Favors (at some point I want to do something with just the parents to give them their extra gift)

The Day they Leave - Departure Bags (I can make a list... it is also short!)


Ummm I think (HOPE) that is everything embarrest.gif

Ask your resort for little brochures on the place. My TA did and they sent me a HUGE box of booklets, flyers, and even spa bath balls. I'm giving them out at our engagement party on Saturday night

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Originally Posted by DeeP10 View Post



I'm 34 so I feel u.

I'm gonna be honest. Bon bons are not the problem. Lol


I get home from work after a crap day of dealing with whiny passengers , their kids, the pilots, my crazy coworkers, delays, all I want to do is down a bottle of wine. Lol.


They say a glass is good for you but I like big glasses. LmAo


Now with this wedding stress (where the hell is all this money going to come from) I might move on to scotch

Totally feel you

Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


Hi...My name is Jali and I may be an alcoholic. I too deal with bitchy clients, crazy idiotic people. Oh sorry I am a paralegal lol. and I too like big glasses of wine and shots of tequila and margaritas lol

Hi....my name is Cindy and I might be a alcoholic.....I deal with stupid ppl in healthcare and Doctors who think they are gods and a bunch of whiney old hags in the dept as well as future inlaws from HELL. I love big glasses of wine, usually I forgo the glass and just use the bottle....and pitchers of Sangria....

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


Ask your resort for little brochures on the place. My TA did and they sent me a HUGE box of booklets, flyers, and even spa bath balls. I'm giving them out at our engagement party on Saturday night

I think I already mentioned to her that I might want some... I will defiantly follow up about getting them.    That's cute she added spa bath balls :)

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Totally feel you Hi....my name is Cindy and I might be a alcoholic.....I deal with stupid ppl in healthcare and Doctors who think they are gods and a bunch of whiney old hags in the dept as well as future inlaws from HELL. I love big glasses of wine, usually I forgo the glass and just use the bottle....and pitchers of Sangria....
Lmaoooooo the seat! What the hell did I start? :confused:
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Originally Posted by DeeP10 View Post





Every time u write definitely autocorrect writes it as Defiantly . Which I love because hell , I'm defiant as hell. Hahahaha

HAhaha  that's funny!! I didn't even notice - I will definitely pay better attention from now on : )

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Speaking of engagement parties. I have a ???????? Is everyone having one or has had one already? Everyone keeps asking me. When's the engagement party ? and I keep thinking when the hell are you throwing me one. WTH? Did everyone pay for their own engagement party on top of the wedding? It seems one of my already married with 10 kids that I have to buy gifts for every Xmas and birthday should be volunteering. Heheheheh. Or am I off here? Who generally hosts this shindig ?

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Originally Posted by DeeP10 View Post


Speaking of engagement parties.


I have a huh.gifhuh.gif??


Is everyone having one or has had one already?


Everyone keeps asking me. When's the engagement party ? and I keep thinking when the hell are you throwing me one. WTH? Did everyone pay for their own engagement party on top of the wedding? It seems one of my already married with 10 kids that I have to buy gifts for every Xmas and birthday should be volunteering. Heheheheh. Or am I off here?


Who generally hosts this shindig ?


We haven't announced our engagement to anyone (well almost anyone) out side those invited... and those invited live all over the place so I highly doubt that we will have one.   I'm not sure I will even have a shower. . .   if someone happens to throw any or all of these for me.. cool!  if not I really don't care.  

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