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Any Brides Getting honeymooning seperately from DW location?


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Hi Ladies,


How many are getting married on one resort, villa, island etc and honeymooning on another?  I am thinking of maybe going to stay at another resort after the wedding but wondering if it is worth the hassle traveling while supposed to be on honeymoon.

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We are planning to be gone for two weeks! We are staying at the wedding site resort for the first week and changing resorts for the second week! The honeymoon location is about 20 min away from the first one! Mix it up mid trip! And be alone......😉

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Originally Posted by Jenna1511 View Post


We are planning to be gone for two weeks! We are staying at the wedding site resort for the first week and changing resorts for the second week! The honeymoon location is about 20 min away from the first one! Mix it up mid trip! And be alone......😉


that sounds nice a whole week of vacation alone..technically first vacation as man and wife..

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I read these posts of all these brides that want to honeymoon at the same location that all the guests are staying at, I think they're CRAZY.  lol.  But...to each his/her own..I guess for them its super important to spend time with their loved ones who they probably haven't seen in a long time (I still think they're crazy, lol).  Anyway, we are staying at our wedding resort for only 1 more night after our wedding.  We arrive Tuesday, get married on Friday, and leave on Sunday morning to another resort on the same island but 2 hours away.  At that point, I'll have had enough of everyone, had a chance to spend a few days with them all, and will need to decompress from all the wedding craziness in a new surrounding.  I think that's something every bride and groom deserve!


Good luck!

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Originally Posted by maridr2012 View Post


I read these posts of all these brides that want to honeymoon at the same location that all the guests are staying at, I think they're CRAZY.  lol.  But...to each his/her own..I guess for them its super important to spend time with their loved ones who they probably haven't seen in a long time (I still think they're crazy, lol).  Anyway, we are staying at our wedding resort for only 1 more night after our wedding.  We arrive Tuesday, get married on Friday, and leave on Sunday morning to another resort on the same island but 2 hours away.  At that point, I'll have had enough of everyone, had a chance to spend a few days with them all, and will need to decompress from all the wedding craziness in a new surrounding.  I think that's something every bride and groom deserve!


Good luck!


lol.that's my issue not to sure that I want to be around family after wedding for the entire honeymoon.  I mean love my family and friends but it's supposed to be my honeymoon not a family vacation.  I think I am going  to see how long all the guests book before I decide.  FI is one of those people though who wants to be around family and friends

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Originally Posted by tyrebride2b2013 View Post



lol.that's my issue not to sure that I want to be around family after wedding for the entire honeymoon.  I mean love my family and friends but it's supposed to be my honeymoon not a family vacation.  I think I am going  to see how long all the guests book before I decide.  FI is one of those people though who wants to be around family and friends

Ha!  Mine is too!  My FI is APPALLED that I don't want to spend the entire week and then some with his fam n our friends.  I had to negotiate with him on it.  But, ultimately it came down to this:  he travels so much, average 2 wks each month.  I kinda sugar talked him by explaining we never get to spend quality time just by ourselves, and this will be the only opportunity before we have kids (umm like next year) when we'll be able to enjoy each other's company by ourselves in a beautiful location as husband and wife.  He got it, understood and relented.  Good luck with your plans : )

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Originally Posted by maridr2012 View Post


Ha!  Mine is too!  My FI is APPALLED that I don't want to spend the entire week and then some with his fam n our friends.  I had to negotiate with him on it.  But, ultimately it came down to this:  he travels so much, average 2 wks each month.  I kinda sugar talked him by explaining we never get to spend quality time just by ourselves, and this will be the only opportunity before we have kids (umm like next year) when we'll be able to enjoy each other's company by ourselves in a beautiful location as husband and wife.  He got it, understood and relented.  Good luck with your plans : )

hahaahhah!! So I see both of our FI's feel the same way.  I am going to have to sugar talk him into the same.  We already have children and they are actually leaving 2days after the wedding and traveling back with family so he should really understand the fact that we need to have our honeymoon alone.  I mean how is it that we are getting a children break and being stuck with family and friends. 

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