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Anyone have a not so "magical" proposal?

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I know the title may sound bad, but I'm curious if anyone else out there was proposed to in a way that may not be considered "magical, romantic etc" by others but for you it was perfect?


I will briefly share mine. Mark and I started dating in 2004 (senior year of HS) and he went off to join the Army (HOOAH) and I went off to Freshman year of high school. I broke up with him because I didn't know if I wanted to "deal with the military and being taken during college". Looking back I feel terrible about this because he told me it was the single hardest thing he had to deal with (more then the military?!) One day I was checking an e-mail account I hadn't used in probably a good year. I saw Mark's e-mail address pop up and my heart literally dropped. He had e-mailed saying he tried to call me but it was someone else's number by that time. I e-mailed him back and we were literally back together that week. I had missed him tremendously. We spent New Year's together that year and I fell in love with him all over again.


His career in the military was a major part of our relationship for a long time. When he got to deployed to Iraq I was a complete wreck. I didn't know how to be without my best friend, soul mate and partner in crime. There was an entire week I did not hear from him because they were on a black out due to rockets being directly fired at their living quarters. I went crazy thinking Mark was dead because he usually called me daily. I even checked websites that report on deceased soldiers (this is NOT a good feeling btw). He randomly sent me a video message through my cell (bc they were not allowed to use the phones and internet still). He said that they had been shot at and he lost 2 buddies. He was crying (which I had never seen him do) and I felt terrible for him. At the end of the video he started saying sweet things about how this experience has made him know stronger then ever that he cannot live without me. He asked me to marry him through a video message. (a VERY expensive video message might I add! ha).


When I tell some people the story they are like "oh interesting" and while I know it's not some award winning proposal it was perfect for us. We had over come a lot over the years as far as the military and moving around and deployments. For him to go through a traumatic experience and to share it with me was very special. He does not talk about his military experiences overseas too often but he will tell people about his buddies that lost their lives and about the week he realized he had to marry me.


We've taken awhile to get married thanks to the military and their constant changing of orders. He is finally out and free to plan with me. We are so excited!

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Awe! I think his proposal was very sweet! He was over-seas, how else was he suppose to do it? And as long as it was perfect for you, who cares what people think! So happy he's back and able to help you plan! How exciting. Best wishes to you both :)

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I love your engagement story! I may have even cried a little while reading it! I thought it was incredibly sweet! My story on the other hand was completely unromantic. We had only been dating 5 months, I had just moved in with him a few weeks before. When one night (while lying in bed) he started asking if I was ever going to marry him. I said I was in no rush. He told me to let him know when I was ready because he has had a ring for a few months already. I was like yeah right, no you dont! He got out of bed, went over to his dresser, pulls out a ring box and chucked it at my head!!! I did NOT accept it, I threw it back at him and told him that is NOT the way you propose! A few weeks later he did it properly when we were out for our 6month anniversay dinner! (it was a very long few weeks for me not to snoop around in his drawer to find the ring, I really wanted to see it)

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I think it was a beautiful proposal story!


A lot of people give me funny looks when I talk about my proposal story, but it was exactly what I wanted. My fiance and I are a very low key kind of couple and he proposed when we were sitting in the back yard around a fire with a bottle of wine. We had spent the day together, went to to Zoo, and just came home to relax. With my head on his shoulder he said, "did you have a good day?". I replied "it was a perfect day" at which point he got down on one knee and said, "Well how bout a million more of them?". It might not have been the big showy proposal most girls look for, but to me it was perfect!


It sounds like to me, that your fiance proposed in a way that was very special to the two of you, and that is all that matters!!!

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Originally Posted by finleya View Post


I think it was a beautiful proposal story!


A lot of people give me funny looks when I talk about my proposal story, but it was exactly what I wanted. My fiance and I are a very low key kind of couple and he proposed when we were sitting in the back yard around a fire with a bottle of wine. We had spent the day together, went to to Zoo, and just came home to relax. With my head on his shoulder he said, "did you have a good day?". I replied "it was a perfect day" at which point he got down on one knee and said, "Well how bout a million more of them?". It might not have been the big showy proposal most girls look for, but to me it was perfect!


It sounds like to me, that your fiance proposed in a way that was very special to the two of you, and that is all that matters!!!

That's super cute!! See I like all proposal stories because they are unique to the couple!

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Thanks! And of course the only thing going through my head at that time was... wait a minute, isn't that like 2000yrs... I am such a dork! lol

Originally Posted by KrystalDawn View Post

That's super cute!! See I like all proposal stories because they are unique to the couple!

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