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So my save the dates have finally gone out and people are getting them and contacting me. However, they are starting to irritate me ALREADY! First I wasn't going to use a TA, but now I am since soooo many people thought I should and it would help them out to get on payment plans. Now that they have the information, everyone is asking all of these questions and saying that they're going to book on their own! wtf.gif So, now I feel stuck. I'm trying to encourage them to use the TA and just book through the group because it will help us pay for the wedding with the various incentives but they seem to have better ideas. And they're asking me questions about airfare although I said on the STD and on our website that the airfare for that time of June 2013 is not available yet. How much clearer can I make it? censored.gif Needless to say, I'm already feeling like I want to cry and give up on the whole thing. People are unbelievable.  They harassed me for 2 months about freaking save the dates because they just HAD TO HAVE the information for their personal PLANNING PURPOSES, but then they get it and don't want to use it. 


This sucks and I'm venting. 

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I hear ya! 


Lots of our guests complained that we didnt have the dates picked yet so they couldnt take it off work, so we hurried up and picked a date and tour company, but then they complained because they had to have their deposits in early.  grrr.


I HATE HATE HATE it when everyone has individual requests and questions... like SERIOUSLY I invited 300 people, read the invitation, I dont have the energy to deal with it all!! Plus, we have a travel agent and told them to direct questions about separate bookings through them, but they all keep asking me..."can we leave a day earlier, what's the price for that", or "I'd like to request a room upgrade" or "I'd like a window seat"... SERIOUSLY that's OBVIOUSLY something for the travel agent, not me!! 


I know it will be worth it, but man it is sure testing my patience! 


Whew venting feels good!

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I totally have a vent to add. It is not necessarily about people making specific requests, but more about people not telling ANYONE what their requests are! Some of our guests is refusing to book with our TA because she is out of town and they don't want to book over the phone. I am trying to arrange an alternate plan for them, but they just told me this the day before the booking deadline!! So frustrated!

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I have reached the point where I'm telling people that they have all of the information and it's up to them. I can't don anything more than what I've done so far to make the process easier. They don't realize that this is a lot of work and it's stressful regardless of it being a destination wedding or local. Just let them roll off your back!

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The silly part is that we have a wedding planner that should be doing this all for us. Our family just did not say that to her (obviously, because she is also the TA). Just extremely frustrated. I think it will be a lot better once the booking is all finished!! anyone else who books late will be a bonus (won't help us financially, but that's not the point right?)

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We only booked our hotel rooms through a TA since our air itinerary was not available yet either when the save the dates went out. We set-up a group discount with American Airlines that gave us a code that guests could use to get 5% off.  Our save the dates had our TA information, nobody really contacted us about it.  But our STDs were a letter explaining our DW and travel options. 

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Originally Posted by Mufin1785 View Post


We only booked our hotel rooms through a TA since our air itinerary was not available yet either when the save the dates went out. We set-up a group discount with American Airlines that gave us a code that guests could use to get 5% off.  Our save the dates had our TA information, nobody really contacted us about it.  But our STDs were a letter explaining our DW and travel options. 



Trust me, the save the dates and the website lay everything out for people and they still act silly. I'm just saying whatever at this point. I have a regular life and job to deal with on top of finishing graduate school in December so I can't let them stress me. Glad to hear your situation is going well.

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Lol it sure does feel good to vent. I thought by having a DW it would be less stressful. Well that's abig fat LIE. Any DW bride that has had a smooth process when it comes to making the booking process simple for guests and never had to deal with all the dumb ass questions & comments from guests are the minority. We told everyone we'd be having a DW as soon as we got engaged well over a year ago and told everyone if you want to go start saving now then we sent out save the dates in Feb for our Nov wedding, our website has ALL the info on it including travel agent info. I still got emails & calls from guests seemingly confused, but saying they want to book ASAP. Only 10 people booked. Then...I sent out formal invitations a month ago and included a separate insert on booking info with my website address and booking info. I STILL got a bunch of calls, emails, texts asking me questions. And by the way, our RSVP date is in 3 weeks, nobody has booked yet (other than the original 10). So..although I'm extremely frustrated, now when people ask me dumb ass questions I tell them they need to call the travel agent, I don't handle the particulars of travel and don't have prices for their particular needs-date, time, #of people traveling etc. that's what the dedicated travel agent is for. And then I change the topic. Lol!

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