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RIU Palace Mexico August 2013 wedding


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Oh, and I was told you have to have at least 50 people to have a private reception.  They charge you to close down the restaurant for the night, so that you have it for both seatings.  Supposedly they don't charge you for the food or alcohol, which is why I don't understand why the price keeps changing... I think there are three options for a private reception:  the steakhouse, having an outside buffet type thing set up, and a third that I can't remember.  We are hoping to book the stake house.  I believe someone said the regular menu is the menu available for your reception.  


I'm such a planner that not having details hammered down is driving me nuts.  :-/

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We will definitely be having over 50 people and would prefer a private locations. I actually got an email back from Patricia today general things like flower choices, cake choices and extras like the price for chair sashes (which I though was pretty random since we asked for information about pricing and location choices for the dinner) but no information about private dinners.  How many people are you expecting?


I haven't really thought about the aisle runner on the beach but I may have seen somewhere that one is included? 



If you wouldn't mind emailing me the information you have for 2012 pricing I'd appreciate it and I'd be more then happy to forward you the attachments she sent me.




[email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a few more pictures of the resorts new rooms/lobby area and sadly I am not a huge fan of the renovations and updates.  I really liked the old world feel of the old lobby and now its been redone in mostly whites with purple accents.  Definitely an interesting choice on the hotel's parts.


Does anyone else feel the same about the reno's?  I

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't mind the renovations inside but I'm wondering about the courtyard.  I was really looking forward to taking pictures with their landscaping.  Does anyone have suggestions for an affordable photographers? 


Did everyone get 2013 pricing?  It is now up on their website.

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  • 1 month later...

I got really excited today when Fernanda finally sent me a picture of their garden location and the restuarant set up.  The wedding took place last weekend, so I feel a lot more comfortable.  I was really worried since there havent' been any pictures of recent weddings post renovations.  Though I'd share in case anyone was wondering.




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Originally Posted by mellyb81 View Post


I can send you pictures also. I just returned home from getting married here on Feb 14th. It was great! My wedding was also in the garden.


Congrats mellyb81!  I would love to see your wedding pictures.  Fernanda just clarified that the gazebo isn't part of the package, so I'd be interested in seeing what your ceremony looked like.


Thank you in advance.

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