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Gifts to a DW?

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So we're planning on having an AHR, which means I will still register somewhere, but I was wondering what you do about gifts from the people that are coming to the DW? Certainly they won't bring presents and expect us to ship them all back, right? I was actually considering putting on the invitation that no gifts are necessary, but how do you do that tactfully? Or do we just assume that the guests know better than to bring a blender all the way to cancun?

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I've been trying to spread the word via my family and BMs that if a guest is coming to Jamaica that I really don't expect a gift. I think they're paying enough already, so I don't want them to give me anything. I was going to put something like "Your presence is present enough" (sorry, I stole that from someone here...) on my website, but haven't yet (need to remember to do that!). For those that still want to give a gift anyway, I'm hoping that they have enough sense to not bring it with them!!!

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I have it on my website. I've also been spreading the word to make sure no one brings a gift to mexico. This is what's on my website. maybe I didn't need the part about the pictures, but I REALLY REALLY want everyone to share their pictures. More than any gift they could give me. We are also having AHR's which I guess some people will bring gifts too. I imagine people will mail us some stuff too.


Gift Registry

If you are making the trip to Mexico, please do not also give us a gift. Spending your time and money to celebrate with us is the gift. The only thing we want is for you to share your pictures of the wedding & vacation with us.


We do not expect gifts from anyone. Your love, support and friendship is all we need. We understand that people may enjoy gift giving so we will do some gift registries to make it easier to pick things out.

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I wouldn't mention anything about gifts on your invites. If you have a website, the registry page is a great place to mention you aren't wanting gifts. Have your family spread the word about not bringing gifts to Mexico.


Matt said if anyone brings us a gift, we'll be sure to mention that the waiter enjoyed their toast oven.. lol Seriously though, I hope nobody is that inconsiderate.. even gift cards/cash will be tough in Mexico. Things like that could easily be lost or worse, stollen.

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