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No Bridesmaids. What to do?

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I have four bms.  I originally had five, but one of them is unabe to come.  Most of the people on my side are coming and only a few of my hubby's people are coming.  He will have 3 groomsmen and I'm happy that two of them are his close friends and another is a new friend, the husband of my good friend. I thought about convincing him to add one more person (soeone from my family) to even it out, but I soon realized that I wouldn't wat someone to force me to get a bm.  Like everyone has mentioned, it's best to have people who you'd like to stand up for you because it's a special moment.  I'm glad you were able to compromise with your hubby on the numbers, while still having your mother standing up for you.

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Not sure if it's too late to post...but def agree with Cinnagirl.  Your FI needs to lighten up and understand that things aren't always going to be perfect and if your girls aren't going to be there, he needs to understand that.  Also...not sure if this is weird or not...but so what if things are asymmetrical?  If you just have your mom up there he can still have his boys?

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