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No Bridesmaids. What to do?

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I have to say I totally agree with the comments on here, surely your finance's priorities should be making you happy, not his pals!


From personal experience; my sister recently got married, she had seven bridesmaids. By the day of the wedding she regretted picking most of them, but she didn't let that ruin her day.


It wouldn't bother me whether I had any bridesmaids or not, the day should be about the bride & groom and not making other people happy. Someone once told me, If a bride can't be selfish on her wedding day, when can she be? I agree Lol. Are there any children in the family that are attending? Couldn't you just have a flower girl, that wouldn't be so awkward?


You only get married once, right? So go with your heart. 

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We are not having anyone in the wedding party. We are having all of our really close family and friends there. I have never enjoyed the experience of being a bridesmaid so I did not want to inflict that on anyone else. I just want everyone who is important to be to be there to celebrate the day with me.

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Originally Posted by georgiasl View Post


We are not having anyone in the wedding party. We are having all of our really close family and friends there. I have never enjoyed the experience of being a bridesmaid so I did not want to inflict that on anyone else. I just want everyone who is important to be to be there to celebrate the day with me.

This is a nice way of doing it although I see the merits to having a MOH or a BM that will be able to help you get dressed and ready on the morning of the wedding, however if you have some other close family or friend they don't really need a title in order to help.


Good luck ladies and happy planning!

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Originally Posted by LTLFAITHY View Post


I don't mean to sound like a "B" here, but I don't understand why you FI is so dead-set on having groomsmen. This wedding is about the two of you, not him and his buddies. It's great that he suggested some girls to be your bridesmaids, but do you REALLY want some girls that you barely know standing beside you when you get married? Sorry if I sound mean, but I think he is being kind of selfish about this.......

Yeah I have to agree with this as well. We aren't having a bridal party because the wedding is about us, not who is standing with us. You need to chat with him. It sounds pretty selfish that he "needs" the guys up there with him and you aren't able to have your ladies with you. Why doesn't he have honorary groomsmen? List them in the program, but they sit with everyone else. 


Bottom line, you need to figure out why he feels this way and express to him how much it hurts you. 

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I think having your Mom is a GREAT IDEA!!!


We are not having a wedding party...my Mom is my MOH & my FI's son is going to be his BM.  Actually, it was my FI's idea...he did not want groomsmen (his 2nd wedding) and I was relieved.  We all know being in a wedding is an added expense...and adding destination to the mix makes for more $$ spent.


It also takes the pressure off choosing a Maid/Matron of Honor between close friends...no feelings hurt.. xoxo


I hope it all works out for you.

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