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So we completed our first DIY project and the response we are getting from family and friends is amazing!  I think it gets everybody very excited about the trip!  I have to say thank you to all the ladies on this site who have helped inspire my FI and I as well as shared all their wonderful ideas!  A special thank you though to Venus who without her step by step instructions I would have been lost! The template we used was from alyeebits.IMG_1049.JPGIMG_1050.JPGIMG_1054.JPGIMG_1052.JPGIMG_1051.JPGIMG_1053.JPG

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These are so nice!  I love how you've put them together, especially the theme of it all.  I'd love to know more about how you created them (paper you used, etc.)  Awesome job, looking forward to seeing more of your creations!

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Thanks for all the compliments!  The template was free from aylee bits.  On her website she has a list of supplies with the weight of the paper.  Cream Paper and tags for the front were from Staples as well as the envelopes and labels.  We were not able to find cream/off white labels so my Fiance dipped them in Coffee water to stain them.  I was a little nervous but they turned out great!  The rafia and paper to make the ticket jacket were from Michaels.  I followed the instructions that one of the other girls on here had for making the ticket jackets.  Without her instructions I would have been lost. 

I bought the tools for making everything at various stores, but the paper cutter I bought at staples in the end, had a lot of what we needed instead of seperate gadgets!  We were excited and a little quick at purchasing tools.  The Paper Cutter from staples had several different features.....cutting, a folding tool, as well as the perforator for the ticket.  I also found the bone folder in conjunction with this folding tool to be worth it! 

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