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So, I got some really bad news....


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Originally Posted by akh View Post
Shelley I am sorry to hear this - but I was going to say something similar to what Julie said, it's better to know now so you can deal with this sooner rather than later after you've been hitting your head on a wall for months! I dont' know enough medically to say that everything will be ok, but I know that you can't fix something you don't know is broken! Hang in there - and we're here for you.
Originally Posted by NurseSarah View Post
Shelly I'm so sorry to hear this, and that this news is coming right before your wedding. I don't really know alot about fertility, but I'd highly recommend seeing a fertility specialist before you get too stressed. Like Christa said, there are sooooo many factors that go into interpreting results of hormone tests. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
thank you girls, all of you... I do feel better now... just to hear those words spoken to you is a little devestating... I know there are a lot of options out there....
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I'm so sorry. About all I can say is welcome to the club sad.gif


A couple of things: MAKE sure you get a final diagnosis/second opinion. MAKE sure you guys talk it out. Chris has been very supportive of me and not laying any kind of guilt trip on me whatsoever (I have a friend who's husband almost left her because she couldn't get pregnant).


Be clear about your options (AI, IVF, adoption etc), and the associated costs, so when you ARE ready, things are in place.


Allow yourself time to grieve if you need to. This is something I have still to work on. Sure I put on a brave face (like telling friends/family "oh, we didn't want kids anyway" ) when this is really not how you are feeling. For example, it breaks my heart every time I see Chris with a baby, or our Goddaughter. He's so awesome with kids, it's really REALLY hard for me.


I'm here if you need me hun, as we all are.



I am thinking more and more that it really is a MIRACLE every time people get pregnant these days without help. SO many people I know are having problems.

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Shelley, I'm so sorry. I agree, try not to get stressed out about this (I know, easier said than done) and go see a fertility specialist. I know next to nothing about fertility and ttc, but please know that I'm here for you - we're here for you - and available to talk 24/7 if you need it. See what a fertility specialist says before you worry yourself too much. I'm sorry this news comes before your wedding. hug2.gif

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Originally Posted by Debs View Post
I'm so sorry. About all I can say is welcome to the club sad.gif

A couple of things: MAKE sure you get a final diagnosis/second opinion. MAKE sure you guys talk it out. Chris has been very supportive of me and not laying any kind of guilt trip on me whatsoever (I have a friend who's husband almost left her because she couldn't get pregnant).

Be clear about your options (AI, IVF, adoption etc), and the associated costs, so when you ARE ready, things are in place.

Allow yourself time to grieve if you need to. This is something I have still to work on. Sure I put on a brave face (like telling friends/family "oh, we didn't want kids anyway" ) when this is really not how you are feeling. For example, it breaks my heart every time I see Chris with a baby, or our Goddaughter. He's so awesome with kids, it's really REALLY hard for me.

I'm here if you need me hun, as we all are.

I am thinking more and more that it really is a MIRACLE every time people get pregnant these days without help. SO many people I know are having problems.
thank you... I am really sorry you are going through this too (a little deeper than me at the moment) I work in a hospital so for me, I see pregnant women all day long... and I can't help to think to myself, what if I never have that, and it breaks my heart...
Anyway, Amos is very supportive, I know he would never leave me for not being able to have kids, and I know if that were the case I would give him every opportunity to leave now...
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I am so sorry Shelly, I know that must come as such a shock to your system to hear those words. Like the other girls said, there is so much out there in the world of fertility so hang in there! Hopefully you can get some better answers before your wedding because I know that would be so hard to deal with. Regardless, it sounds like you are with an absolutely amazing and supportive man and you are such a beautiful, caring woman - so that's something to celebrate!!! You two make a wonderful couple and if it's meant to be I know you guys will have an adorable little one running around in your future...


Hang in there, we're all behind you!

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I'm so sorry. First things first, don't let this cloud the joy of you marrying such a wonderful in man in 2 short months. Many people in the world never even get that in life.

Try to remain calm until you get more info. It's not worth getting worked up about yet.


And as usual...vent to us whenever you need to.

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How did they noticed that? Is this the 1st time they notice this? What I am trying to understand is why haven't they told you this before during past examinations...


I am sure things will turn out ok for you. So many medical help is available to get pregnante.

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Everything I had to say has already been said, but I think it'll be ok Shelley. When you guys are ready to have a child you will... and whether that child be carried inside of you, made with the help of medical intervention, or adopted, it will be your child and so very lucky to have you.

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Hi Shelly, so sorry to hear your bad news. Just wanted to wish you luck on your test results tomorrow. Maybe it was just the wedding stress that gave you high numbers; doesn't the body naturally prevent pregnancy during high stress times? My heart goes out to you and you will be in my thoughts. smile03.gif

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