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Originally Posted by FutureMrsB View Post
Ok girls..today was my weekly weigh-in!

I lost 2.6 pounds this week, for a total weight-loss of 11.6 pounds in 3 weeks!

20 pounds to go to hit the WW goal. Not sure if it is too low though, I would look like a twig at that weight. I would be happy with 10-15 more pounds.
Thats fantastic, keep up the good work!! wink.gif
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wow im so impressed with you! 11.6 pounds in 3 weeks!


i weighed in this morning, and i didnt lose any this week, but then i didnt gain any either, so i guess thats good. i did use some flex points this past week though...maybe i wont do that again... i am at 144 now and would like to be at about 125-130 for my wedding in 5 months.

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Originally Posted by Saraha View Post
WOW that was great information. I think I will def look into this. How have you ladies done on this? Anyone lost weight? I will have to do something, maybe if the BDW biggest loser doesnt do it I will move on to this. But the time is getting closer. 20 pounds in three months, if thats even possible!
20 pounds in 3 months is totally doable on WW! Think of it this way - you have 24 weeks... that's less than a pound a week! I lost 10 pounds right before my wedding on WW and loved it. Then of course I stopped counting and put it back on over 6 months and 2 long vacations... anyway I'm back and right now I'm 5 pounds down from my "high" weight.

Originally Posted by LadyCheese View Post
elefant.gifSooo, I went to my first WW meeting today...I registered and I got weighed. The person who spoke at the meeting tonight was good & there was a large group of ladies (and men) so I think I will return. I would like to lose 50lbs. which is a lot but I think by writing down what I eat and going to meetings will help keep me motivated. Thx for listening ladies wink.gif
Yiiipppppeeeee! Sounds like you are well on your way. I think signing up can be one of the hardest steps to make. It's challenging for the first couple of weeks until you can figure out what you can/should eat, etc. There's people in my WW who have lost over 100 and are still going - so 50s not bad! punk.gif
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsB View Post
Ok girls..today was my weekly weigh-in!

I lost 2.6 pounds this week, for a total weight-loss of 11.6 pounds in 3 weeks!

20 pounds to go to hit the WW goal. Not sure if it is too low though, I would look like a twig at that weight. I would be happy with 10-15 more pounds.

Last night was my first night back in the gym in about a year. But, I have been doing a yoga class twice a week.

I've been watching and monitoring my food intake very closely. WW has a lot of really yummy recipes so that has helped too.
smile123.gif OMG - That is FANTASTIC! I am SO impressed! What kind of yoga are do you doing?
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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
smile123.gif OMG - That is FANTASTIC! I am SO impressed! What kind of yoga are do you doing?
Hatha Yoga. I'm pretty sure it's just the basic type. I was thinking of doing a power yoga or hot yoga at my gym to.

Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
i weighed in this morning, and i didnt lose any this week, but then i didnt gain any either, so i guess thats good. i did use some flex points this past week though...maybe i wont do that again... i am at 144 now and would like to be at about 125-130 for my wedding in 5 months.
Last week I had only lost a pound, but this week more came off. Most of the 11 came off in the first week. Don't feel bad about using flex points... I think of them as my "living a normal life" points. If you cut everything out you will never stay on the diet.

This week the main thing I did different was Significantly cut out alcohol consumption. I think I only had 2 drinks total all week.

Thanks to everyone for all the support!
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Originally Posted by Saraha View Post
Yeah that was my main concern is the pre done food/meals. I have a strict diets as it is (youd think I would not need to loose weight with what I cant eat). Im gluten intolerant. Dont know if you have any idea what it is but its the protein found in wheat. So pretty much anything with flour is off limits. So that would limit my restrictions big time as far as the premade foods. But if you can eat your own than I think it would work. Hopefully!! Thanks for all your great info though, you have been super helpful!
Celiac's disease, right (I probably slaughtered the spelling of that!!)

I have a friend whose 5 year old daughter has had it since she was really little, so I've seen and heard about all the things she can't have. It seems like everything is off limits, it must be so hard to find things to eat!!

WW would work well for you in this case because you can eat your own food.

Originally Posted by FutureMrsB View Post
Ok girls..today was my weekly weigh-in!

I lost 2.6 pounds this week, for a total weight-loss of 11.6 pounds in 3 weeks!

20 pounds to go to hit the WW goal. Not sure if it is too low though, I would look like a twig at that weight. I would be happy with 10-15 more pounds.
Thats fantastic!!! Congratulations, you're more than halfway to your goal!
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsB View Post
Last week I had only lost a pound, but this week more came off. Most of the 11 came off in the first week. Don't feel bad about using flex points... I think of them as my "living a normal life" points. If you cut everything out you will never stay on the diet.

This week the main thing I did different was Significantly cut out alcohol consumption. I think I only had 2 drinks total all week.
thanks for the encouragement! i almost never drink to begin with so that takes care of that. i'm allergic to beer and have a very very sensitive stomach and digestive system so more than one glass of white wine or one cocktail makes me really sick usually. i cant even drink red wine at all, my doctor said i am probably allergic to the tannins, because i have gotten very ill the few times i drank red with specific kinds of stomach pains, so my doc said to just stay away from red wine. my FI doesnt drink hardly at all either, so i never feel bad about not being much of a drinker. i just switch to sparkling water after i've had my alcohol.

and i agree not using ANY flex points makes it much harder to do, but then i was seeing more results in the first 3 weeks when i didnt use flex points. i was really really hormonal this week though, and i was bad and bought those softstix pretzels you heat up in the microwave and they have cheese in the middle.... i ate 3/4 of the box on wednesday, and a serving size is 2. i ate 8. and then my FI went to CVS last night and brought home a cadbury creme egg for me since he knows theyre my favorite easter candy. i crave really bad, greasy, salty foods when I have my period. and like clockwork, every month the week i start PMSing, i crave french fries and a chocolate shake. anybody know a way to curb that?
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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
thanks for the encouragement! i almost never drink to begin with so that takes care of that. i'm allergic to beer and have a very very sensitive stomach and digestive system so more than one glass of white wine or one cocktail makes me really sick usually. i cant even drink red wine at all, my doctor said i am probably allergic to the tannins, because i have gotten very ill the few times i drank red with specific kinds of stomach pains, so my doc said to just stay away from red wine. my FI doesnt drink hardly at all either, so i never feel bad about not being much of a drinker. i just switch to sparkling water after i've had my alcohol.

and i agree not using ANY flex points makes it much harder to do, but then i was seeing more results in the first 3 weeks when i didnt use flex points. i was really really hormonal this week though, and i was bad and bought those softstix pretzels you heat up in the microwave and they have cheese in the middle.... i ate 3/4 of the box on wednesday, and a serving size is 2. i ate 8. and then my FI went to CVS last night and brought home a cadbury creme egg for me since he knows theyre my favorite easter candy. i crave really bad, greasy, salty foods when I have my period. and like clockwork, every month the week i start PMSing, i crave french fries and a chocolate shake. anybody know a way to curb that?
I wish I knew a way to curb it because I get the same types of cravings! Usually its the week before my period when I feel like I could eat a house and still be hungry!

I really hope there is a cure for this....
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I was seriously just talking about this at work I work in a medical office and all us girls are always PMSing at the same time and eat a CRAZY amount of food and laugh because were still starving.. they said its something to do with hormones.... not sure what though.



What is it in the beer that your are allergic to. JW b/c I have an allergy it also!

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