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My friend at work made some delicious 1 point chocolate mini-muffins. She's supposed to give me the recipe and as soon as she does I will post it. It was very high in fiber (you could taste it) but they were really moist and delicious!


I have actually switched from rum/diet cokes to wine. I feel like a glass of wine for the same # of points (2) is more satisfying and even a little (sounds crazy) more filling. I literally just plan it into my day's points when I know I'm going out or to friends houses.


One more note - the great thing about WW is those extra 35 points! I use those babies once a week to go out to eat with DH or friends. I have to say I am feeling so much happier now that I've lost even just like 4-5 pounds! Weird how that happens...

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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
My friend at work made some delicious 1 point chocolate mini-muffins. She's supposed to give me the recipe and as soon as she does I will post it. It was very high in fiber (you could taste it) but they were really moist and delicious!

I have actually switched from rum/diet cokes to wine. I feel like a glass of wine for the same # of points (2) is more satisfying and even a little (sounds crazy) more filling. I literally just plan it into my day's points when I know I'm going out or to friends houses.

One more note - the great thing about WW is those extra 35 points! I use those babies once a week to go out to eat with DH or friends. I have to say I am feeling so much happier now that I've lost even just like 4-5 pounds! Weird how that happens...
Yes, definitely post that recipe, sounds yummy!

Originally Posted by LadyCheese View Post
Hi ladies...I started my day off like this:

7am-coffee with 2% and equal
9am-protein shake made with 2% milk and fresh strawberries & blueberries
11am-2 hard boiled eggs & approx. a cup of grapes

**I dont know the points yet til I go to my meeting and get the points thingy.

You did great!!! From what you posted it looks like you will need to eat a bit more, but that will all be explained when you go to your meeting.
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Ugh ... while I'm not on WW, I am trying to focus on weight loss and toning up through exercise and eating "better".


I fell off the wagon for 4-days last week and already notice a "bleck" change in me ... in the way I both feel and the way I look.


Now -- it's back to focussing on the prize.


T-minus 52 days to go...

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Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes View Post
I'm noticing a trend in my WW activity. I do GREAT during the week - stay on all my points, don't even use most of my bank points from working out and make healthy choices. The weekend is another story, though. Sometimes I hardly even count points!
I am/was exactly the same. I do great all week long and then the weekend hits. I have only been doing well over the past few weekends - here's my strategy. It's to be S.T.U.P.I.D. (I just made this acronym up!):

Save. all your flex points! (which it sounds like you already do)

Track. The biggest change you can make that really will make a difference is to be honest with yourself and track your points no matter how much you've eaten or are about to eat. Even if that means you're going way over just knowing the information will make a difference in your behavior.

Use. Pick one meal or event (whether it be going out for drinks or dinner or whatever) and use those points!

Plan. By that I mean know when you're going to use those extra points and plan accordingly.

In Control. Focus on enjoying food, drinks etc. in a matter that is In Control. Don't eat until you feel sick or drink until you throw up (I'm not saying you do) but eat and drink in a way where you can enjoy it without feeling guilty.

Defense. That means in places you know where there are likely to be non-point friendly food make and bring your own favorites to eat instead. Bring enough to share so you don't feel like you're the only one eating "good" food. It also means avoiding restaurants or homes that you know trigger the eater in you. For me that means I can't go to Mexican restaurants right now. I just cannot sit there while the chips are on the table looking at me!
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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Ohhh I like it, great acronym. It really does make a difference not only physically but I am convinced mentally too! I know I am doing something better for my body so I feel better about myself.
Thanks! I totally stole the main ideas from my WW leader but I came up with the Acronym all on my own! But I think you are so right - being able to treat yourself is what i think a lot of us are looking for on the weekends because "we've been so good all week." (this is what my brain in thinking at least). Finding a way to do this without blowing all my hard work makes me feel good and also not deprived.
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