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To those born 1920-1979


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Originally Posted by IrieBride08 View Post
This is too funny! I'm amazed we made it out alive! LOL!!

I was def. one who was sent out to play in the morning and didn't come home til before the streetlights came on, made mud pies (minus the worms!!!), etc.!
oh yea - we had neighborhood "kick the can" games going on most night. we just knew that once it got to be too dark, we should probably head home. ahhh - the good ol' days!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
oh yea - we had neighborhood "kick the can" games going on most night. we just knew that once it got to be too dark, we should probably head home. ahhh - the good ol' days!
I know, right?!? Also, I was totally a latch-key kid and at 7 years old would pick my 5 year old sister up from daycare, walk the 5 minutes home, and stay there together until my mother got home around 6:30! Not happening today! (Nor would I recommend it!)
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Originally Posted by IrieBride08 View Post
I know, right?!? Also, I was totally a latch-key kid and at 7 years old would pick my 5 year old sister up from daycare, walk the 5 minutes home, and stay there together until my mother got home around 6:30! Not happening today! (Nor would I recommend it!)
i hear ya! and we never locked our doors either - we'd come home from school and just walk in. even when we were on vacation or something, pretty sure we didn't lock the doors. not sure anyone even owned a key!
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It's crazy how much freedom we used to have. We walked home from school, stopped at the corner store for now-and-laters & comic books, got home and set fire to G.I. Joe's in the backyard to watch their heads melt (you had to be there), played tag and ran around the neigborood...lol And besides a bruise here and there all was well.


There was a church near us that rang the bells at 6 p.m. so my mom would say "Be home by the time the bells ring" LOL. We would hear those bells and sprint home where dinner would be waiting....ahh the good old days.

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Being a child SUCKS these days!


My goddaughter LOVES coming over to our place because she can get dirty and climb the fence and do whatever kids do without us saying "OMG get down you are gonna hurt yourself!" LOL.


Kids need to test their own bounderys. (that doesn't look right no matter how I spell it!)

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Originally Posted by Debs View Post
Being a child SUCKS these days!

My goddaughter LOVES coming over to our place because she can get dirty and climb the fence and do whatever kids do without us saying "OMG get down you are gonna hurt yourself!" LOL.

Kids need to test their own bounderys. (that doesn't look right no matter how I spell it!)
Yep, I agree with that. It's amazing how sissy-fied some of these kids are today. I mean, when's the last time you saw a kid climb a tree? I don't see it in L.A. anyway...lol
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that reminds me of a story. my good friend has 2 small children. she is one of the most laid back moms i know - and my goal is to be exactly like her! one day the youngest, nathan (~10 mos), was playing outside while my friend and her sister, who also has a 2 year old. nathan started licking rocks, and my friend just let him be. her sister is like - "aren't you going to stop him?" she said "nah - soon enough he'll realize it doesnt' taste good, and he'll stop." that's the perfect example! lol

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