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Hi everyone.

Just thought I would post a few lines in relation to my experience with Palace Resorts, Miami office in relation to payment for horse and carriage and flower arrangements.

Joannis, at the Miami office, insisted that we pay $203 for the above services and forwarded a form which we completed and returned to her via E. Mail.

This E. Mail contained credit card details. The payment for $203 was debited from my account a few days later.

Today, I checked my banking transactions and found that 14 seperate payments had been authorised on my credit card for various goods purchased in the Miami area. The total amount was approximately £3,300 British pounds with a further amount of £3,500 still pending.

The obvious questions are what security measures are in place to protect our personal details which are quite clearly inadequate,and how did someone get my credit card details.

I have forwarded a lenghthy E. Mail to Palace Resorts requiring some answers. I will re post when I have any further information.

Just thought it was worth warning everyone.


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Hi Linda,


I'm really sorry to hear this and hope you've had some luck sorting out the charges with your credit card company.


I've worked in the travel industry for 15 years and all reputable rravel companies will request your phone or fax in your credit card numbers. Email is never safe and they should always give you an alternative option.


So sorry to hear about this!


Ginger at Blue Petal

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