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Future In-Laws - How involved?

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My inlaws are extremely annoying especially the mother. I think she is jealous of  me because my fiance is her only son. She is all peaches of cream infront of my face but behind my back she is not so nice. She does some things that would make me want to argue but out of respect for my fiance I just keep my cool.

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I tried to involve my future MIL simply because she doesn't have a daughter. Then she decided (6 months before our wedding) to get married (to a man she has only known for about 9 months) A MONTH BEFORE US!!!!! uhhhhh.... she is insane and rude and selfish. she has not idea that it maight even sort of be offensive. no clue....

So if you have a sane MIL, you should thank your lucky stars :)

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Originally Posted by johnnmakenzie11 View Post


I tried to involve my future MIL simply because she doesn't have a daughter. Then she decided (6 months before our wedding) to get married (to a man she has only known for about 9 months) A MONTH BEFORE US!!!!! uhhhhh.... she is insane and rude and selfish. she has not idea that it maight even sort of be offensive. no clue....

So if you have a sane MIL, you should thank your lucky stars :)



Wow that is crazy!! I would have been so upset!!


My future in laws are not involved in our wedding at all!  They dont ask any questions about it. They are not happy with our decision to do a destination wedding but my mom is not that thrilled either but she at least wants to be involved and is taking the "I am going to make the best of it attitude" and I love her for that! My future in-laws want us to at least have an AHR when we get back and I turned and said "ok great idea but who is going to pay for that?" and all you heard was crickets....




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