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Wedding planning is insane. You always hear about it but don't know til you actually DO it! Just take it one step at a time. Get one of those calendar wedding check-off lists and use that as a tool.

Do not despair and console yourself with the thought that most of us are pretty darned overwhelmed with it all!

Have days to yourself and just try not to stress too much!

I've got 9 months to go and we're are house hunting to buy property so I can totally relate! It's insane!



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Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
Did you meet with your TA yet? Did you decide on your STDs?

I don't know what's next for me... I think I need to wait to find out exactly how many people are coming before doing anything else.
Yeah, we have meet with our TA and set the date with the resort (we are just waiting for the confirmation in writing). We have also priced out the three packages we will be offering our guests.

And our STDs are fully designed. I actually have a test on at the printer right now. Hopefully the test will come out perfect and then I'll have them all printed. Then we have to cut them all out. Ick!
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OMG, I feel your pain Lizz. I JUST realized that my wedding is 7+ months away (one day after you!) and starteed flipping out. When my ticker said 8 months, I was like, MAN that is FOREVER! Now I see 7 and I have butterflies just writing this! I need to get cracking.


You do have a lot on your plate, but I am sure you are also more organized then you feel at this moment.

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That's how I feel sometimes too, that I haven't done much looking at what everyone else have done. But at least I have the date set, resort confirmed, dress bought, STD sent (sort of). Other than that, nada. I yet have to start all those DIY projects. Anyway, I took the easy way out on STD. I just sent everyone an email about the initial information then set up a wedding website with all the travel info. blush2.gif Take one thing at a time, they'll all come together...

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Some of us are way ahead of schedule, it doesn't mean you are behind The DIY projects can be done if there is time. If not, go with something simpler. Start wih the stuff that is really essential. If you have time to make your own programs, OTT bags, invites etc. then do it. If not, get some premade stuff.


I'm the kind of person who likes to start something intense at first. Then I totally lose interest & finish it up right before the deadline. I feel like I've put way too much time into planning the first 3 months. Other people do most their stuff the months before the wedding. Just know you have enough time to do the stuff that matters. Only do the other things if you are having fun with it. If I was house shopping, I'd be way more into that than wedding planning & wouldn't be doing so many DIY projects.

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Originally Posted by MoBride View Post
Sorry for hijacking your thread. I was just about to start my own then I read yours and thought we could commiserate. Oh and FH says the reason I have nothing done is because I spend all my time on this forum!!!!

I'm less than 4 months, and although I've started a bunch of DIY's, and bought a lot of stuff FOR DIY's, I've yet to complete any. I think I've literally spent the last month on this forum, and have put all of my DIY stuff in a drawer. I need to send my invites and travel info in 6 weeks... which is a long time, but I'm also a major procrastinator.

Everything will work out... and Mo, did you go back for another fitting? Have they gotten it closer (those witchy seamstresses)? I'm so sorry to hear there's a stain now! That store really needs to be named so we can boycot it!
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Thanks girls for making me feel better. Mo, I'm sorry about your dress and everything else, we're here to listen if you need to vent!


I think a lot of our problems is that we're on this forum planning our weddings more than we're actually doing stuff for it...lol!

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