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May 2013 Brides

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Originally Posted by KDoyle View Post


You ladies are so organized!! I am soooo behind ...I have done nothing for OOT Bags, decor, shoes, hairstyles, or ceremony script/menus ....I think I just went into panic mode reading everything LOL ....I haven't even booked my photographer yet!!!  How did you know how many OOT bags to buy if not all guests have rsvp'd yet?? I have 29 booked ...so was thinking if I ordered 40 I would be safe? Same woth decor --I have no clue how many tables I will have so not sure of centre pieces etc..


Ahh... i am with you so I feel better :)  I don't know how many things to purchase, and i don't want to much left over- but i don't want ot buy stuff and have to go buy more!  

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Originally Posted by melnryluvco View Post


Originally Posted by bride81 View Post


Ladies!!  I can't believe we are a little over 100 days out!  things are been super hectic, as I am still trying to get out invites.  I am ok with it because we did STD's and have 30+ people booked woot.gif  


What are you ladies working on?  I still need OOT stuff, but pushing it back to figure out how much to spend.  Have you picked out your rings?  Table decorations and chair sash stuff?  I am not a girly girl or very arty fartsy!


One of my FI groomsman just told him he might not be able to go.... a little late buddy!  Wedding planning is kicking my butt right now...


Still having a hard time deciding what to ship and what to bring!

Gosh talk about PANIC MODE!! I wish I were independently wealthy and could spend my days planning a fab wedding with no concern to cost and time. But alas I am one broke hoe! We have our rings picked out but it's a matter or purchasing them. I've purchased small things here and there for OOT bags but sill need quite a bit. Invites are out with a due date of 03/01. The trickle in little by little. Also, I'm not crafty either so thank god for Pinterest. I've pulled a few ideas together to come up with some table decor. I'm pretty sure between OOT stuff and table decor we'll be packed to the brim. And if you think that your FI groomsmen is a little behind we won't know if TWO of my FI's groomsmen will be coming until mid/late April...we get married end of May. That's what I'm freaked out about the most. I'll have 4 BM and my Man of Honor and he'll have one maybe two groomsmen there. Ay caramba!!! We're taking everything down in spare suit cases and then just stacking one suit case inside of the other on the the way back. 


Are you ladies attempting to workout/tighten/tone before the big day? That's another thing I'll have to add to this long list of stress. Well I feel better knowing that all you ladies are pretty much in the same boat!! Here's to power planning over the next 100 or so days cheers.gif

haha! you are cracking me up and making me feel better :)  My goals are pushing the FI to get his suit (which i am not too worried about) we are finishing up invites, and need to finalize honeymoon plans.  All our tickets are paid for so is my dress.  I kind of want to start working out, but i feel like more realistic I am gonna eat better.  Going on a turkey sandwich diet, kashi go lean cereal, yogurt, berries.....


OOT stuff I feel like I can start to grab soon.  I don't know whether to go 50 or 60.... Probably i bag a room/couple...


And.... i need to figure out a guest book

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


I feel really behind. I still have so much to do. We have my ring but FI still needs his. I have to finish our OOT bags and there is still quite a bit left of that. Then all paper items like programs, menus, table numbers, have to get all decor but I do have it picked out, is it bad that I wanna get it all at ikea and return it after the wedding if it still looks new?? Lol haven't started dress fittings yet. Have no idea what I want for hair and makeup. Still have to start ceremony script and vows as well as music playlists.

I'm pretty much at the exact same spot as you! I feel like I'm running out of time very quickly.

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Gosh talk about PANIC MODE!! I wish I were independently wealthy and could spend my days planning a fab wedding with no concern to cost and time. But alas I am one broke hoe! We have our rings picked out but it's a matter or purchasing them. I've purchased small things here and there for OOT bags but sill need quite a bit. Invites are out with a due date of 03/01. The trickle in little by little. Also, I'm not crafty either so thank god for Pinterest. I've pulled a few ideas together to come up with some table decor. I'm pretty sure between OOT stuff and table decor we'll be packed to the brim. And if you think that your FI groomsmen is a little behind we won't know if TWO of my FI's groomsmen will be coming until mid/late April...we get married end of May. That's what I'm freaked out about the most. I'll have 4 BM and my Man of Honor and he'll have one maybe two groomsmen there. Ay caramba!!! We're taking everything down in spare suit cases and then just stacking one suit case inside of the other on the the way back.  Are you ladies attempting to workout/tighten/tone before the big day? That's another thing I'll have to add to this long list of stress. Well I feel better knowing that all you ladies are pretty much in the same boat!! Here's to power planning over the next 100 or so days :cheers:
Wow! I hadn't thought of stack suitcases inside one another. Great idea... Why didnt I think of that?!girll.... I'm a broke hoe too. Already worried about buying rings, I love my engagement ring but it doesn't like, match any wedding bands I've tried, and we have a serious budget in this area. I've been working on toning up, but not really enough. I had a baby over a year ago and I lost all the weight, but everything looks , uh, different haha. This is a major stress area for me. All my friends are in their early twenties and look fabulous. So I need to get myself together! As far as the guest book, I know you ladies were discussing it earlier. We purchased postcards from zazzle, they have pics of the Tulum ruins and other Mexico scenes. In our welcome book we asked that they fill out the postcard with marriage advice and tell us about their trip, and mail it back to us when they get back to the states, then I'll put all of them in a book.
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Hey there ladies!


WOW!  I just got hit with the flu BIG TIME and am finally feeling good today!  SO happy to be back in the game!  On the plus side, I got a TON done while I was sick!  Finished my barefoot jewelry for the bridesmaids, made iron on shirts for all the ladies in the wedding party, decorated flower girl baskets, finished off OOT projects, organized all my stuff, etc.  Things I still have to do:  File all of the paperwork to get legally married in the D.R., purchase wedding rings, figure out table decor, get my dress fitted, keep working out!  I've lost 5 lbs since Jan 1, but still would like to lose another 10 so that the dress looks perfect!  All I've been doing is counting the calories (keep it around 1800 a day), and cross training (weights, cardio, yoga, etc for a total burn of 800-1200 calories a day.)  I agree that making a list really helps a lot.  Just knock things out one at a time and pretty soon you have a bearable load to work with!  


Only 3 months till May ladies!!!!!!!!!!!  :-D

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Hey ladies!!!!! I know we are all at the 3-4 month mark and working out and getting toned seems like it should be put on the backburner compared to everything else we have to do, but if you really wanna lose some lbs and want motivation to do so you should join me in the BDW Biggest loser Challenge!!! There is some money to be won but I'm mainly doing it for the accountability, it runs 10 weeks starting on Monday!!! That takes us pretty much right to may!

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


Hey ladies!!!!! I know we are all at the 3-4 month mark and working out and getting toned seems like it should be put on the backburner compared to everything else we have to do, but if you really wanna lose some lbs and want motivation to do so you should join me in the BDW Biggest loser Challenge!!! There is some money to be won but I'm mainly doing it for the accountability, it runs 10 weeks starting on Monday!!! That takes us pretty much right to may!

I'm game...how do I get more info about it?

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


Hey ladies!!!!! I know we are all at the 3-4 month mark and working out and getting toned seems like it should be put on the backburner compared to everything else we have to do, but if you really wanna lose some lbs and want motivation to do so you should join me in the BDW Biggest loser Challenge!!! There is some money to be won but I'm mainly doing it for the accountability, it runs 10 weeks starting on Monday!!! That takes us pretty much right to may!

I wish I would have known about something like this!  My FI & I started our "life change" on Jan 2, and I'm officially down 10 pounds so far!  I only have 5 more to go for my goal but a little accountability and competition is always a good motivator!  My dress fit perfect except was a little snug around the stomach to sit, hopefully shedding a few lbs will make it fit perfectly!


I'm doing a combination of Insanity, Elliptical training, and just eating clean.  I also use MFP to track calories and work outs! 

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