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Originally Posted by danak71 View Post


Does your wedding coordinator have any pictures of receptions that used lanterns? Or are there any past brides on the Now Jade thread that used lanterns that have pics of how theirs looked?


I'm such a visual person that I literally feel like I have to see everything in advance or at least a picture in order to know whether I will like it. I have a hard time trying to conceptualize things in my head. Coupled with the fact that I'm not creative AT ALL when it comes to decorating, not a good combination for me! Which is why I'm so glad all you ladies are so I can just piggyback off of  your great ideas! :-)

Yes I have seen pics but nothing useful.  In the 4 reception spaces offered, I haven't seen any brides that have used more than a dozen lanterns and this is even in spaces larger than mine and with higher ceilings. No one strived to achieve the lantern overload that I'm envisioning

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How are all you ladies handling the whole bridal shower situation? We are only inviting siblings and parents, and then having an AHR/nice dinner at a restaurant a few months after we get back. I know etiquette states you are only supposed to invite people to a shower who are invited to the wedding, in which case it's silly to have one. But since we're doing something after we're back and inviting all extended family, friends, etc., would it be appropriate to have one? My MOH wants to throw one, but I don't want to offend anyone. The rules get more confusing with a DW!

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How are all you ladies handling the whole bridal shower situation? We are only inviting siblings and parents, and then having an AHR/nice dinner at a restaurant a few months after we get back. I know etiquette states you are only supposed to invite people to a shower who are invited to the wedding, in which case it's silly to have one. But since we're doing something after we're back and inviting all extended family, friends, etc., would it be appropriate to have one? My MOH wants to throw one, but I don't want to offend anyone. The rules get more confusing with a DW!
I'm not having a shower, unless someone randomly throws one for me but I've made it known that I don't want/need one. DW definitely makes it weird, asking people not attending ceremony for gifts, it feels tacky. And the people who are attending the ceremony will be paying lots of money to travel to Mexico so asking for more from them feels wrong too! I just tell anyone who asks about the shower that I will just have a super amazing baby shower when that time comes! :)
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Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post


How are all you ladies handling the whole bridal shower situation? We are only inviting siblings and parents, and then having an AHR/nice dinner at a restaurant a few months after we get back. I know etiquette states you are only supposed to invite people to a shower who are invited to the wedding, in which case it's silly to have one. But since we're doing something after we're back and inviting all extended family, friends, etc., would it be appropriate to have one? My MOH wants to throw one, but I don't want to offend anyone. The rules get more confusing with a DW!

I told my bridal party they really didn't have to throw me a bridal shower or a bachelorette party since they were already spending so much money just to attend the wedding in Mexico. They wouldn't hear of it. They are insisting on doing both. I also have several people that are attending the wedding (some in other parts of the country) that are really looking forward to the shower and keep emailing or texting me to make sure whoever is doing my shower knows to let them know early so they can make arrangements to get to Atlanta for it.


I don't think there are any hard and fast rules anymore. For me I think because it's been a while since we've had a wedding in our family that people are just really excited and they want ALL the experiences that go with it. I know sometimes it's hard to have the spotlight on you but I say when people want to support and celebrate you, let them! :-)


As far as inviting people that aren't invited to the ceremony, I think that's a personal decision as well. Because we had a large guestlist for the wedding, I didn't really invite anyone that wasn't invited because I was trying to minimize the expense for my girls. But I definitely invited all the women that were invited to the wedding which probably was still about 70 or so people. If we were inviting only a few people to the wedding, I probably would have invited more people to the shower, not for the gifts but because I think people would have appreciated being included. Especially if you're planning to invite them to your AHR when you get back.

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Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post


How are all you ladies handling the whole bridal shower situation? We are only inviting siblings and parents, and then having an AHR/nice dinner at a restaurant a few months after we get back. I know etiquette states you are only supposed to invite people to a shower who are invited to the wedding, in which case it's silly to have one. But since we're doing something after we're back and inviting all extended family, friends, etc., would it be appropriate to have one? My MOH wants to throw one, but I don't want to offend anyone. The rules get more confusing with a DW!


I told my ladies that I don't need a shower or bachelorette party since I am already getting the most amazing thing: a destination wedding.  Plus, with regard to the shower, the bigger issue is my FI and I are not "things people."  We don't like a lot of stuff in our apartment so we rarely ever shop for it (and we rarely cook so we def. didn't want more pots and pans).  Thus, instead of registering for stuff, we registered for a honeymoon, which is not really shower thing since people will be giving the same thing for the wedding.  My MOH still wants to do a bachelorette party. I asked that it just be something simple - like dinner or something with very few people (I am not huge about all the attention).  


If I were you, I would make the shower small (like what you have planned) since you are doing a AHR.  OR you could call some of the invitees and ask if they would want to be invited so that you don't offend people by not inviting them. 

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Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post


How are all you ladies handling the whole bridal shower situation? We are only inviting siblings and parents, and then having an AHR/nice dinner at a restaurant a few months after we get back. I know etiquette states you are only supposed to invite people to a shower who are invited to the wedding, in which case it's silly to have one. But since we're doing something after we're back and inviting all extended family, friends, etc., would it be appropriate to have one? My MOH wants to throw one, but I don't want to offend anyone. The rules get more confusing with a DW!

I'm with most of the ladies on this one.  I also told my BM that I didn't need one and of course they insisted.  Our guests list for our DW is a bit larger, so there are 50 women invited and most are going.  Is it possible to send your AHR invites out before the Shower invites?


If I was invited to a shower that was having a DW, and I wasn't invited to the DW, I'd think it was for gifts.  If I knew the DW was a small wedding but I was invited to an AHR, I'd appreciate that I was included in the shower.

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Haha... Wedding politics! I'm with the others on this one. I hope no one throws me a shower because wedding invite many ppl at all to our dw. I guess I'd be ok with it if we get our AHR invites out soon, but even that list won't be a whole ton of ppl. I would just feel awkward. At my baby shower my future mil threw for me she invited EVERY one she knew, and I was really sweet and I got a ton of stuff. But it was so weird cause I didn't even know anyone at my own baby shower!

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Dear fellow May 2013 brides,   I am searching and searching for wooden maracas for our wedding.  Does anyone have a vendor for them?  Or should I take a chance and hope to purchase them in Cancun upon our arrival? Thank you
I'm planning to get some from the flea market when I get to Cancun. I'm thinking I'll be able to negotiate the price better in person down there as opposed to an Internet site.
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