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Your diy projects are great - the problem with browsing these boards is that I could literally have every theme going as everyone has such great ideas! Can I ask a dumb question though? What is the purpose of the card box? I think it's an american tradition rather than an English one (although I could be completely wrong about that). I'm guessing it's just a really cute place for guests to leave their "happy wedding day" cards! :)

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Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post

I figured I should just start a thread with my goodies, since I'll be going along and wanted to share in case anyone else gets some ideas from my stuff, I figured I post it as I go along.  They'll be lots more to come, as I'm not getting married until January, but here's what we have so far:


My Birdesmaid invitation boxes  Just something I pulled together with a little creativity at the local dollarstore.  I really wanted a different and super special way of inviting my girls!

BM Boxes.jpg



My Save-the-Dates. I designed these up in Photoshop and then just had them printed on 4" x 6" photos, and attached them to magnets (I cut up self-adhesive biz card magnets from Staples and stuck them on the back). 


Ben & Sarah Save The Date 1.30.2013.jpg



My self-designed logo (again, Photoshop).  We'll likely use this for some of the tags as well as the mugs I'm going to get screen printed.







My centerpieces *I think*  I saw something really cool this weekend that may make it's way into these plans and flows a bit more of the vintage feel into it, which I'll of course add here if I do!! Again, dollar store cheapy vases and Orchids from Jysk (surprisingly good quality). Pardon the crappy cell phone pic ;).  I think I'll have some scatter gems mixed with seashells around these. 






My card box. I love this one!  I cam across this treasure chest at Jysk for $15 and I just loved it, but I really want some more vintagey" feeling things at the wedding. So, I painted it up and antiqued it.  A very messy but fun process.



Treasure Chest.jpg




My "vintage" table number photo frames!  Again, a steal at the Dollarama, they are actually $1 plastic frames (which is perfect because they weigh NOTHING for travel).  I spray-painted them (using a spray paint meant for plastic) and then used my same paint/glazing method as I did for the box.  I'm not sure this is my final design for the numbers themselves, but that's what I've come up with so far, that co-ordinates with my other Photoshop designs so far.





That's it so far!  I hope to have lots more to show you (lord knows I have a head full of ideas, whether they actually work or not, that's a different story!!)





I love that i found another bride going with a vintage them!!!! i absolutely love your ideas.. how do you antique something? whats the process and products you need?

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Originally Posted by sbg75 View Post

Your diy projects are great - the problem with browsing these boards is that I could literally have every theme going as everyone has such great ideas! Can I ask a dumb question though? What is the purpose of the card box? I think it's an american tradition rather than an English one (although I could be completely wrong about that). I'm guessing it's just a really cute place for guests to leave their "happy wedding day" cards! :)


The card box is just that, for people to leave cards and/or money in them.  I supposed it must be a North American tradition, but most people give money now-a-days, especially for most couples that have lived together and already have everything they need, that sort of makes sense.  We def. aren't EXPECTING gifts, but if people want to give anything, this was they can (obviously no one is going to haul an actual gift all the way there, so money or giftcards would be what we get). :)

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Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post

Hey gals who were looking to use my logo, I know most are not versed in Photoshop, so I took out all of my personalization, and I think if you save this as a photo, and then open in a word doc, you should be able to use Word Art to put wrapping text up above, and then add your names/date with text boxes pretty easily.   For anyone that wanted to know, the cursive (Scriptina Pro)I am using can be downloaded here:  Da Font


Hope that helps!!




Logo for BDWjpg


Wow thank you so much!  Is there any way I can change the colors to make them into my own?  I love everything you have done so far, what an inspiration!

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Originally Posted by cindy2013 View Post



Wow thank you so much!  Is there any way I can change the colors to make them into my own?  I love everything you have done so far, what an inspiration!


I think if you just use auto shapes and use my size as a guide, you could come up with the shape and make a thick line, and just use word art to make the dots. The starfish was from a font I downloaded online, I went through until I founds one I liked.  I believe if you google sealife fonts, you'll find it!

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