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Photographer at Paradisus Palma Real - Arrecife Studio???

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Hi all...does anyone have feedback on Arrecife Studio?  I'm getting married at the Paradisus Palma Real next January and I was planning to shop around for a photographer.  However, I had been told on another post that if I didn't use the photographer contracted by the resort, it would cost me an extra $1,000.  I confirmed this with the Palma Real, and since I really don't want to incur an extra $1000 expense, I'm likely going to use Arrecife.  Just wondering if others have used them or are currently planning to use them and have any comments/feedback to share.  I've tried looking at their website, but their portfolios don't display for me (I've tried on two different computers).  I've also called them, but got voicemail.  Their vmail greeting is in Spanish, which is not a language I am fluent in.  So, I decided to send an email.  I'd by lying if I didn't say I was a little apprehensive.  Just wondering what others' experiences with them have been...  Thx so much.

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I also friended them on facebook and was able to view their pics.  They seem decent.  Their were some other area photographers that were unbelieveable but if you don't use their resort photographer there are extra charges now.


By the way, sorry for all the typos in the previous post, was at work, doing this from my iphone....




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  • 7 months later...

I see that you're getting married in January!! It's getting pretty close...what did photographer did you decide to go with?? You can waive the $1000 fee if you want to use an outside photographer by paying for a 3 night stay for them. It's in the contract and I've confirmed that with my wedding planner in Miami. So it might be cheaper to pay to pay the 3 nights than pay the $1000! 

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