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Coconoir's Planning Thread Pgs 1-8, Final Review & Templates Pgs. 18-19

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First, I must say a special shout out to the women of the Moon Palace 2012 Brides forum.  We have truly gone through ups, downs, highs, and lows.  Thank you for trusting me enough to share, an allowing me to vent and even at times hog the thread.  To my forever friends: Shane, Diane, Kelly, Jamie,  & Steph, words cannot express the gratitude that I have for this site not only because of the wealth of information but for the contact and blooming friendship that I have with you. XOXO


Okay, Derick and I met in March 2009.  My best friend & I had gone out for the evening at a place called NXNW for Old School Fridays.  I had been on medical leave for 3 months and was confined to the house or on short outings.  I was headed back to work that Monday, so I needed to let loose.  Got there, and we met up with some other friends who had a table, so we sat with them.  At the end of the table, standing was a guy who was moving to the music.  I was in my seat moving.  He nodded, I got up, and we danced the night away.  Our friendship grew but more so, when my best friend ended up in the hospital and a few days later passed away.  FI, was there from beginning to end and from there (in my pain, misery, confusion, etc.. he never let me go.)  Okay, Iâ€m going to stop here as tears are in my eyes.  Whew


Before I go any further, I most honor My FIâ€s mother and father both of who are deceased.  In addition, as I explained above my best friend.  They will be close to us as I purchased a memorial chain that will act as my bouquet charm.  This was purchased from an Etsy Vendor DesignsbyTami.  This process was hard and made me cry, but Tami was wonderful to work with.

Front of Necklace.jpg





Rings: Although Iâ€m a diamond baby born in April, I like colored bling. Which confused the hell out of my FI..so I had a temporary ring until he researched TeeHee.  The end result My Ring a vivid blue sapphire, his a Tungsten



We decided on a DW because FIâ€s family is super large.  In addition, between both of our friends and my sorority, there was NO way in Hell that we could afford a wedding with 300 people.  Mexico was easy as we were supposed to go there for my Birthday, however; FI had started a new position within his company.  Moon Palace simply because of its beauty and benefits.  To inform everyone a year in advance I made our websitehttp://www.TheFutureWrights.com our password is NXNW309 (the password was made on the place and month, & year that we met.


Save the Dates and invites was made by Sarah of Sproullie Designs. You can find our's on Etsy at http://www.etsy.com/listing/78651352/deposit-boarding-pass-invitation-or-save?ref=sr_gallery_22&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_query=sproullie+designs&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_page=1&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade







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I didnâ€t want to overdo my invites to the ladies, in addition, our planning was so new, and so was our house.  Since I had an idea of the style of wedding dress that I wanted, I found these cards to be so fitting.  Etsy Vendor: DetailsBeyondDesign.



“The Wright Cast wedding Attireâ€

Saying yes to the dress:

Iâ€m so the online shopper so I had an idea of what I wanted before heading out to shop. I donâ€t shop without a purpose LOL.    My love is by Lazaro, Style #3050.  Of course, I met the lovely man standing next to me who is none other than Lazaro himself.  We took several pictures and he sketched me in my dress. iPhone Pics ;-)  I have tons more



My Bridesmaid and High School Friend Kelly, in the BM's color:



My something Blue. Open Lips by Christian Louboutin ;-) 

CL's my something blue.JPGphoto(27).JPG


All jewelry for my wedding day and TTD were made by Chelsea from {Red-I} by Chelsea


Wedding Day



TTD jewels:

bare foot.jpgredi by chelsea.jpgRedi Marrakesh.jpg


Jewels for something LOL


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My custom Garter by an Etsy Vendor: Avysm


I went to college in Pittsburgh and started grad school there.. So I'm a Steeler fan.  FI, bless his heart loves the CowGirls...yeah I said it...

Steeler-Cowboys Garter.jpg


Wedding day hanger by an Etsy Vendor: TwistedWords. 


Front of Hanger Etsy.JPG



Back of Hanger.JPG


Oh my Birdcage veil.. totally forgot the vendor..but as you guessed, it's from an Etsy Vendor LOL

Minus the flower. 

BirdCage Veil from powderbluebijoux on etsy.jpg


I invited my MOH and BM down.  I had my make-up artist come over to the house the morning of; we had breakfast and got all dolled up.  Prior to I had ordered sample dresses from Two Birds in NY.  As one was getting her make-up done, someone was trying the dress on.  End result, they liked the style and versatility and was super excited that they could wear the dress again. The plus was that although they had the same dress on, no one would look the same!  They were sold!   Yet, the material was not right.  Off went went!  Butter by Nadia dressed the end-result.  I was able to get 20% off at our local store called KiKi Hughes on South Street (YAY).  Here they are, playing dress up at the shop.  Kiki and her Mother-in-law were simply fabulous.  Of course, this is not the color but we were able to get the idea of the dresses.  Kiki ordered our dresses.


The Razziberri is for my MOH. I also brought one for my TTD change.

Ordered from- Kiki Hughes-Butter by Nadia.JPGButter by Nadia- Satin Gown-blue juice1.jpgButterByNadia-SatinGown-Raspberry.jpg


Their broaches I also purchased...Haha nope not Etsy.. from Amazon.

Butterfly Brooch-Amazon.jpg

I had T-Shirts made for my MOH/BM/ & FG, as well as myself from the Etsy Vendor: UniqueandTrendy

Etsy Seller.jpg


As FI was purchasing the suit for the guys, we wanted something affordable.  After ordering swatches, we decided on the pure linen suits in the color “pure light beigeâ€.  FI will wear the suit and vest.  The guys will only wear the vest and slacks. And here is my sexy, chocolate Dance partner....

Wedding & Cesar 089.JPG


The ties and cufflinks were also a gift.  I found these on Amazon.  The fuchsia & turquoise ties are for FI and the Best Man.  The others for my son and the groomsmen.



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AHHHHH the much awaited planning thread..that means your wedding is RIGHT around the corner!!! Girl you have inspired me ohh so much with all your personality, attention to details and gorgeous style!! I cannot wait to read the rest of this review and your review of MP!! You are going to have the MOST AMAZING day and I cannot wait to see your photos!!! Congrats and best wishes ms coco!! smile03.gif

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Ring Bearer: 

My son stated that he wanted to be the ring bearer, enough said! LOL Attire by an etsy vendor: Finehandmadeclothing.  Iâ€ll rate once I actually receive the suit.  Shoes “Old School†Shell top Adidas and/or The Blue Suede Circaâ€s an ode to my Blue Suede Shoes purchased from Zappos.com


This is the picture from the vendor's site.

Jay's Suit Front.jpgzappos3.jpg91QRWoU+sEL__SL1500_.jpg


Flower Girl(s)

Awe, my lovely little ladies in training.  My little baby is my goddaughter and the other my “niece† I have so many “nieces and nephews†from friends who I call and am blessed to be called sister. Attire: Dresses & parasols are from Etsy Vendors: TheLittlePeaBoutique Bracelet & YourMoment: from my niece mom who sells jewelry.  Shoes will be the choice of the parents as they will have to pay for those.


My Goddaughter



My niece



Their Parasols

flower girls parasols.jpg


And their T-shirts from the same vendor as the BM's I also purchased them pink and blue flip flops from Old Navy



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Almost DONE Whew woot.gif



OOT bags:

After taking a poll from our potential guest, many didnâ€t want beach bags. The females said “they always come prepared†and the males well of those that did answer said, “why do we need a bag†LOL So, FI & I decided to keep the bag simple & concentrate on the contents of the bag. 

  • Kraft paper bags, raffia, & tissue paper from www.nashvillewraps.com
  • Tylenol, Imodium, etc. purchased from Amazon or BJâ€s
  • First Aid Kits: Target
  • Alcohol pads, personal wipes, ear plugs, lens savors (work)
  • Contents for our Naughty Nites Kit (compliments of my job not pictured)
  • Key Coils: Ebay
  • Towels: cottonfruit.com aka towels4less.com
  • Shot glasses: discountmugs.com
  • Rings Pops (five & below)
  • Candy: oldtimecandy.com
  • Chapstick: I donâ€t remember but it was all natural website with different flavors. 


All right, I totally did not think of myself as crafty.  Therefore, I want to thank everyone on the site who took the time to post their templates.  Without your generosity, I would have continued to purchase, purchase, and purchase. 

Finished OOT2.jpg


The blue bag below is a sample and this bag will not be used.. I was practicing...  However, this bag will hold their 1st aid kits, Naughty Nite kit (not show but is featured in Turquoise Organza bags) & their oh shit kit.

survival bag.jpgsurvival bag 2.jpg


1st aid kit and oh Sh*t kit

1st aid kit2.jpgphoto(12).JPG


key card holder and towels




chapstick with shrink wrap 2.jpg


Shot glasses

Discount mugs shot glasses.JPG


Welcome Books Idea from MrsTgun: these are my practice ones LOL  Practice sure does make perfect. 

Welcome Test Folder.jpgBlue Welcome book.jpg



inside welcome folder.jpgInside Welcome Folder Blue.jpg

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OOT continued:

The welcome packets were made from Bazzill Cardstock that can be purchased at Michaels.  Inside are: Welcome Booklets, DND signs, 2 Post cards compliments of VistaPrint, and Tears of Joy packets. 


Last but not least.  The Adult Activity Book, and Ring Pop which is an ode to my Blue Sapphire Ring:

Adult Activity Book.JPGphoto(8).JPG


Items not shown:

~I purchased candy for our Sweet Tooth bags

~Wedding Day Timeline.

~Thanks for Booking Booklet

~Reminder PostCards

~Contents of Pre-Travel Packets. (

  • Brochure
  • Luggage tags both to and from.
  • Children's Activity Books with Crayons

Here are the luggage tags that I mailed out with the above pre-travel contents.  I also made some to include for their return trip.


Before..hmm can't get the picture to turn.                           

Luggage tags before.JPGlugage tags after.JPG


Return tags

Return luggage tags before.JPGreturn luggage tags 1.JPG

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I wonâ€t get into décor, as this will be a part of my Review when I return.  However, I wanted to share these with you as some may still either want to DIY or Purchase these items.  These items were all purchased from Etsy Vendors.  Yes, I love love love Etsy. 

  • Cake Topper :MilanCreations

Cake Topper.JPG

  • Server Set: Beadz2Pleaz

Cake Knife-Server.JPGcake forks Etsy.JPG

  • Guestbook: ErinsArtwork.  I DIYed cards for these which you see in the inside.  Here they are outside. 

Guestbox.JPGGuestBook Notecards.JPG

  • UnityFrame: SayAnythingDesign  It say's "The Wrights" April 21, 2012.  I purchased Conch shells as our children (each of us has 1 child. My son 11, his daughter 20) they will pour from the vases, we will pour from the shells. To represent a Blended Family coming together as one.



This concludes the end of my planning thread.  As FI & I are on the countdown to our wedding, please know that if I do not respond to your questions right away, itâ€s is only because I am concentration on the final things for our BIG day, as Iâ€m sure you understand.  But rest assured, I will answer them.


As always, donâ€t forget to pay it forward and help other brides. 


Happy Planning

Chanel aka Coco

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Thanks so much girly!  I am so COUNTING down...as I literally just want to start life with my HUBBY.... YAY..  Love you much and you know that I'm here to help in anyway possible. 

Originally Posted by Speckles121 View Post

AHHHHH the much awaited planning thread..that means your wedding is RIGHT around the corner!!! Girl you have inspired me ohh so much with all your personality, attention to details and gorgeous style!! I cannot wait to read the rest of this review and your review of MP!! You are going to have the MOST AMAZING day and I cannot wait to see your photos!!! Congrats and best wishes ms coco!! smile03.gif


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