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OFFICIAL NOW Jade Wedding Thread

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What do you think of this?? I have been dealing with a travel agent in Ireland for the last few months, and all along, she has being quoting us for 'The Moments that Matter Wedding Package'. Eventually we decided on NOW Jade and then when we got the confirmation invoice from the UK, it says its for the Renewal of Vows Package. I have just queried that with the UK Travel Agent, and she said "as you will already be married you cannot have the wedding package, you will have the Renewal of Vows package. The ceremony is similar and it is the hotelâ€s wedding co-ordinator who performs the Renewal as it is not a legal ceremony"


I have read so many reviews on here of people who had their civil wedding at home, then had a symbolic blessing in Mexico. I want our day on the beach to feel like our wedding day... To me, a wedding co-ordinator performing my marriage, doesnt sound very romantic or special :(


The reason, we have decided to have a civil wedding at home is to avoid blood tests, translations etc... But this is the first time anyone mentioned to me that we could not be 'married' if we are married here!!


Any thoughts or input greatly appreciated :) Has anyone had anything similar?

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post


Hey Choco Taco,


Thanks for bringing this up.  I actually use tripadvisor alot for planning my trips.  I relied on it alot when choosing to visit Now Jade for my site visit.  Being so busy with wedding planning, I stopped checking them as frequently. But when I saw your post, I decided to check them again for an update. I have to agree with you, that lately the number of negative reviews for Now Jade has increased.  I'm quite shocked because I'm not used to seeing that.  In fact, Now Jade usually has pretty stellar reviews on tripadviser.  Alot of these negative are fairly recent (since mid July), but I don't know of any management changes, so it is a little unsettling to see them.


Considering that I rely on tripadvisor for hotel reviews (as do many of my friends), I feel like these types of negative reviews can deter people from staying at Now Jade.  Like you, one of the most important things for me as a bride, is to ensure that my guests have a great time.  Especially since they are making a financial commitment to be there with us on our wedding day. 


Based on my personal experience visiting Now Jade, I never experienced any of the issues that the negative reviews indicated.  However, I felt that they were pretty consistent overall, so it has me a little concerned (particularly, the sanitary ones).  I follow Now Jade on Facebook too, but I don't every see anything bad there, so I'm not really sure what to believe.


I felt the best thing that I could do, is just alert Now Jade management about these poor reviews on Trip Advisor. Since poor feedback can hurt their business, I'm sure they will try to address these issues.  I also noticed that Olivia, the social media rep who usually responds to reviews on FB and Tripadvisor, had stopped responding to feedback on Trip Advisor, so maybe they just aren't aware of them??? Who knows.  In any case, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to alert them of the poor feedback they were getting.  And hopefully it gives them an opportunity to address them on-line, but more importantly at the resort (if there's any truth to them).  


Maybe if other brides do the same, it will prompt Now Jade management to look into the poor feedback.  Just a suggestion!  I sent them a message via their Facebook account (but not on their wall).  I figured a message is better since I didn't want to scare any guests who were checking FB.    Maybe by bring up these poor reviews to their attention, they can do something about it.  Ultimately though, you just have to hope for the best.  Like the other ladies suggested, you have to take these things with a grain of salt.  My hope is that the positive reviews (which totally outnumber the poor ones) are more accurate.  And I also just think back to how good my own visit was, so I think everything will work out just perfect!  :)


If I hear back from the hotel management about my message, I'll let you ladies know.  Please keep me posted too, should you decide to send them a message! Good luck!

 I know Olivia was off for 2 weeks of holidays (or there abouts) so maybe that's why there hasn't been a response to the trip advisor reviews yet.  I saw she is posting on FB again so she is back now.

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Originally Posted by Susannah View Post


What do you think of this?? I have been dealing with a travel agent in Ireland for the last few months, and all along, she has being quoting us for 'The Moments that Matter Wedding Package'. Eventually we decided on NOW Jade and then when we got the confirmation invoice from the UK, it says its for the Renewal of Vows Package. I have just queried that with the UK Travel Agent, and she said "as you will already be married you cannot have the wedding package, you will have the Renewal of Vows package. The ceremony is similar and it is the hotelâ€s wedding co-ordinator who performs the Renewal as it is not a legal ceremony"


I have read so many reviews on here of people who had their civil wedding at home, then had a symbolic blessing in Mexico. I want our day on the beach to feel like our wedding day... To me, a wedding co-ordinator performing my marriage, doesnt sound very romantic or special :(


The reason, we have decided to have a civil wedding at home is to avoid blood tests, translations etc... But this is the first time anyone mentioned to me that we could not be 'married' if we are married here!!


Any thoughts or input greatly appreciated :) Has anyone had anything similar?

 My TA refers to the symbolic and vow renewal as one in the same even though the resort offers different packages for either...if you are already legally married (or just don't want to deal with the legalities of mexican wedding) you will have a symbolic ceremony. I have never heard it is the WC who performs the ceremony tho, I think your TA is off.  You can have a friend do your symbolic ceremony or the "services of a judge or minister" - directly from Now Jade website. 


I would contact Pilar for more information if you are still uncertain. 

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post


Does any frequent tripadvisor.com as much as I do? Since January I have been diligently reading reviews on Now Jade on a weekly/semi-weekly basis, but have become concerned over the past month with the number of negative reviews that Iâ€ve been reading. I read every review with a grain of salt. I know that some people are impossible to please, while others can be too easily impressed.  However, there are more and more negative reviews that are a bit unsettling. Chance are, if these reviews were posted when I choosing a resort, I might have been leary to book my wedding here. I donâ€t mean to put anyone on edge, I guess Iâ€m just hoping for a bit of reassurance.

I am also glad you brought this up.  I get on Trip Advisor every day to check out the new reviews.  I am getting married at Now Jade in October and I want everything to be perfect for my guests.  Most of my guests have never been to an A/I Resort and I want them to love Riveria Maya as much as I do.  One of my wedding guests made a comment on Tuesday that he had been reading the reviews and that there were some negative posts lately.  I did tell him that we are an easy going group and we are going to have a great time.  My fiance added that when traveling with a group, there will probably be some issues, but we have to focus on enjoying ourselves during our wedding/vacation with 30 of our closest friends. :)

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Originally Posted by Mlite83 View Post


 My TA refers to the symbolic and vow renewal as one in the same even though the resort offers different packages for either...if you are already legally married (or just don't want to deal with the legalities of mexican wedding) you will have a symbolic ceremony. I have never heard it is the WC who performs the ceremony tho, I think your TA is off.  You can have a friend do your symbolic ceremony or the "services of a judge or minister" - directly from Now Jade website. 


I would contact Pilar for more information if you are still uncertain. 


Thank you Mlite83, yes I think I will contact Pilar directly :) Nope, we dont want to deal with the legalities of a mexican Wedding, so we plan to have a civil wedding here before we go to Mexico & treat that part as the paperwork & our 'wedding' in Mexico, as our wedding :) To me, it just doesn't seem right having the WC perform the ceremony..


From the NOW Jade website brochure:-





This ceremony focuses on love, marriage, family and society. Mexican law does not consider this ceremony legally valid. No documentation or blood tests are required.



This ceremony is performed by a judge and focuses on family and respect for the couple. A list of requirements must be met in order to be legally married under Mexican law.


Also taken from Now Jade:-


Destination Wedding Details

Who performs the ceremony at your resort?

A local judge or minister will come to the resort to perform your ceremony.


What if we want a ceremony that honors a particular religion; can someone of that faith be provided?

We can perform Catholic and other Christian ceremonies. The minister or officiate should be contracted directly by the couple.


What if we want a ceremony that honors a particular religion; can someone of that faith be provided?

We offer Civil Ceremonies (Justice of the Peace) or non-legal ceremonies (Symbolic by a Christian Minister). If you would like to bring your own minister you are more then welcome to do so.


On the other hand, what if we want a ceremony that is not religious?

Non religious ceremonies are an option at all of our resorts.

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post


Hey Choco Taco,


Thanks for bringing this up.  I actually use tripadvisor alot for planning my trips.  I relied on it alot when choosing to visit Now Jade for my site visit.  Being so busy with wedding planning, I stopped checking them as frequently. But when I saw your post, I decided to check them again for an update. I have to agree with you, that lately the number of negative reviews for Now Jade has increased.  I'm quite shocked because I'm not used to seeing that.  In fact, Now Jade usually has pretty stellar reviews on tripadviser.  Alot of these negative are fairly recent (since mid July), but I don't know of any management changes, so it is a little unsettling to see them.


Considering that I rely on tripadvisor for hotel reviews (as do many of my friends), I feel like these types of negative reviews can deter people from staying at Now Jade.  Like you, one of the most important things for me as a bride, is to ensure that my guests have a great time.  Especially since they are making a financial commitment to be there with us on our wedding day. 


Based on my personal experience visiting Now Jade, I never experienced any of the issues that the negative reviews indicated.  However, I felt that they were pretty consistent overall, so it has me a little concerned (particularly, the sanitary ones).  I follow Now Jade on Facebook too, but I don't every see anything bad there, so I'm not really sure what to believe.


I felt the best thing that I could do, is just alert Now Jade management about these poor reviews on Trip Advisor. Since poor feedback can hurt their business, I'm sure they will try to address these issues.  I also noticed that Olivia, the social media rep who usually responds to reviews on FB and Tripadvisor, had stopped responding to feedback on Trip Advisor, so maybe they just aren't aware of them??? Who knows.  In any case, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to alert them of the poor feedback they were getting.  And hopefully it gives them an opportunity to address them on-line, but more importantly at the resort (if there's any truth to them).  


Maybe if other brides do the same, it will prompt Now Jade management to look into the poor feedback.  Just a suggestion!  I sent them a message via their Facebook account (but not on their wall).  I figured a message is better since I didn't want to scare any guests who were checking FB.    Maybe by bring up these poor reviews to their attention, they can do something about it.  Ultimately though, you just have to hope for the best.  Like the other ladies suggested, you have to take these things with a grain of salt.  My hope is that the positive reviews (which totally outnumber the poor ones) are more accurate.  And I also just think back to how good my own visit was, so I think everything will work out just perfect!  :)


If I hear back from the hotel management about my message, I'll let you ladies know.  Please keep me posted too, should you decide to send them a message! Good luck!



Thanks for taking the time to write this, you definitely gave me food for thought.  I think I will start sending emails to give Now Jade a gentle nudge. I'll keep you posteed with any feedback that I receive

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post




Thanks for taking the time to write this, you definitely gave me food for thought.  I think I will start sending emails to give Now Jade a gentle nudge. I'll keep you posteed with any feedback that I receive

Hey ladies!


I heard back from Olivia and she was appreciative that I took the time to let them know of the reviews.  She indicated that she's flagged these issues to the saftt so they can improve them.  She also said that she responds to all comments on tripadvisor.  I checked back today and didn't see her or responses to the recent feedback on tripadvisor, but at least its on her radar.   Since I never left a review from my own visit, I took the time today to leave a positive one based again on my own experience.   Thought I should give back with my own feedback to help other guests quell their concerns.  My experience was great and I'm looking forward to having that again for my own wedding in April.  As always, as brides have their weddings or visits at Now Jade, please let us know how and your guests experience was.   Always comforting to hear good things!!! Overall, I feel like things will turn out wonderfully for all of us.  

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post

Hey ladies!


I heard back from Olivia and she was appreciative that I took the time to let them know of the reviews.  She indicated that she's flagged these issues to the saftt so they can improve them.  She also said that she responds to all comments on tripadvisor.  I checked back today and didn't see her or responses to the recent feedback on tripadvisor, but at least its on her radar.   Since I never left a review from my own visit, I took the time today to leave a positive one based again on my own experience.   Thought I should give back with my own feedback to help other guests quell their concerns.  My experience was great and I'm looking forward to having that again for my own wedding in April.  As always, as brides have their weddings or visits at Now Jade, please let us know how and your guests experience was.   Always comforting to hear good things!!! Overall, I feel like things will turn out wonderfully for all of us.  

Iâ€m glad you were able to connect with Olivia and that your concerns were well received and will be and passed along to the proper channels.  Iâ€ve been corresponding with my TA this morning and raised a few of my concerns which will be forwarded to management .  It makes me feel better knowing that Iâ€m doing what I can to ensure a positive experience for all involved.  And it might not have been necessary, but  it canâ€t hurt either.

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Hello:) First I want to say thank you for all the great info I've collected from all of you!! This thread is great. I am getting married at the Now Jade april 4 2013 and I'm soooo excited. Of course I have alot of questions and hope everything will be perfect the day of.. but from all your comments it sounds like I have pretty good chances:) I haven't sent out my official invites yet but I have received replys and deposits from my STD. Thinking I'll have 30 ish people at the resort.


I have the Bamboo Room for my reception... will the reception site look empty with 30 people? Would the terrance been a better choice?

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