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OFFICIAL NOW Jade Wedding Thread

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I actually went to do a site visit back in January and talked to Pilar about sky lanterns as well. She said that we couldn't do it because of the resort location, it's a hazard so we couldn't bring it. 



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Thanks for your replies,  Mlite and Shannonmarie.  I just need to stop reading reviews at this point.  Shannonmarie, I think your right. People are definitely more apt to leave a negative review than a positive one.  I unfortunately fall victim to this.


Iâ€m not really concerned about the wedding, I think it will turn out beautifully. Iâ€m more worried about my family and friends that will be making a huge financial commitment. I donâ€t want them to be dissatisfied with their vacation/resort accommodations. I just have to trust my judgment, thereâ€s a reason why I picked Now Jade to begin with.

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Does anyone have any examples of the videos by the hotel videographer? Also, does anyone know how much extra it is to upgrade from divine package videography to have them for the whole day?

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Originally Posted by Vika View Post


Does anyone have any examples of the videos by the hotel videographer?

Also, does anyone know how much extra it is to upgrade from divine package videography to have them for the whole day?

 Check out Now Jade on Facebook, quite often brides post links to their video on there...otherwise I know that if you go back in this thread some previous brides have posted their videos.

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post


Does any frequent tripadvisor.com as much as I do? Since January I have been diligently reading reviews on Now Jade on a weekly/semi-weekly basis, but have become concerned over the past month with the number of negative reviews that Iâ€ve been reading. I read every review with a grain of salt. I know that some people are impossible to please, while others can be too easily impressed.  However, there are more and more negative reviews that are a bit unsettling. Chance are, if these reviews were posted when I choosing a resort, I might have been leary to book my wedding here. I donâ€t mean to put anyone on edge, I guess Iâ€m just hoping for a bit of reassurance.

Hey Choco Taco,


Thanks for bringing this up.  I actually use tripadvisor alot for planning my trips.  I relied on it alot when choosing to visit Now Jade for my site visit.  Being so busy with wedding planning, I stopped checking them as frequently. But when I saw your post, I decided to check them again for an update. I have to agree with you, that lately the number of negative reviews for Now Jade has increased.  I'm quite shocked because I'm not used to seeing that.  In fact, Now Jade usually has pretty stellar reviews on tripadviser.  Alot of these negative are fairly recent (since mid July), but I don't know of any management changes, so it is a little unsettling to see them.


Considering that I rely on tripadvisor for hotel reviews (as do many of my friends), I feel like these types of negative reviews can deter people from staying at Now Jade.  Like you, one of the most important things for me as a bride, is to ensure that my guests have a great time.  Especially since they are making a financial commitment to be there with us on our wedding day. 


Based on my personal experience visiting Now Jade, I never experienced any of the issues that the negative reviews indicated.  However, I felt that they were pretty consistent overall, so it has me a little concerned (particularly, the sanitary ones).  I follow Now Jade on Facebook too, but I don't every see anything bad there, so I'm not really sure what to believe.


I felt the best thing that I could do, is just alert Now Jade management about these poor reviews on Trip Advisor. Since poor feedback can hurt their business, I'm sure they will try to address these issues.  I also noticed that Olivia, the social media rep who usually responds to reviews on FB and Tripadvisor, had stopped responding to feedback on Trip Advisor, so maybe they just aren't aware of them??? Who knows.  In any case, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to alert them of the poor feedback they were getting.  And hopefully it gives them an opportunity to address them on-line, but more importantly at the resort (if there's any truth to them).  


Maybe if other brides do the same, it will prompt Now Jade management to look into the poor feedback.  Just a suggestion!  I sent them a message via their Facebook account (but not on their wall).  I figured a message is better since I didn't want to scare any guests who were checking FB.    Maybe by bring up these poor reviews to their attention, they can do something about it.  Ultimately though, you just have to hope for the best.  Like the other ladies suggested, you have to take these things with a grain of salt.  My hope is that the positive reviews (which totally outnumber the poor ones) are more accurate.  And I also just think back to how good my own visit was, so I think everything will work out just perfect!  :)


If I hear back from the hotel management about my message, I'll let you ladies know.  Please keep me posted too, should you decide to send them a message! Good luck!

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