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OFFICIAL NOW Jade Wedding Thread

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In what order is everyone doing their reception? I haven't really been to many weddings so I am stuck on this! I have no clue how long things will take. Do you usually have the toast before dinner or during dinner or after dinner? What time are you starting dinner? Here is what I have so far:


6:00 reception starts

        Introduce wedding party

        Couples first dance

        Mother son dance

        Father daughter dance

        Some Dancing


7:00 Dinner

        Cake Cutting


10:00 reception ends


What are your thoughts?

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I'm trying to figure mine out as well. We aren't having a wedding party so I'm not really sure if there will be any toasts or not?!?! I'm thinking of having the introduction, toasts (if any), dinner and then start the dancing with the first dance and father/daughter, mother/son and then at some point during the regular dancing cutting the cake. I might switch it around because I am not sure how long my photographer will be staying.


Originally Posted by uhaft View Post

In what order is everyone doing their reception? I haven't really been to many weddings so I am stuck on this! I have no clue how long things will take. Do you usually have the toast before dinner or during dinner or after dinner? What time are you starting dinner? Here is what I have so far:


6:00 reception starts

        Introduce wedding party

        Couples first dance

        Mother son dance

        Father daughter dance

        Some Dancing


7:00 Dinner

        Cake Cutting


10:00 reception ends


What are your thoughts?


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I believe its Adventure Photo -- this website has lots of photos of weddings they have shot and you can check them out by resorts http://www.adventurephotosmx.com/


I know Pilar gave a name during the webinair but I can't remember it...maybe Anthony?

Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post

Does anyone know what photography company Now Jade contracts with? Do they have a website and current portfolio or blog?


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So FI and I have FINALLY settled on a resort and Now Jade has won!  Truthfully he was sold on it from the start whereas I had to check into a few others resorts to make certain we were not going to find something later and wish we had done more research.  Now Jade has been my standard which I have measured other against and while each resort has their own pros/cons I know we have made a good choice and the cons for Now Jade are so minor I'm not concerned.  Now to get a wedding date booked!

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And all this time I thought you were already a Now Jade Bride... Congrats officially on choosing a resort! Let us know when you have a date confirmed.


Originally Posted by Mlite83 View Post

So FI and I have FINALLY settled on a resort and Now Jade has won!  Truthfully he was sold on it from the start whereas I had to check into a few others resorts to make certain we were not going to find something later and wish we had done more research.  Now Jade has been my standard which I have measured other against and while each resort has their own pros/cons I know we have made a good choice and the cons for Now Jade are so minor I'm not concerned.  Now to get a wedding date booked!


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Since Now Jade has been the resort I have compared everything else to I kinda felt like I was already one too!  I really appreciated how easy it was to locate information about the resort (between their website, this website and the BDW webinair) -- this was definitely not the case at all resorts! I'm so excited to join the official Now Jade brides!

Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post

And all this time I thought you were already a Now Jade Bride... Congrats officially on choosing a resort! Let us know when you have a date confirmed.




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Is anyone else having issues getting their wedding date confirmed...we are trying to get January 22nd, 2013 confirmed and I have written a few emails over a week and can't get any confirmation from Pilar!!!  We need to know so our guests can put their deposits in to West Jet by May 9th..ahhh...I don't want to keep bugging her but I really want it confirmed so that we can go ahead with everything!!!

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