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2013 Healthy Brides Challenge - "Get Right for the Isle"


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OK, sign me up!  I'll take my photos this week (yikes)  I def. pushed a little harder at the gym tonight knowing I was weighing in afterwards!

Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post

Hello and welcome - 


A 2013 get right for the isle challenge smile72.gif.


If you are interested in taking this challenge just simply reply to this post with "quotations" and fill in the information. I will be making a excel spreadsheet with the individuals who wish to participate. I will also be updating, and posting it monthly to the thread with any new change in your status. The start date for this challenge is March 15th.  Updates will be every two weeks from March 15th, on top of status updates there will be picture postings each month (optional).


Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy.  msnwink.gif


Name:     _Sarah (Sgreen99)__

Age:        _____29______

Height:    __    5' 11____________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__
Weight         158                  130
Bust:          36"                   34"
Waist:         30"                    25"
Hips:          35"                     30"




Should you come across something that you have tried or currently trying and works, please share with the rest. 


If there is something that I am missing please let me know..


Have fun and Good luck !! cheer2.gif


















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It's a very good app... Creating the spreadsheet I notice me and you basically have the same stats :)

Originally Posted by ANGELA2013 View Post

I thought I would also share that if anyone has an Iphone there is an app called My fitness pal where you can scan what you eat and it helps track your calories.  You can also add friends and motivate each other which I think is great!!!!



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Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post


Hello and welcome - 


A 2013 get right for the isle challenge smile72.gif.


If you are interested in taking this challenge just simply reply to this post with "quotations" and fill in the information. I will be making a excel spreadsheet with the individuals who wish to participate. I will also be updating, and posting it monthly to the thread with any new change in your status. The start date for this challenge is March 15th.  Updates will be every two weeks from March 15th, on top of status updates there will be picture postings each month (optional).


Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy.  msnwink.gif


Name:     _______CW_________

Age:        ________23____________

Height:    _________5'8"___________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__
Weight 150 135-140
Bust: 34 32
Waist: 30 ? (Whatever is healthy)
Hips: 34" Same as above




Should you come across something that you have tried or currently trying and works, please share with the rest. 


If there is something that I am missing please let me know..


Have fun and Good luck !! cheer2.gif






















When is your wedding and where?

Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post


OK, sign me up!  I'll take my photos this week (yikes)  I def. pushed a little harder at the gym tonight knowing I was weighing in afterwards!






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I wanted to add some of the things I have done to lose weight in the past, they have all worked. I was actually doing some of them before I got pregnant last year... Now that she is born I may continue to do them if WW or P90X don't work with my schedule... 


One thing that I did that REALLY had me on the way to a six pack was kickboxing... I lost a lot of weight in the beginning weeks and started to tone up quick with kickboxing. It works your abs out A LOT and avoids you having to do sit-ups.


Another thing I did was juice for 2 weeks, which requires you to only drink (no eating). I did this so I can clean my intestines out (which BTW can carry up to 10 lbs of fecal matter, I know  wtf.gif ). I would not recommend this if you have never fast before because it can make you moody and you are required to drank LOTS of water. I drank things like V8, 100% Juice, I had some juice made with veggie, and I even made some of my own juice. I lost 19 lbs in the two weeks I did it, and gained 2 lbs back once I started eating (not bad). 



I also took salsa classes, which was very fun. The classes are not as easy as they look and I would come out of there sweating. If you can't get your hands on a salsa class you can definitely get a Zumba which is more intense BUT WORKS. I did Zumba for 3 months and I was shredding pounds like crazy, plus my thighs were very toned from "dropping it like its hot" in the class..


Whatever you do just make sure it's healthy and it works for you... If something doesn't work and you don't see any results, try something else because everything is not for everybody.. 

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