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2013 Healthy Brides Challenge - "Get Right for the Isle"


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Hi Ladies - 


I have slacking on this forum and I apologize for it... I have lost some weight, I'm not sure how much cause I haven't weighed myself in awhile. I can tell cause I'm down two sizes. I'm glad to see more ladies joining and I'm anxious to see the results of the ladies who have joined awhile back. I have added all new members and I wish all you guys luck in your accomplishments in life and the aisle. I have attached the spreadsheet. Please provide any results if you haven't already. 






2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle.xlsx

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Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post


Hi Ladies - 


I have slacking on this forum and I apologize for it... I have lost some weight, I'm not sure how much cause I haven't weighed myself in awhile. I can tell cause I'm down two sizes. I'm glad to see more ladies joining and I'm anxious to see the results of the ladies who have joined awhile back. I have added all new members and I wish all you guys luck in your accomplishments in life and the aisle. I have attached the spreadsheet. Please provide any results if you haven't already. 







Two sizes! Way to go!

2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle.xlsx

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Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post

Hi Ladies - 


I have slacking on this forum and I apologize for it... I have lost some weight, I'm not sure how much cause I haven't weighed myself in awhile. I can tell cause I'm down two sizes. I'm glad to see more ladies joining and I'm anxious to see the results of the ladies who have joined awhile back. I have added all new members and I wish all you guys luck in your accomplishments in life and the aisle. I have attached the spreadsheet. Please provide any results if you haven't already. 

Way to go Tashay!


I think I might have to join this thread, I just started working out again this month. I'll get my stats and be sure to post.

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Originally Posted by Peach View Post



Two sizes! Way to go!

Thank you!!


It really has been very hard for me and at one point I was so frustrated cause it didn't seem like I was losing anything so I stop weighing myself. I was doing a lot of workout programs but in the end running is what helped me lose the weight. I cannot emphasis how much I hate running but I did two days of running and lost 6lbs, that was enough motivation to keep going. I'm now up to 3 miles without stopping, which prolly isn't a lot but for someone like me who really hate running it's a lot. I'm hoping to get up to 6 miles by the end of the year, so wish me luck!

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post


Way to go Tashay!


I think I might have to join this thread, I just started working out again this month. I'll get my stats and be sure to post.

Thank you!  I will keep a look out for your post. 

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Yay Shay!! Great job, it's so relieving when you find something that works! Keep it up! I can't open the attachment but that's ok, My most successful thing is saying no to treats! I worked out with a trainer for months but I always justified a treat because I had been working out...that was my mistake. Weight started dropping off when I quit that habit. Ladies, what works for you?

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Hi Ladies!


I came across this forum and HAD to subscribe! My date is August 2, 2013 (same as you Noelle!) at NOW Jade-Riviera Maya. 


I will have to get my measurements and weight but I am about a solid 210+ lbs and would like to get down to about 175. When I say solid, I am referring to being an athlete throughout high school and college and I still participate in sports events when I have the opportunity. Zumba and Kickboxing are my absolute favorite workouts. Shay, I purchased insanity but after trying to show off for the fit test I was sore for the next week and though how in the world would I be able to get through any of the workouts. Food (but not junk food) is my weakness. 


I'm interested in seeing what is working for everyone in the form. Especially diet advice! cheesy.gif

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Originally Posted by DwBride2Be View Post


Yay Shay!! Great job, it's so relieving when you find something that works! Keep it up!

I can't open the attachment but that's ok,

My most successful thing is saying no to treats! I worked out with a trainer for months but I always justified a treat because I had been working out...that was my mistake. Weight started dropping off when I quit that habit.

Ladies, what works for you?

Thank you!!! smile123.gif

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Originally Posted by emilyj View Post


Hi Ladies!


I came across this forum and HAD to subscribe! My date is August 2, 2013 (same as you Noelle!) at NOW Jade-Riviera Maya. 


I will have to get my measurements and weight but I am about a solid 210+ lbs and would like to get down to about 175. When I say solid, I am referring to being an athlete throughout high school and college and I still participate in sports events when I have the opportunity. Zumba and Kickboxing are my absolute favorite workouts. Shay, I purchased insanity but after trying to show off for the fit test I was sore for the next week and though how in the world would I be able to get through any of the workouts. Food (but not junk food) is my weakness. 


I'm interested in seeing what is working for everyone in the form. Especially diet advice! cheesy.gif

Hello and welcome to the post. Congratulations on your upcoming nuputials. 


I also do the same kinds of workout and love them. For me running has helped, and INSANITY is really hard in the beginning. The thing about it is when I first started it I could never finish one video, so I gave up and I began doing other things such as spinning, and kickboxing. I just started running and have now returned to INSANITY and I can actually complete a whole video. It took about two months before I was able to do it but spinning helped me with my legs and my calves because a lot of INSANITY requires jumping. Running has helped me lose weight at a faster rate.


As far as dieting, I'm breastfeeding so I don't stick to a diet in particular. Like you I have a weakness for food not junk food. I can eat a whole bag of carrots with ranch dip which sounds healthy but really isn't because I added the component of ranch dressing. My FI has helped me with controlling my portions. We rarely eat out, so I cook 3 meals on Sunday or Monday for the week and I portion my leftovers into plastic containers for me throughout the week. For lunch I eat whole wheat bread with deli turkey, no cheese and a little mayo. I take a nutragrain bar to work to snack on and I eat either raisin bran or quakers "weight control" oatmeal for breakfast. I drink yogi green tea "blueberry slim life" everyday and I might have one or two cups of coffee a week. Twice a week instead of turkey sandwich for lunch I get a veggie or fruit smoothie for lunch with pistachio nuts. 

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Alight Ladies, Iâ€m officially in! I included my stats and you can see them in the attached.  FYI, I added another column to track Body Fat % and I get this measured monthly.  I care more about this %, than I do about weight in lbs. My hope is to reach my fitness goals by March even though my wedding date isnâ€t until May 2013. My wedding dress is very form fitting and when I go for my first alterations appointment , I donâ€t want my body composition to still be fluctuating when this process starts.






Quick recap on my diet and physical activity. I pretty much went through a 14 month stint were my physical activity was non-existent which is horrible considering that I use to workout 5-6 ways a week. Since the beginning of July, Iâ€ve started the Insanity Workout Series, which I love even though the first week almost killed me.  Also, my Fi and I go on hike every Sunday morning which are typically between 4-6 miles long and range between 800ft to 1500ft of elevation gain. I will start weight/strength training again in August. I strongly recommend incorporating weight training into your workouts. It is a great facilitator when it comes to weight loss and toning up and will have a far more sustaining impact on your metabolism than cardio alone.


So I donâ€t really do diets, but I do believe in eating clean and having 5-6 meals a day and try to be conscience of portion sizes.  I just got back on track with this and I consume 1800 to 2200 calories/day. I have no intention of lowering my calorie intake. Iâ€m ramping up my workouts and need the energy. I am slowly increasing my protein intake to +/- 125 grams/day to accommodate my upcoming weight training and Iâ€m trying to increase my water intake. I only drink alcohol on weekends usually in the form of a vodka press, no beer, wine, or super sweet drinks.


Iâ€m off to a great start, and it sounds like many of you are too. Iâ€m excited to see our progress over the next few months. Good luck and keep up the hard work!

2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle(1).xlsx

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